Please note:
The solution is based on the US version of the game for Nintendo Wii. There may be divergences from the Spanish version and / or for other platforms.
Below, the missions that make up the prologue.
Yen Sid's Lab - Mickey's House
Approach the television, interacting with it to enter Yen Sid's laboratory. Approach the table in the second room. Jump up, using a spin attack on the glass jug, using the apprentice's hat. Go up the stairs, taking advantage of the brooms. Double jump across the ravine, then along the wall. Go past the mirror.
Yen Sid's Lab - Starry Path
Heading west, pick up the panel. You will now have to draw a path that goes to "walk" the stairs. Press the R2 button to "spray" some paint towards the path visible in front of you. Paint the star to the south. Go down again, towards the rock platform. Paint the comet to the north. When the rock rises in the area, paint the path in front of you. Paint the comet to the west, then the star to the east, then the comet to the west again. Continue to the next rock platform, paint the comet to the south, then the star to the south and the one to the north. Paint the comet to the south, then walk the path straight in front of you, entering the mirror.
Yen Sid's Lab - Mickey's House - Second Visit
The goal here will be to remove the illusion. Press L2 to start using the cleaner, then using it on Mickey's kitchen wall. Exit the house. Clean all the brooms that emit the water, therefore all the panels on the wall. Clean the golden base of the telescope, creating a path that proceeds upwards. Use a spin attack on the vessels receiving water, then proceed upward. Use the cleaner again on the brooms that emit water, then on the circular glass with an associated stain, revealing the presence of a mouse that was previously hidden. Use paint on the missing part of the wing, then work your way up.
Clean up all the floating spheres, then use the paint on the edges of the remaining hemisphere. Use the hemispheres as platforms to jump to the opposite side. At the fourth, use the paint on the last of the water-emitting panels, revealing a treasure chest. Jump to the balcony. Use the paint on the panel, picking up the treasure; therefore, use the cleaner to reveal some E-Tickets.
Episodio 1: A Family Reunion
Below, the missions that make up the first episode.
Dark Beauty Castle
North, jumping towards the raised area of the ravine. So double jump to the opposite side. You will now have to look for Hydrangea. Call Oswald once you reach the intersection, then press and release the circle button to throw him into the air. You will create a path that proceeds upwards. Stand behind the platform visible in the air, south of the intersection. Call Oswald, telling him to throw Mickey Mouse up. Double jump to reach it. Take Willie's hat from the treasure chest. Go up to the door, hit one of the gears while Oswald hits the other. Continue inward. Hit the crates behind the columns, grabbing E-Tickets. Drop down, paint the switch next to Gus, grab the remote using Oswald's Boomerang. Jump to the next open door, grab the turnstile handle, walking forward to cause the elevator to rise.
The next goal will be to wake all the machines - Oswald will have to position himself next to them, then using the remote control next to the charging panels. Use it first on the northwest car. Swerving to the southeast, you'll have to grab the switch on the right, then pull. Then press R2 to create a "shock", hitting both electrodes. To the northeast, the little mouse will have to paint the cable just above the car. Oswald will be able to charge the car using the remote control. Now walk the path towards the courtyard, also jumping along the platforms in the center. At the third one, jump to the platform on the south wall, grabbing the coins from the chest. It will now be necessary to walk through the courtyard; make your way straight in front of you, encountering the first enemies along the way. You can choose whether to make friends with them or destroy them.
Then climb along the debris to the southwest, reaching the roof. Walk through the debris to the north corner. Blast Oswald up, using the propelled ears. Mickey will be able to "catch it", and both will be able to fly forward. Approach the door, exiting. It will therefore be necessary to use the fireworks to create a path to the train. Take the fireworks, taking them to the yellow mark, next to the rails. Tell Oswald to start the fires using the remote.
Mean Street - Sud
Talk to the train driver. Clean the stairs leading to the station, revealing the presence of a path. Proceed along the path to the west, going around the back of the station, and then reaching its front area. Go down the stairs, talk to Seth. Visit the museum, talking to those present. At the general store, buy the watch, then continue to the nearby hole to enter the basement.
Mean Street - Underground
Move to the ravine, telling Oswald to jump and use his wings for propulsion. Tell Mickey Mouse to carry you forward, using the air jets to increase your altitude. Free the gremlin from the cage, using Oswald's remote control and a spinning attack from Mickey Mouse. Proceed east to the north exit of Mean Street.
Mean Street - Nord
Enter the cinema, talk to the pig. Then enter the Penny Arcade, talk to Flynn (the Gremlin). Enter the shop, talk to Adelle. Talk to Jamface, next to the statue. Take the remains of the metal, giving them to him to repair the mill. Enter the mill. Clean the south walls, enter the tunnel, continue cleaning. Climb to the path outside, clearing the platforms leading to the elevated level. Get the car out, locating the fireworks. Take the fires to the lower level, lighting them near the door next to the Gremlin, revealing the entrance to the DEC. Proceed.
