Please note:
The solution is based on the American version of the game for Xbox 360, so it is possible to find differences in the Spanish version and / or for other platforms.
First you will have to choose which Smurf you want to use to start the adventure. These will be your choices at the start of the game:
Papa (Papa Smurf)
Clumsy (Tontolone)
Grouchy (Brontolone)
Vanity (Vanitoso)
Later, other Smurfs can be unlocked, such as the dear Smurfette.
They can be unlocked by beating various bosses in the game. Each Smurf will have their own special ability that will be unique to them. To activate this move you will have to press X.
When it comes to choosing your Smurf, you are free to roam around the village. There will be nothing else to do here, other than bouncing off some mushroom-shaped houses or messing with the underwater portal. When you are ready to start the first world, go to the portal in the southern part of the country.
You will notice that the other Smurfs are scattered all over the country and that you can take control of them if you want. When the next level starts, the game will ask you to choose your new Smurf, so it doesn't really matter at this juncture.
Trigger True Blue
Collect at least 50 Berries
Use only Smurfette
The first level of the Enchanted Forest will obviously be the one that teaches you the basic concepts of the game. Before we get into everything that happens within this level, however, it will probably be prudent to quote what is written above in this paragraph.
Each level of the game will have three objectives to accomplish in order to fully complete the level, as well as collecting all the Smurf Coins in each level, which will be similar to the Star Coins used in New Super Mario Bros.
Either way, the first objective box asks you to activate the True Blue Smurf ability. This ability will activate by defeating enemies and collecting potion vials that come from enemies. In the first level, you will encounter two different enemies. It will be beetles and hummingbirds. As in many platformers, to defeat these enemies, you will have to jump on their heads. Jump on their head and then you need to be sure to hang around to grab the vial. At the time of filling the bottle that appears all the time in the top right of the screen, "True Blue" will be activated, which causes all the berries to be larger and therefore worth more in terms of the total quantity of berries that you have collected.
Speaking of berries, these will be scattered throughout the level. If you have 50 fruits, you will complete the second objective. The berries will be very easy to find and collect, but if you are hit by an enemy you will lose all the berries collected so far. It will be a bit like in Sonic, in the sense that when you take damage when you have berries, you lose everything, but you will live, while if you are hit and you have no more berries, it means that you will die. You will have a chance to recover some of your lost fruit after being hit.
When you are hit, you will be enclosed in a small bubble. Press A to exit the bubble and try to collect a lot of your lost berries before continuing. Finally, the last box on the "to-do" list will be to complete this level using only Smurfette. Different Smurfs have to be used for different tasks in this game, but I am in favor of Papa Smurf (Papa Smurf) because I like his ability to freeze enemies, which is very useful in making enemies much easier to defeat.
Unfortunately (at least initially) it will not be possible to fully complete this first level at this point in the game (since Smurfette cannot be used right away. You will have to complete the entire game first!
In any case, this first level will teach you all the basics of the game, when dealing with the various floating books of the level. There will also be small tutorial images with brief explanations. You will find various items, including those already mentioned, as well as mushrooms that have a bunch of berries falling from the sky like an hourglass that freezes all enemies on the screen at once.
Big Red Mushrooms will be used to bounce in higher and hard to reach areas to get Berries and Coins. When it comes to hummingbirds, you will notice that they will move left to right around the various raspberry bushes, so it will be necessary to move in time, just to avoid getting hit. Do you want to eliminate them? Simple, jump on his head!
White flowers can be used to reach higher areas. Just stand on them and they will begin to rise. Beyond all of this, there isn't much more to say about this level, as this is a 2D platformer and all you have to do is move from left to right; it's obvious since this is the first level and there's not much more I can say.
Except for the final part of the level. Gargamel will show up through the ghostly sky portal and blow up the earth in two areas. The explosions will move slowly so you have plenty of time to dodge them. Just keep the left or right side of the screen and you won't be hit when Gargamel fires the explosions in a way that creates three islands, one on the left, one in the center and one on the right.
This will more or less mark the end of the level, save for some berries to pick up along the way. The end of the level will be marked with a red sign pointing to the right. Walk off the screen to complete the first level of the game. Your score and that of your team (what you get when playing co-op) will be recorded.
Maintain True Blue for 10 seconds
Collect at least 75 Berries
Use only Papa Smurf
This level will be much shorter than the previous one, this will only add some threats. These threats will be bees, and they will be annoying. They will always stay in the same place, charge, and then return to their initial place. They will be very fast, so beware. By the way, a little tip regarding enemies, when they have an "electrified" look, it means that they are about to attack, so remember this "pre-move" of theirs, so you will have a better chance of dodging them.

