Always present in the Zelda series, the fate they have guarded the gates of some of the most important upgrades for Link's arsenal, including magical attacks and teleportations capable of subverting the rules of level design. In Tears of the Kingdom, however, they inherit the same function that they had maintained in the previous chapter: by reaching their sources it is possible to enormously enhance the effectiveness of the protagonist's armor, increasing the number 4 which for example sits next to the Hylian tunic up to the astronomical figure of 20 defense points.
However, there is a problem: since the cataclysm hit Hyrule, the Radiant Fairies refuse to emerge from the sources and do not seem to have the intention of arguing with anyone. In Tears of the Kingdom it is in fact necessary to find a way to make them manifest again, completing a long chain of missions which permanently unlocks the possibility of upgrading any of the protagonist's armor by four levels. Welcome to guide to the Radiant Fairies and the orchestra quest in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, which will explain everything you need to know about the topic. Below, however, you will find the link to return to the index of the complete guide of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
The first Radiant Fairy

The first position to reach is lo Forest stabling, just northeast of Guardia Keep, as well as the entrance to the great Hyrule Forest. Not far from this place, as you can see in the image above, there is a Source of the Radiant Fairy. The Fairy, however, refuses to speak to the player unless he allows her to hear a melody. Fortunately, the last remaining members of the traveling orchestra are located right at Stallaggio del Bosco.
However, there is a small problem: they will only speak to one journalist, so if you have not yet visited the Gazzetta Quadrifoglia headquarters you will have to come back later; if you want to know the location of the Gazzetta, just consult our guide to the essential things to do at the beginning of the adventure. All you need to do is reach the stable and repair their cart, after which you will have to connect it to a horse equipped with a towing harness (obtained by reaching 3 Stabling Points) and lead them to the source of the aforementioned fairy. Doing so will start the side quest, and unlock your first Radiant Fairy.

From this moment on it will be possible upgrade any piece of armor at the Fairy, on the sole condition of providing the requested materials and a modest sum of Rupees. Upgrading your clothing makes a huge difference in the combat phase, so we advise you not to underestimate this feature. In case you are looking for particular armor to upgrade, we leave the link to the complete guide to Tears of the Kingdom armor right here.
Second Radiant Fairy

The next Radiant Fairy is located not far from the Nevaio stabling, but before you can awaken it you need to pay a visit to the horn player, who finds himself imprisoned in a deep crater somewhere else entirely. In the image above you can see the exact position of the crater: once you go inside, you will simply have to attach a hot air balloon and a fan to the cart in order to allow the musician to reach safety. after which he will move to the Stallaggio del Nevaio.

The image above shows the Snowfield Stable, east of the Hebra Lands, and the Radiant Fairy's Fountain nearby. All you have to do is go to the Stallage to meet the horn player again, after which - just like you did the first time - give his cart a lift to take him to the Fairy. And with this two are gone and you can upgrade your equipment by another level.
Third Radiant Fairy

The Third Radiant Fairy is located near the Gemini stable, in the Necluda region, right next to the big mountains cut by a small canyon that runs in the middle. Before you can activate it, however, you will have to find the musician holding the drum, and who is currently missing near the village of Calbarico. As usual we have left an image right above with the exact position of the percussionist, who is located right next to the waterfall that leads from the Stallaggio to the Village.

In this image you can instead have an overview of the Twin Stables and the Source of the Radiant Fairy, further south. Unlike the other occasions, in this case you will have to use the Ultramano to create a vehicle capable of transporting the musicians to the other side of the river, such as a small boat. Once you have completed the path in the way you prefer, you can also count on the power of this Fairy.
Fourth Radiant Fairy

We have finally reached the last Radiant Fairy, which fortunately is also the closest to the Guardia Fort: it is in fact located at the Stabling of the Plain, southwest of Hyrule Plain. You will however need one flutist, and the person you seek is hiding in a forest on the side of Lake Hylia. Also in this case we thought - to save you some effort and highlight how beautiful our guides are - to point out the exact position you need to reach in the image you find above.

At this point there is nothing left to do but reach the Piana stables and set off towards the last Radiant Fairy. The terrain here is very rough, so if you want to reach the source unscathed you will have to build a vehicle that uses the large Zonau Wheels, the perfect ones for 4x4, in order to climb the hillside and awaken the Fairy. Now you can finally upgrade any armor up to level 4, but be careful: the last levels of upgrade require an incalculable amount of rare resources and especially Rupees, therefore these are expenses designed for the post-game.