D.E.C. 1
Move the sphere towards the goal. Jump onto the platform, hitting it with a spin attack, and causing it to rise. Jump to the platform on the left, wait for it to come down, then jump on the balloon and wait for it to go up. Paint the clock, and the book. Right, take the crate and paint the box. At the wheels, continue to the left, then letting yourself fall down. Erase the red book, get the conceptual art in the area below.
Go up to the left. Clean up the train, jump off. Clean out the pink box, take the bronze fragment from the box. Left, jump to the platform above, then move it with Oswald's remote control. Make your way to the turtle, moving the orb to the target below. Follow the elevated path, take the contents of the crate, then continue towards the exit to reach OsTown.
Talk to the station chief, enter the house to the east to talk to Moody. Talk to Gus. It will now be necessary to take three pumps, scattered throughout the city of OsTown, and place them on the nearby three platforms. So use the fairy painting to get to the platform above, then use Paint or Oswald's electricity to continue forward. When the platform "lands", take it with you by pressing the X button.
The position of the various pumps is as follows: a first is located in the river to the south-east, a second on the roof of the large building to the west, a third is taken by making a double jump to reach the house on the far left, thus following the roof of Ortensia. Then talk to Goofy to get the "Pump it Up" pin. Load the pump, place it on the platform. It will therefore be necessary to work with Oswald to bring the turnstile towards the entrance of DEC. Take the turnstile visible on the "new" opening, then make your way to the lower OsTown area. Oswald will be able to reprogram the access panels, using his remote control. Use this skill to retrieve nearby objects. First paint the missing gears near the southwest corner. Use Oswald to reprogram the mechanical Dodo. Then take the golden fragment in the chest to the west.
Video trailer su Wasteland
D.E.C. 2
You will enter the tunnel. Proceed to the right, then jumping up and to the right again. Clean the book on the right, then jump to the Jack. Continue to the left, passing the lava, retrieving the silver fragment from the chest.
Back to the right, jump up, then continue to the horn, then left to the wheel. Jump to the colors on the left, turn the wheel to cause the bridge to lower. Grab the silver pin, then head back to the right. Climb along the colors, reaching the path at the top right. Use a spin attack on the keyboard, arriving at the chest containing the bronze pin. Right again, jump on the balloon and paint the book on the right. In case you fall, tell Oswald to use the remote control on the charging panel, activating the pool machine.
Climb up, jumping from mallet to mallet, reaching the saxophone. Jump to the platform next to the saxophone, activating it. Go down and clean the ring around the hammer, dropping it. Right, go down the path, picking up the conceptual art. Return to the elevated area. From the area next to Bambi, tell Oswald to throw Mickey, then jump to the left. Climb onto the target on the ground, releasing the cage. Take the silver brooch from the chest. Clean the box by taking the crate below. Right, up to the exit.
Rainbown Falls
South, towards the invisible ink fountain. Jump into it, becoming invisible. Walk down the corridor to the east, then south to avoid the sensor. Use a spin attack on the south door, opening it. Follow the path to the room in front of you. Use Oswald's Boomerang to get conceptual art. Go back to the room to the north, cleaning the door to the east. Bring the fireworks to the west door, lighting them to open the door. Come in.
Jump to the paint geyser visible to the north to reach the lower level. Clean the first yellow wall, then take the bronze coat of arms from the chest. Then clear one of the yellow walls to reveal a trapped Gremlin. After freeing it, clear the only yellow rock inside the solvent-filled rock formation in the center of the room. Climb the fallen rock, arriving at the indelible ink well. Jump into it, then walk through the nearby wall to the west. Jump on the balancing rock, then clear the ceiling above. Proceed to the elevated area, suggesting Mickey Mouse jump on Oswald. Paint the rock and the chest to find a silver crest. Remove the paint from the other rock, jump on it. After the short cutscene, approach the car to the northwest. Tell Mickey Mouse to pull the lever, while Oswald will have to use the remote control on the charging panel.
It will therefore be necessary to reactivate the projector substation. Repair the car first, carefully using the broken pipes around the room. As a first goal, we recommend taking the fires from the machine to the south, taking them towards the fan to the east. Turn them on to proceed into the area, then kick the tube to fix it. Now pull the lever. The second phase sees you starting from the west; paint the gears on the platform on the right, while causing the platform on the left to rise. Move the large tube to the other tube that "emits" blue paint. Then connect the pipes by "pressing" the pipe on the wall towards the large pipe leading to the central machine. Jump to the platform to the south to reach the elevated area.
Take the tube on the left, pushing it to the right. Go back to the car in the center. Tell Mickey Mouse to pull the lever, while Oswald will have to use the remote control on the charging panel. Enter the projector.