Other than that, the level is pretty straightforward. There will be a section where there is a secret area. You will come to a section where there will be a drop, a red bouncing mushroom, a bee above, and then another drop after the bee. Go down the slope and you will see that it will be possible to move through the central piece of land to find some berries and a coin.
As for the extra goals, it's all self-explanatory, except maybe the first one. To "keep" True Blue, it will be enough to avoid taking damage. One way to accomplish this would be to activate True Blue and then simply sit still, until it runs out.
Free at least 20 enemies
Collect at least 100 berries
Use only Tontolone
Although I prefer Papa Smurf, I only used Clumsy this time because it is very easy to complete the level 100% with him. He fulfills one goal, after all. The "clumsy" ability, is obtained by pressing X, and it does a kind of forward roll. Pressing X in the air will do like a ground bomb dive.
The first goal can be a bit confusing. They say "free" the enemies, but what perhaps "freeing" the enemies could mean is the equivalent of jumping on their heads! The enemies will not be killed exactly, but freed from Gargamel's control.
This level introduces the grasshopper as an enemy. She stands still and then will try to jump into your head. They will be easier to take out than the bee, and this will likely be the easiest enemy you will encounter, aside from the beetles. Meanwhile, there are also red flowers in this level, so jump on them which will then disappear a few seconds later.
You will come to a point in the level where there will be some berries floating in the air and forming an arrow pointing to the right. Collect the berries and then you will have another encounter with Gargamel. This time you will be enchanted by a frog that will spit some poison bubbles towards you.
The bubbles will move very slowly and you can easily jump on them. Avoid the big green bubbles and then you can continue forward. There will be a few more berries to collect, then get to the red sign pointing to the right and then the level will be over.
Free at least 10 enemies
Collect at least 150 berries
Maintain True Blue for 15 seconds
There will be a new platforming mechanic in this level. There will also be a crown that actually appeared a couple of levels ago, which basically works exactly like the star in Super Mario Bros. It will make you invincible for a short period of time and you can only run right to try and take out the enemies. .
However, the level will be very simple and with no new enemy types introduced.
Don't free enemies
Collect at least 100 berries
Score 300 points at the end of the level
This will be the shortest level completed so far. Nothing new will be introduced, except that stretch where you will encounter Gargamel which will blow up the earth several times and you will have to keep jumping to avoid falling through the holes created in the ground due to its interference.
The third objective concerns the end-of-level statistical results which combines all your accomplishments into a single score. Getting 300 points won't be difficult, but since you get points for "freeing" the enemies, completing the first goal of not defeating the enemies and getting all 300 points can be a bit tricky. You may need to do this level a couple of times.
Get 25 points at the end of the level
Get 50 points at the end of the level
Have at least 2 active players
You will have to fight with the frog right from the start. This time he will still have a few tricks up his sleeve. He will shoot his green bubbles and then try to stick his tongue out at you. These moves will all be easily avoidable. It will then jump into the air and try to crush you, and this will be a little harder to avoid due to its speed. There will be a shadow on the ground that will indicate where it will land, in order to have a reference.
When she has done this, she will be stunned with her mouth open. The blue arrow pointing down on the head will indicate that it will be necessary to jump on her to damage her. She will then repeat the cycle of attacks, but will be more aggressive, with two tongue strokes and other attempts to crush you. If you hit her again, she can repeat the attacks for a third and final time.
If all this is going to be a problem, I have discovered a trick to defeat her more easily and quickly. Constantly jump on her head and you won't have to worry about her attacks anymore!
Trigger no True Blue
Use only Vanitoso
Trigger True Blue
With a new world, a lot of new enemies will come, so let me explain what will happen in this level. There will be some pesky mole creatures that come from the earth and pose a threat, there will also be bats around the screen.

These enemies are actually the easiest threats in the level. The most irritating of the new enemies will come in the form of purple beetles. You will have to be very careful when trying to take them out, because you can sting yourself when you try to jump on them.
Gargamel will interrupt the end of the phase by firing three shots on the ground, creating four islands. Again, the explosions will move very slowly from the top to the bottom of the screen, so there will be plenty of time to avoid them. This encounter with Gargamel will mark the end of the level, as you progress to the end of the screen.
Activate at least 3 True Blues
Collect at least 3 Smurf coins
Get 100 points at the end of the level
There will be some new types of enemies in this level. First, there will be these purple spiders that will descend on their webs and then slowly come back up. Then there will be the blue snails that will split into two smaller pieces when you jump on them.
To get the 3 True Blues: take a True Blue, wait for it to stop, then go and collect the vials for a second True Blue, and finally for a third.
