In the options menu, hold down the L + R keys and enter the following codes:
A, X, X, Y
Change music to credits
B, B, Y, X
Unlock secret car
Y, Y, X, X
Instant car explosion
Y, Y, Y, Y
Fast cars
X, X, X, X
Fast cars
B, A, B, Y
Grid mode
Y, A, Y, A
Unlimited energy
B, B, B, A
Adds more camera views
X, X, X, Y
Press the horn to jump
Y, B, Y, B
Psychedelic visual
Y, Y, B, X
Show the odometer
All Cars
Complete the game 100%. In the options screen, hold down the L + R buttons and enter the sequence A, B, A, B. Let go of the two buttons and press Start. Go to the phone booth and press L or R to get the complete list of cars in the game
Enter the options screen and hold down F1, then enter the following codes using the arrow keys (NOTE: this could cause you to crash the game. To avoid this, start a new game and enter the codes in the in-game options screen)
Right - Right - Right - Right
Greater acceleration
Right - Up - Right - Up
Su - Su - Su - Su
All cards (after beating the game)
Left - Right - Left - Right
All character costumes (after beating the game)
Up - Down - Up - Down
All vehicles (after obtaining 100%)
Down - Down - Down - Up
Different camera angles
Down - Down - Right - Left
To drive a toy car
Left - Left - Left - Right
Press the horn to jump
Right - Right - Down - Left
PlayStation 2
Go to the options menu in the main menu, hold down L1 + R1 and type the indicated sequences. A sound should confirm that the code has been entered correctly
X, Square, Square, Triangle
Alternative audio while scrolling the credits
Circle, Circle, Circle, X
Alternative view
Triangle, Triangle, Square, Square
Instant car explosion
Triangle, X, Triangle, X
The vehicle is invincible
Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Circle
Drunk driving
Circle, X, Circle, Triangle
Grid mode
Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle
Super fast cars
Square, Square, Square, Square
Fast cars
Square, Square, Square, Triangle
Super jump (Press the horn with L3 to jump)
Triangle, Triangle, Circle, Square
Circle, Circle, Triangle, Square
Unlock the red brick car
All Cars
Complete the game 100% for once, load the complete file, go to the options, hold down the L1 + R1 buttons and enter the sequence X, Circle, X, Circle. A sound should confirm that the code has been entered correctly. Select the new game and you will start with the complete list of all the cars
In the options menu, keep the two upper keys pressed and enter the following codes:
A, X, X, Y
Change music to credits
B, B, Y, X
Unlock secret car
Y, Y, X, X
Instant car explosion
Y, Y, Y, Y
Fast cars
X, X, X, X
Fast cars
B, A, B, Y
Grid mode
Y, A, Y, A
Unlimited energy
B, B, B, A
Adds more camera views
X, X, X, Y
Press the horn to jump
Y, B, Y, B
Psychedelic visual
Y, Y, B, X
Show the odometer

- pc
- gc
- ps2
- xbox
Exit date: November 21, 2003