Projector: Building a Building
Let's start in the left area: proceed progressively upwards, attacking the lever with a rotating kick, to cause the grid to descend. Go back to the elevator. Perform a spin kick while in the elevator, at the same time as the other player, to carry yourself upward. Keep going up, using another spinning kick on the lever, to create a platform to the left. Get carried up, jumping on the platform. Jump to the next beam, making it move to the right. Continue like this, then letting the next beam move to take a "Building a Building" type film. Drop down, exiting across the screen.
Now let's move on to the right side: make your way upwards, attacking the whistle with a spinning kick, making the worker awake at the top, creating a path that proceeds upwards. Head to the elevator, then perform a spin attack at the same time as the second player, to get carried away further. Climb up, jump across the floor using the plank with springs, then exit through the screen.
Rainbow Caverns
You will need to find a way to proceed along the cave. Make your way north, reaching the emblem on the ground. Place Oswald on it, causing the path of swords to rise to the north. Tell Mickey Mouse to walk along it, paying attention to the enemies who will throw solvent - use the paint to make them your friends. Paint the angel statue, then walk the path to the southeast and retrieve some additional items.
Now go back to the entrance, throwing Oswald into the air. Tell Mickey Mouse to hang on to Oswald, proceeding to the furnace labyrinth. To get past it, turn the first gear to face north. The next to turn north. Then again the third and fourth, in the same mine. Take the path to the west. Paint the pipe northwest. Enter the cave, take the brooch from the chest. Head back southwest, making Oswald throw Mickey Mouse towards the pipes above. Proceed towards the center, taking the club. Flip the switch to disable the maze.
North, use the key to turn the bolt in the center of the platform, opening another path. Enter DEC to visit Disney Gulch.
D.E.C. 3
Here you are back at the tunnel. Clean out the book on the right, reaching the chest with the coins. Clean up the box, jump down. Use the three nearby panels to shoot some paint at the spinning duckies. Travel to the left until you reach a platform with a target associated with it. Jump on it to get some E-Tickets. Jump again, proceeding to the elevated area. Repaint the book. Get closer to the xylophone. Move the ball down to the target. Go back to the left, on the xylophone.
Left again, towards the ball. Drop down, pushing the sphere towards the raised platform, to the target on the right. Head back up to the spinning shoe. Climb on it, continuing to jump sideways, up to the raised platform. Jump from here to the left. Clean the box, continuing to the left to get to conceptual art. Go back to the top right, passing the various colors that "hang", to arrive at a platform with a charging panel.
Tell Oswald to use the remote control, to proceed to the platform on the right. Continue to the right again, to the goal. Jump on it, starting a reaction near the back play area. After the cat is gone, jump to the platform on the right to reach a silver crest. Go back to the left, past the spinning shoe and the ball. Drop down, then left, dodging the various shoes. Paint the front area of the clock to the left, then jump over to a chest containing a silver pin. So go out towards the falls of the angel.
D.E.C. 4
Here too, you will find yourself inside a tunnel. Proceed to the right, clearing the wall to reach the car, then the ceiling to drop the sphere towards the target. Get carried up by the balloon, taking the bronze pin from the chest on the left. Go back to the left, go up, clean the box next to the piano. Let yourself fall back, clean the nutcracker on the right. Jump straight ahead, press the ball down to the left, then jump to the left. Paint the nutcracker, waiting for the ball to arrive. Move it towards the goal. Climb up, inserting the plug into the crate on the left. Right, jump across the various colors and open the chest.
Jump to the orb, then right, dropping to the right of the crate. Take Conceptual Art No. 34, right. Jump down, then left towards the balloon. Get carried up, then right, use Oswald's remote control on the panel, making yourself carry to the right, and moving the ball in the same direction. Jump down, use the remote control on the panel, move the sphere towards the target, then climb up. When the sphere stops moving, move the target to the right. Go right too, so tell Oswald to throw the mouse in the face, grab the crate and go out through the door.
Projector: A Night on Bald Mountain
Let's start with the front path: use the "rotating" attachments to turn on the various lamps. Right, then wait in the lower right area of the cemetery; the player in the back path will have to hit the lever that opens the door. Then use the various platforms to reach the area at the top right, then arriving at the exit. We continue with the back path: use the rotating attacks to destroy the walled windows. Right, jump to the tower and grab the E-Tickets. Right again, hit the lever to open the door. Always right, use the windows as "steps" to get to the platform at the top right. Hit the lever below. Drop down towards the exit.
Disney Gulch
To the north-east you can recover a first portrait, near the entrance. To the northwest you will find a second one, thus completing the quest "Encyclopaedia Pictures". Therefore, proceed first to the south-east hall, painting its front to open the door. Press the battery ball inwards, towards the train. Then press the ball-battery towards the pool, in the center of the playing area, towards the train.