Free at least 10 enemies
Collect at least 100 berries
Hold True Blue for 30 seconds
This level will actually be very quiet for the first stretch. There will be nothing of interest until Azrael is sent towards you. Azrael is Gargamel's orange cat who will be on a rock in the background. For some reason, it will drop skulls from the sky on you. You can see where they fall, so you have a better chance of avoiding them.
When Azrael fails to attack you, go ahead and you will find a bouquet of yellow flowers. The yellow flowers, similar to white and red, have unique characteristics about them. The latter will be able to spin around the screen until they stumble upon something, providing very useful platforms for you to cross the woods.
I recommend that you use the Brainy Smurf for this level. He was unlocked by beating the boss in the enchanted forest, and his ability is a super jump that can be activated at any time with the X key (while in the air, press X a second time to reach heights otherwise unattainable with the others!), Taking all berries and coins in this level.
Activate at least 3 True Blues
Taking damage less than 6 times
Maintain True Blues for 50 seconds
There will be a lot of enemies in this level, a lot of leaves will come flying from the right side of the screen, so watch as you move through the level.
You will come to a point where there will be four bees positioned in the center of an area with a coin on top. You will know that you are in the right place, because it will be the only part of the level with the bees. I recommend that you choose Papa Smurf for this level, because you can throw his freeze potion on the ground below them, while everyone will be in their default positions in the center of the area.
When they are frozen, you can "use" them to get to the coin. Just bounce on everyone's heads until you get to the top. The screen on the right will be made up of various stone platforms that will light up like enemies. This will mean that if you walk on them, they will crumble. Afterwards, jump into the wall in order to find a stash of berries that are hidden.
At that point all that remains is to continue walking to the right to finish the level.
Collect at least 100 berries
Use only the "Smart" Smurf
Collect all Smurf coins
The formula should be clear to you by now. This fifth level is similar to level 5 of the Enchanted Forest. Yes, the enemies are different, but for the most part it will be the same story. At the end of the level, Gargamel will return to show up and break in like last time.
The only new thing you need to remember is that the bees will have a new attack, basically they will try to attack you even when you walk under them! I think they have probably always had this attack, but this will be the first time it will actually be relevant because they will be positioned above you in some places during this level.
Get 25 points at the end of the level
Get 50 points at the end of the level
Have at least 2 active players
Azrael is a much more interesting boss than the toad. She will start by trying to destroy you. Use her shadow to dodge her, and then you can jump on her back to deal damage.
The next thing it will do is try to hit you faster, then it will summon a skull that will attempt to come at you. Jump over the skull and then jump again when you bounce on the dresser behind you to avoid being run over by the skull.
She will summon skulls from the sky, but these will be easily avoidable. He will try to attack you again, so as to jump on her. The same operation will be repeated, but at some point, one of its skulls will break the lower drawer.
Go through this drawer and then follow the berries to the top of the cabinet. Jump off the closet at the back of the unsuspecting Gargamel. The cat will not be defeated, but will try to attack again. Avoid her and then jump on her one last time to defeat her.
Trigger True Blue
Collect at least 150 berries
Use only the "Smart" Smurf
And now for something completely different. Up to this point in the game, all levels have been 2D platform style where you move from the left side of the screen to the right side. In this level, the goal will be to reach the top, at the top.

The screen will be constantly moving upwards, so you won't be left behind for too long. Press A when jumping on the many bouncing balls very high to continue. There will be a lot of bees in this level, but they will be easily avoidable.
Another thing to keep in mind (and watch out for) will be the bubble machine that will appear in the center of the level.
Collect all Smurf coins
Free at least 25 enemies
Maintain True Blue for 10 seconds
After the extravagant twist of the last level, this will be back to normal side scrolling, with the addition of the balloons. Of course, at the end of this level the usual Gargamel will break out and make the ground explode, creating 4 islets to cross.
Collect at least 150 berries
Free at least 10 enemies
Do not die
Avoid killing the enemies so you can complete all objectives right away. There will be annoying rats in this level crawling around the platforms, so be careful.
The "evil" Smurfs of Gargamel will trample the ground and this will cause a pile of debris that will fall from the sky. This stuff will be easily avoidable, again, by paying attention to the shadows on the ground.
Collect all Smurf coins
Use the "Strong Smurf"
Break at least 20 rocks
This level will require you to use Forzuto for one of the objectives, because this level will all rely on Forzuto's special ability. He will be able to break many of the gray stones in the level. There will be sequences of enemies in trio for Forzuto who alone will run towards them all. About halfway through the level, you will find a green apple. Push the apple in the center and use it to bounce towards the ceiling to find a hidden Smurf coin.