Clean the cactus visible near the water tower until only solvent remains in the pool. The tower will fall. Repaint some of the blocks, then move the battery ball towards the train. Now paint all the skulls near the air ducts. Get closer to the rock, taking advantage of the geysers to the north. Get carried up, cleaning the panels above, revealing a Gremlin. Your "reward" will be closing a pipe near the salon.
You will therefore have to jump on the train to reach the entrance to the mad doctor's laboratory.
Disney Gulch - Part Two
Here you will have to cross the garbage bridge to reach the mad doctor's laboratory. First use the solvent on the guardrail to the southwest. Then jump to the platform below. Paint the various platforms, recovering conceptual art. Return to the central area. Clear the guardrail to the southeast, go down the platforms again. Clean the wall, revealing a car. Use Oswald's remote control on the charging panel. This will create an alternate entrance to the doctor's lab via the head mouth of the Jimminy Cricket.
Then cross the bridge of garbage, jumping on the nearby plate. After he gets close, jump to the hat, then to the tennis racket, and then to the clock. Then go down, moving along the path and recovering the 100 units of skin. Go back to the top of the clock. When the book is down, jump on it. Get carried up, painting the rock and jumping on it. When the southern platform has lowered, jump on it and continue south. Use Oswald's remote control on the panel, then stand out on the uphill platform, arriving at a crate containing the work shoes.
Projector - The Old Mill - Prima Parte
We start from the left path: start to proceed, hitting the first lever. Jump up and proceed through the nest. Hit the platform at the top starting from the right, creating a path that proceeds upwards, starting from the left. Proceed to the exit. Continue along the path to the left. Wait for the other character to jump over the pile of straw on the platform to the left. Continue to the right, taking the film. Drop down towards the exit. We pass to the right path: go straight, then hit the first lever causing the rotation of the hooks. Jump from platform to platform. When / if you see little mouse on the path to the right, double jump to retrieve the 100 E-Tickets. Always ahead, place yourself on the straw platform on the left, letting your friend proceed.
Projector - The Old Mill - Second Part
Again, we start from the left path: straight, using the jumps to destroy the sparkling areas. Turn right as soon as you come to an area with several trampolines. Jump to the sparkling floor, grab the golden ticket, then walk through the nest to the exit. We pass to the path on the right: jump on the swing to allow your partner to pick up the golden ticket. Keep going up. At the crossroads, proceed to the right, then upwards. Jump to the elevated area of the mill. Right, take the film. Continue to the left, then exiting downwards.
The Mad Doctor's Lab
You will be immediately "greeted" by a boss.
Boss: Blotworx Dragon
During the first phase, you will have to "clean" all the areas protected by the armor, colored in green and yellow, which surround the upper half of the Dragon. When his hands are about to hit the platforms, quickly jump into the air to avoid taking damage. Having destroyed his armor, shoot the organic creature inside using your cleaner. You will therefore pass to the second phase; the dragon will begin to use its tail to attack. We recommend continuing to shoot at his armor with the cleaner; when he lowers the tail end, you will have to run in the opposite direction. Having removed all the armor, a tall Blotling will appear from the back - shoot this too with the cleaner.
Moving on to the third stage, the Dragon will create a path to the elevated area. Walk through it, while painting the armor you cleaned up earlier. Once complete, tell Oswald to use the remote control on the nearby panels, opening a hatch that contains a Blotling. Shoot it using the cleaner.

Episodio 2: A Small Mistery
Below, the missions that make up the second episode.
Mean Street - Sud
The initial goal is to reach Bog Easy, then make your way to Blot Alley.
Talk to Laralee in the museum. So, with Horace Horsecollar and Tedsworth inside the detective agency, starting the next quest.
Mean Street - Underground
Follow the two "new" platforms floating above the ravine.
Mean Street - North
Talk to Paulie inside the ice cream shop, starting the "Bunny Wranglers" quest. So bring to the cinema all the films (2D) that you have obtained so far. By placing yourself next to the statue, you will then be able to see a searchlight (to the north-east) that will lead you towards OsTown. The northwest projector will take you to Bog Easy, the west one will take you to Ventureland. To continue with the story, you'll need to choose Bog Easy as your destination.
Bog Easy
Jump across the swamp, using the alligators as platforms, then hit the spider to stun it. Run to the area it came out of. Paint the access panel next to the door, then tell Oswald to use the remote to make the spider itself "friendly".
So talk to Metairie to get some leftover metal. Jump to the roof to save the Gremlin. Enter the shop, then exit to the right. Proceed to the Beetleworx Replicator to the southeast. Stun the spider using the fairy, then paint the access panel. Then use Oswald's remote to reprogram the access panel. Defeat the rest of the mechanical enemies. Enter the following long building, using Oswald's powered ears to jump along the crocodiles. Press the two levers on the sides of the building, opening the door. Jump on the boat, then remove the paint near the door above.
Enter the boat, grab the treasure chest, then exit and head to the old town to the south. Approach the Beetleworx Replicator. Then use the TV and the fairy to distract the Beetleworx, while painting the access panel and using the remote control on it. You can then proceed along the path towards the alley "Blot". Then enter the projector.
Projector - The Skeleton Dance
We start from the back path: proceed to the right, avoiding the skeletons in the initial areas. Stand on the first tombstone. Jump to the right root as the skeleton pushes the grave into the air. Jump to the next root on the right, then grab the film on the next one. Always right, avoiding the dancing skeleton. Wait for the character in the front area to stand on the corresponding stone. Jump up, then right, and get the 100 tickets. Right, jump into the ravine. Jump to the roof of the mausoleum, then hit the bird to reach the tickets to the right of the dancing skeletons. Go straight out.
We continue with the front path: take to the right, moving between the two skeletons. Always right, then avoid placing yourself on the tombstone, as one of the skeletons will jump on it. When he then "pushes" the next one, jump to the right, and continue forward. Jump to the next stone when the character walking along the "twin" path does. Then go back to the left, entering the path behind the small tombstone. Hit the switches, opening your way forward. Right, towards the exit.
Blot Alley
Go back to the projector, then going east. Take the Teddy Bear Fragment. Save the Gremlin, then head back to the invisible ink fountain to the west. Jump into it, slowly making your way down the path, painting the Spatter to make it friendly.
Jump over the solvent, approaching the dumpster near the south wall. Jump onto the dumpster, then grab the bear from the adjacent platform. Then paint the cardboard surrounding the ink fountain, creating an invisible fountain. Jump into it, continuing slowly west and always painting the spatters. When you reach the southwest platform, take the chest. Next, hit the charging panel to the north, causing the key to rotate. Press the key "from behind", throwing it towards the door. Paint the fountain with ink, creating an invisible one. Climb onto the raised platform, arriving at a chest. Tell Oswald to use the remote control on the charging panel, grabbing a fragment of the bear. Continue along the alley to the north. Approach the shapeless cluster by painting it. We therefore recommend hitting the nearby lamps to get some recharge. Use the cart to get to the raised platform.
Jump west, grab conceptual art from the northeast corner, then continue west. Paint all the Spatters to make them friendly. Go up the path to the west, arriving at the roof. Paint the Spatter inside, taking the teddy bear fragment. Drop down, then west. Bring the fires east, then light them to cause the door to open. Jump over the debris and grab the teddy bear fragment. Use the remote control to open the gate. Now head south, jumping on the raised platform to reach the piece of teddy bear. So, west, jump on the dumpster to get to the skull. Grab it, then move to the entrance to Club 13. Ring the bell.
So make friends with the three Blotworx. Ring the bell again to get the metal back, enter the projector.
Projector - Music Land
Starting from the back path: As a team, jump to the left and grab the tickets. Then right, dodging the searchlights. Jump into the clouds, grabbing the film. Right again, hit the music area with a spinning kick, then drop down the pipe to get to the exit. Continuing with the front path: right, dodge the falling bullets. Use the cymbal as a "platform" to get to the path at the top right, then continue to the right. Use the cymbal again to jump over the trees, so continue to the exit.
Train Tunnels
Paint the tracks, then jump forward dodging the various cables. Then clean the wall to the east, locating a trapped Gremlin. Then paint the missing fragments of the arms of the clock tower. Paint the front of the clock tower. Head west, climbing along the platforms to reach the top of the tower. Turn the gears on its back. Jump onto the moving platform, arriving at the rafts. Paint the electrical system visible on the wall. At ground level, move the tracks next to the cart so that the cart can get to the door. Continuing to the northwest corner, paint the area above the door red, allowing the Blotworx to enter. Another one will appear: use the fairy to stun him, then the spin attack to remove his armor. Tell Oswald to stun him with the remote, then jump on the red switch to reveal the Blotling inside; paint it to make it friendly.
Once on the ground, move the piece with a spring associated with it, dodging the sparks. Clean the mural near the east wall, then use the airflows to reach the elevated area. Follow the walkway, then move the "hanging" piece to the east, placing it in the right area.
Jump on top of the monster, recovering the fragment of conceptual art. Turn the gear to the ground so that only the left and right towers are connected to the switch. Jump on the switch until all the lights in the tower to the left turn on (green). Turn the knob again to the ground so that only the towers in the center and right are connected to the switch. Jump on the switch, until all the lights in the tower to the right are green. Turn the gear on the ground so that only the tower in the center is connected to the switch. Jump on it, making all the lights in the central tower green.
So, from the end of the walkway, jump down to the platforms to the south, grabbing another official drawing. Exit south, then use Oswald's thrusters to overcome the ravine. Enter the projector.