Immediately after, you will arrive at a point where the bubble machine is present. Go inside the bubble, then step back and go up to the ceiling. You can then find another hidden ceiling and another Smurf coin. There will be another bubble machine right after this one that can be used, but you can also bounce on the frog to get higher. If you use Quattrocchi, you can jump higher and not even use the bubble machine if you want.
Vanitoso and Tontolone in 2 co-op players
Maintain True Blue for 10 seconds
Collect all Smurf coins
Speaking of Forzuto, use it in this level and it will be much easier to complete. There will be a lot of stone blocks to break through, which is sure to make you choose this Smurf. Also, there will be red gems hidden in the blocks that you can grab to kill all the enemies on the screen.
Score 25 points at the end of the level
Obtained 50 points at the end of the level
Have at least 2 active players
Gargamel and his allies will fight against you together! For starters, they will both try to throw candy on your head. Avoid the candies and then the "bad" Smurfs will come down to fight you. Jump on his head, then drop down to attack.
This guy will have two lollipops that swing like baseball bats. Try jumping near the back of his head to deal damage on him. He will lose one lollipop and then you can jump on the back of his head again to make him lose the other lollipop.
They will start stamping their feet to drop stuff from the sky. Avoid it and jump on his head a little more until they are both defeated and you fly away in a bubble.
Have at least 2 active players
Maintain True Blue for 45 seconds
Get 100 points at the end of the level
As in any new world, there will be a lot of new stuff in the first level of the game. For this, you will notice some new blue gems on the ground. The red gems, I remind you that they were used to kill all the enemies on the screen. The blue gems on the other hand make the platforms visible so that you can use them.
You will have to be fast in this level. Hit a blue gem and then just go on normally, otherwise if you are not fast enough, the platforms will turn and become transparent, so you will fall and die. New enemies will be introduced, such as a giant crab, but they can be easily defeated simply by jumping on its head, like the other enemies in the game.
Gargamel will show up in order to blow things up as usual. This time it will hit the left side of the screen more, so just stay in the middle and you should be able to avoid its hits.
Don't free enemies
Free at least 20 enemies
4 players in co-op, using only the "Smart" Smurf
A new thing will be added to the blue gems in this level. This time you'll have to flip the platforms both inside and out in order to advance through the level. You don't have to solve any puzzle solving or anything else. Just touch every blue gem you see and everything will be fine.
Take no damage
Free all enemies
2 co-op players only use Smurfette
This level will be quite difficult. Basically there will be a mess of enemies with Gargamel. The latter will charm a polar bear who will then summon big blue things from the ground. Look at the ground to see a dust indicator and try to avoid the blue spikes that will rise. In the end, the best place is to stand in front of the polar bear!

You can actually just blow up, using Vanity, so hold X and keep doing his special move to be completely safe, or use the "Smart" smurf to avoid the spikes with ease.
After meeting the polar bear, the level will not be finished yet. You will have to go a little further, where you will find a lot of rotating stone platforms, Super Mario World style. Ride the ones to the right and then jump to more fragile platforms. If you are playing co-op, you will need to be in sync during this section or you will lose a lot of lives and berries.
Collect at least 300 berries
Score 250 points at the end of the level
Use only the strong smurf
This level will be surprisingly short and won't actually add much to the formula of the previous three levels. There will be a bird's nest which can be used to bounce to higher places, but which will be just like the other inflatable objects you have already encountered.
2 co-op players using only the Smart Smurf
Collect at least 150 berries
Get 100 points at the end of the level
Another short, easy level, albeit with enemies tough enough to defeat. There will be no demanding platforming challenges to worry about. Gargamel will appear, speak for only a second and then disappear back into his portal.
Get 25 points at the end of the level
Get 50 points at the end of the level
Have at least 2 active players
The fight with the polar bear will be easy, but the latter will have a variety of moves not indifferent. It will initially attempt to throw you some blue ice spikes, but easily avoidable, even as they increase in intensity. His other attacks are: the warhead he will execute until the last round, where he will start his attacks from the left, then from the right, then from the center.
The bear will also shoot ice breath. It will be possible to avoid the ice breath simply by jumping on it. The bear will then take a trip on the ice and you can jump on its face to damage it. With each turn, his attacks will double and he will become more aggressive. Keep jumping on its snout, until it stumbles on the ice. The last time when you jump on the muzzle, then you will have to jump on it to defeat it.
Free at least 10 enemies
Collect at least 50 Berries
Use only the "Joker" Smurf
Considering that the first level of all other worlds is characterized by a lot of differences and new enemies, this first level of the Lava Jungle will only add the largest version of enemies already seen. Gargamel will make its typical appearance at the end of the level.