Projector - Music Land
Let's start from the back path: proceed to the right, dodging the falling bullets and jumping on the boats. Then go along the pipes to get to the elevated area. Right; near the battery, make one of the two characters act as a "weight" to throw the other upwards. So jump along the horns, then on the pipes that come out from the right, then on the smaller pipes, recovering a film.
Go back to the left, jump on the switch, then grab the tickets to the right. Hit the switch with a spin attack, descending towards the exit. We continue with the front path: right, jump along the floating tools, until you reach the exit.
Fort Wasteland
Proceed north from the entrance. Collect the two drawings, then jump into the cave below to get the chest. Continue west, up the path where the toy soldier is on patrol. Stop the stopwatch, allowing Oswald to activate the charging panel using the remote. Repeat the procedure with the stopwatch in the opposite area. A path will open through the tree, enter and paint the various enemies, using the clock to help you. Collect the chest behind the waterfall, then return to the stopwatch near the starting area. Climb up the nests near the west wall, going up the tree. Paint the roots, creating a platform that runs along the bull's head. So, starting with the bull, paint the tree to the southwest, and jump on it.
Then jump northeast to the tallest tree. Jump to the trapped Gremlin to the north. Grab the tickets, then continue northeast to enter the fort, grabbing a bottle of milk. Pull the lever to ground level, revealing the presence of some charging panels. Use Oswald's remote to charge them.
You will now have to paint the Blotlings that will come to the area, with the aim of becoming their friends. A Slobber will appear immediately: paint his mouth while inhaling. Paint in his mouth while inhaling. After he inhales enough paint, you can become his friend. Then use the solvent on the debris to the northeast, revealing a path that leads to the "key" room. Save the pig inside. Paint the other gears in the south wall. Continuing towards the right side of the path, deactivate the stopwatch, using Oswald's remote control to restore power, opening the path to the east.
Once inside, use the solvent on the structure that "holds" the boat, then repaint it to recover a part of the conceptual art. So load the stopwatch to be able to enter the front area of the fort. Jump over the sleeping bear, grab a piece of the clock. Jump along the west side, climb the bottles on the north wall, recovering a crate with some paint. Also take the coin inside.
Then continue northeast, telling Oswald to throw Mickey up. So jump along the nests to get part of the clock. Return to the fort by entering the projector.
Projector - Building a Building
We start from the elevated path: right, jump on the tube to get to the top. Right again, landing near the elevator. Ring the bell, then go straight ahead. Swap the characters now, then always right, creating a path that proceeds forward. Jump along the crates that "hang", arriving at a film. Go down the shaft, hit the switch, jump into the pipe and proceed to the right. Hit the switch again causing the pipe to rise to the right, then dropping yourself across the screen, and pressing the switch again to stop the flow of water. Exit through the screen.
We pass to the lower path: take to the right, making a rotating attack towards the whistle, so that the worker causes the wheel to move. Proceed along the path to the right, then onto the following platform. Continue towards the raised area, ringing the bell together with your "companion", with whom you will now exchange roles. Right, grab the tickets from the platform. Right again, projecting yourself towards the path above. Hit the switch, opening the door. Wait near the small waterfall, then take the tickets to the right. Continue up, reaching the tube, to then reach the exit.
Use Oswald's remote control on the access panel, opening the door, then chasing Prescott. Follow the next platforms, then go down to the ground level. Use the solvent on the pirate's left leg. Enter his chest, painting the gears. Use the platforms to get to the upper right area of the head. Use Oswald's remote control on the charging panels, then paint the doors where the two birds will enter.
Follow the path west. Once near the door, tell Oswald to throw Mickey up, so that he reaches the platform to the east, where a clock can be located. In case you fall, continue south, clearing the path forward using a spin attack on the two levers (they must be hit at the same time). After Oswald reprograms the access panel, use his thruster ears to proceed down the ravine, opening the next door. Jump to the side of the ship, reaching the southwest area. Go up to the door where the Beetleworx will come out, paint the cables and reprogram the access panel. Push the cart down, making it reach the panel near the turtle.
Paint the cables around the two carts, thus activating the charging panel, using Oswald's remote control. Use the same remote control to open the chest in the ship, recovering the boots from Gremlin. Climb the south wall, grab the painting. Proceed inside the path that leads you to DEC 5, arriving at Fort Wasteland.
So take the fireworks east, where Beetleworx opened the path. Return to the ship's entrance, crossing the ravine thanks to Oswald's ears. Proceed north, painting the platforms. Jump forward, arriving at the Gremlin on the east wall. Then north again, enter the next chamber, turning the turnstile to proceed north-west. You will now need to be able to proceed inside Prescott's hideout.
Swerve northeast by painting the access panel. Use Oswald's remote to reprogram him, thus becoming friends with Beetleworx. Also paint the generator so Oswald can turn it on with the remote. Jump into the invisible ink fountain, then onto the next floating panels, arriving at the platform in the northeast corner. So, make yourself invisible, then proceed slowly to the platform in front of the roof of the house. Pick up the nearby projector.
D.E.C. 5
Left, jump across the platforms until you get to the large wheel. Tell Oswald to throw Mickey at the horns above. Jump on the horn, arriving at the platform on the left. Proceed to the right along the horns, thus taking the silver brooch from the chest. Always left, still running along the xylophone. Jump up, grab the conceptual art from the top left corner. Now right, grab the bronze pin from the floating platform. Drop down, then continue to the Fort Wasteland exit on the right. Take the bronze brooch. From this other entrance, move the sphere to the left, onto the box. Then right, along the xylophone, activating the machine.
Video - Debut Trailer
Projector - The Band Concert
We start from the elevated path: right, dodge the debris. Stand on the roots, while the pigs cause them to fall. Hit the dog with a spin attack, knocking him down to the lower path. Right, position yourself on the same root as the pig, causing it to fall into the barrel, and also causing a tree to fall. Jump on the pig, arriving at the platform with the notes visible above. Travel along the platforms, picking up the film. Drop down, then right towards the exit.
Now let's move on to the lower path: right, dodge the debris. Retrieve the tickets at the top, then right again. Move the cow to the left, making it create a note-shaped platform. Jump onto the platform itself to reach the tickets on the left. Then right, jump into the pipe to get to the exit.
Projector - The Old Mill
We start from the path on the left: proceed upwards, jumping along the platforms. Use the "hanging" platform to get to the raised area. Continue to the right, placing yourself on the floor just above the golden ticket. Grab it, then continue up, left, right, use the spider web to proceed forward. Continue to the right again, taking the film. Let yourself fall down. We continue with the path to the right: walk up the street, using the cobwebs as a support. Jump across the platforms, using the hay for support. You will come to a platform that moves in an "angular" way: make your way up, pass the nest, place yourself on the floor next to it to break it, then exit.
Prescott's Arena
Boss: Prescott Animatronic
During the first phase, your goal will be to fill the tank on the back of the Animatronic, using either paint or solvent (not both!). When bullets are fired at you, use a spin attack to knock them back. Generally speaking, the more you fill the tanks, the faster the boss will become. We highly recommend using the clock to slow down time - either when the Animatronic turns away from you, or to fire a large amount of paint and / or solvent as quickly as possible.
When the enemy has reached the second form, hit the orange projectiles with spinning attacks. When he starts shooting larger pieces at you, stand on one of the six metal panels on the ground. When the shadow begins to form, move sideways, dropping the debris, which will break the panel. Then paint the gears that will appear, and activate all the panels. The battle will thus be completed.
Episodio 3: Into the Depths
Below, the missions that make up the third episode.
Blot Alley
Talk to Ian. Therefore, you can proceed along the shortcut that starts from the first area, to directly reach the final area, or Floatyard.
Talk to Kip, the Gremlin at ground level. He will ask you to take a photo of the cargo for him. The cargo can be located in the southwest area, near the entrance to the DEC. So go back to Kip, who will ask for a photo of the cuckoo clock. Then go back along the path that starts from the entrance, passing the area with the two clocks facing each other. From the west side of the tunnel, take a picture of the pipes on the ceiling, between the two clocks.
So go back to the Gremlin, which this time will ask for a photo of an old wolf grinning. The wolf's head can be located on the far side of the path leading to the battery - he "holds" the last of the batteries. The last request will therefore concern the photo of two twins in the shape of eggs. The photo can be located in the north-west area; we recommend locating the Tweedledum and Tweedledee directly on the west wall. So go back to Kip, getting 250 E-Tickets in exchange. So take a picture of the Beetleworx in front of the pirate shop, near the southwest area.
Your objective in this area will be to return to the construction area. You can collect suggestions from both Daisy and Smee. We recommend asking Daisy. Start talking to her, getting hints regarding the finding of a lost gear, which was previously used for the elevator. He tells you to retrieve pieces of Hook's clothes from the treasure chests around Ventureland.
From the entrance to the cellar, you can proceed to the lower-central area of Ventureland. Jump on the cruise boat, letting yourself be carried forward. Clean up the elephants in the area, then enter the house to the north to retrieve some conceptual art as well as a laboratory uniform. Return to the jungle boat, entering the cave to the east. Clear the southern skull jaw, freeing the skull and creating a platform. Jump along the boats to the north. Clean the wooden planks under the huts, creating a path that proceeds upwards. Jump down, enter the house on the left, open the chest at the bottom and get a pin.
Talk to Pete Pan, then use the invisible ink to get over the waterfall. Swerve to the left, using the invisible ink to repair the crane. So use Oswald's remote control on the charging panel, while Mickey Mouse will take care of painting the gears. Follow the path to the right, then to the door above. Enter the projector.