Free at least 20 enemies
Collect at least 75 Berries
Maintain True Blue for 10 seconds
This level will introduce balancing platforms. If you are playing alone then these will be irrelevant and will not really mean anything in the level. In co-op, however, it may be necessary to work together a little better in order to complete the level quickly.
Free at least 20 enemies
Collect at least 50 Berries
Maintain True Blue for 30 seconds
This level will introduce the rocks on the balance beams that will need to be pushed. There will also be the Phoenix boss who will be introduced. This dude will shoot fireballs, but again, they'll be easy to avoid. Then, just move out of the marker on the ground to avoid being blown up by fireballs.
Don't free enemies
Collect at least 150 berries
Maintain True Blue for 15 seconds
I don't even know what to say at this level. Just go to the end and try to avoid hitting the enemies so you can complete the first objective.
Don't free enemies
Collect at least 175 berries
Use only Tontolone
You have probably noticed the purple bulbs here. I haven't mentioned them before, because they didn't show up in large quantities up to this level. When you jump on them, they will bounce left to right. Press A again to be thrown out of the bulb in whatever direction it is, kind of like Donkey Kong's barrels.
Get 25 points at the end of the level
Get 50 points at the end of the level
Have at least 2 active players
Ready for a fight with Phoenix? The Phoenix will shoot fireballs that can be avoided by observing the differences between them. It will also make a flamethrower attack from its mouth which will cause a fire and spread across the screen.
Jump on his head when he falls to the ground. To deliver the final blow, you'll have to jump on his head twice. As always, whenever you damage the Phoenix, its attacks will become more aggressive.
At the end of each boss fight, a gift will appear in midair. Typically, when you see this sign, it will mean unlocking another Smurf! For this time, he will actually destroy every blue block in all levels. You've probably noticed the big blue blocks in each level before, but now that you've defeated the Phoenix, you can go back to the old levels and get Smurf coins that were impossible to get before.
Papa and Clever Smurf in 2 player co-op
Free at least 10 enemies
Trigger True Blue
I was hoping for another vertical level! Oh good. Meanwhile, a new type of platform will be shown here. This will make you move in all kinds of directions. If not, there will be no new enemy strategies or really anything else in particular.
The end of the level will be characterized by a further encounter with Gargamel in which he will cause explosions almost everywhere, with the exception of the far right part of the screen. Just go there and everything will be fine. This time it will create a group of small islands.
2 player co-op, using Forzuto only
Free all enemies
Maintain True Blue for 10 seconds
I spoke too soon! Yes, this will be another vertical level and it will be quite difficult if you want to complete all the objectives.

Strongman has a barbell that he can use to throw it like a boomerang bullet to defeat enemies, as well as break the gray blocks of this level. Remember, the camera will always be moving from bottom to top in this level, use the cupcakes to jump higher.
Free at least 20 enemies
Collect at least 100 berries
Maintain True Blue for 10 seconds
There will be a lot of bees in this level, but the thing to remember is Gargamel. Before you get to him, however, pay attention to the many platforms along the level.
About halfway through the level, you'll take a look at what Gargamel wants to do to this world. The latter will try to hit you with his wand. Where the shot will be projected will be indicated by the cursor on the ground.
Send the cursor over an empty area to trick him and he will hit the ground. Do this enough times and then Gargamel will eventually electrocute himself! Then you can continue with the normal level.
Free all enemies
Do not die
Maintain True Blue for 60 seconds
This is going to be a pretty challenging level. We will try not only to free all the enemies in the level, but to do so without ever dying and keeping True Blue for 60 seconds!
Do not die
Take no damage
Get 100 points at the end of the level
This level will be very short, but also quite difficult. I recommend using Tontolone, as long as you don't care about getting the berries. When you complete the level, you will have to deal with him, yes, Gargamel!
Get 25 points at the end of the level
Get 50 points at the end of the level
Have at least 2 active players
We have finally reached the final battle with Gargamel! In this fight, Gargamel will try to hit you with the usual shocks on the ground, trick him to electrocute himself, so that he can in turn jump in the head and cause damage. Here he will also try to hit you with lightning. Choose Clumsy because his dodging ability will make this really easy.
Gargamel will also slam her hand to the ground and then sweep to the left side of the screen, but this will be easily avoidable. By jumping on his head three times, Gargamel will be defeated and the Smurfs match will be won!
But it doesn't stop there! Now you can go back using Smurfette and revisit all those levels that had those annoying blue blocks (created by Gargamel) to get all the Smurf coins!
Click here to see the entire video solution of the game!

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Exit date: July 18 2013