Projector - Mickey's Service Station
We start from the back path: proceed to the right, avoiding electricity. Climb along the cars, to get to the roof. Using Oswald, use the propellant ears to get to the nearby E-Tickets. Enter the next house, hitting the electrical box to turn off the electricity, destroying the house. Use the saw on the lumber to reach the golden ticket above. Head right, through the roof, to the next building. Continue to the right.
Continuing with the front path: proceed to the right, dodging the electricity. Get on the machines, which you can use to reach the tickets above. Go up the stairs, then jump on the wooden plank to project yourself to the golden ticket above. Right again, using the last car to get to the roof of the building, retrieving the little mouse gas station. Drop down towards the exit.
Approach the large machine in the center of the play area. Use the anvil on the circular platform on the ground, telling Oswald to reprogram the access panel. Then jump to the trapped Gremlin, free it to get access to the path of the fireman's shoes. Having taken them, clean the treetops to the west, then get Oswald to help you reach the area near the first official picture.
Go through the tunnel to the west, then move sideways. So paint the floor to be able to proceed safely. Pull the lever, opening the path to the outside of the tunnel. You will now need to try to travel to the second Guardian Siphon. You will have to reprogram two access panels here. Go through the tunnel to the north, enter the side, pass the solvent puddle using the tires as platforms. So use Mickey and Oswald at the same time to pull the levers, thus approaching the north-east area. Clear the lower part of the large stone to the north. Climb up, painting the path to the third guardian. Then enter the alcove near the south wall to locate the last space where you can place a painting. We recommend using the stopwatch, telling Mickey to place himself on the "circles", then jumping sideways when the flow approaches.
Then enter the cave to the south. North, get the pearl in the chest. Tell Mickey and Oswald to turn the gears, opening the solvent blanket. So go back to the control tower, near the first game area.
Pick up the gold pin on top of one of the fountains leading to the projector.
Projector - The Mad Doctor's World of Evil
Let's start from the back path: first proceed to the right, hitting the object above Jimmy Cricket's head, to cause his tongue to drop. Now right, jump along the pipes, proceeding along the lower path.
So jump on the machine that will be lifted by the crane, arriving at the path at the top right. Hit the switch to cause the platform to rise. So let yourself fall down, then deviate to the right. Jump on the car, following it up. A second one will approach, jump further and walk up the elevated path to retrieve the Mad Doctor film. Go down again, entering the car on the right, dropping into the path below. Climb onto the giant vessel. Jump on one of the switches to the right, reaching the golden ticket. Continue right towards the exit. We continue with the front path: head to the right, hitting the Mad Doctor to launch it towards the path at the back. Go through the platforms, avoiding the Solvent Geysers. Jump onto the conveyor belt, but avoid entering the nearby car. Hit the switch using the Mad Doctor, making the golden ticket on the back accessible. Right again, dodge the electricity and jump across the giant jar.
Jump on one of the two switches on the right, while the other player will have to position himself on the other switch, then going to reach the golden E-Ticket. Continue to the exit on the right.
The Mad Doctor's Attic
You can now choose whether to reprogram or destroy. We recommend that you choose reprogramming. It will first be necessary to paint the wires on the east wall. So also paint the wires on the floor, to create steps leading to the west wall. Then paint the access panel, so Oswald reprograms the replicator below. Jump across the platforms, paint the platform and access panel on the east wall.
South, go past the wires, paint the gears on top of the door, causing the platform to extend. Paint the last access panel so Oswald can reprogram it. So go and meet Jamface, near the door that leads to the basement. You will then go and retrieve Ohana's ring from Jamface. So paint the sandbags above the access door. Starting now from the third access panel, use the propulsion ears to get to the end of the play area, recovering the 100 leather fragments, as well as a silver pin.
Enter the projector. You will be led in front of the final boss.
The Mad Doctor's Ride
Boss: The Mad Doctor's Ride
During the first phase, your goal will be to paint (or clean) the red eye in the center of the hand. Pay attention to the moments when it will "aim" towards the ground, moving quickly as soon as it reaches the ground itself. When the hand moves above you instead, move to the side to prevent it from catching you. To get additional life points, you will have to destroy the sweets that appear on the screen.
The floor will then begin to turn - pay close attention to these movements to avoid falling into the nearby ravine. Moving on to the second phase, you will have to paint (or clean) the masks surrounding the Mad Doctor's car. We recommend using the "sketch" of the clock, to make everything easier. Having completed the cleaning job, Oswald will have to reprogram the access panel, near the guardian siphon. So jump on the machine to the west, proceeding to the next area. Be sure to retrieve the snow globe near the giant glove. Continuing to the next zone, you will have to repeat the same strategy as before. In this case, the doctor will attack you more aggressively, so we recommend that you be more on guard during the defensive process. Then enjoy the final scene!
Video Solution - Playlist
Click here for the playlist!
Video Solution - Fifth part
Video Solution - Thirteenth part

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Exit date: November 21, 2012