Please note:
The solution is based on the US version of the game for PlayStation 3. There may be divergences from the Spanish version and / or for other platforms.
Saiyan saga
Mission 1
To complete this level it will be necessary to eliminate all enemies. The mission is intended as a training. We recommend that you follow the commands in the sequence that will appear on the screen, freeing yourself from the red dots that will appear on the map, corresponding to the Saibamen. Press the right trigger to "lock-on", then use the right stick to select the enemy. Having killed all the Saibamen, you can move on to the next lesson.
Mission 2
The elimination of all enemies is also required here. The Saibamen will be slightly more complex to eliminate here, due to the frequency with which they will fire their bullets (higher than the previous time). You will simply have to keep killing them, until they stop their flow. Raditz will therefore arrive on stage. It will be the first "difficult" fight that you will have to face: the main method to facilitate it is to hit the enemy without following any particular "techniques", until your energy bar has passed its half and has started to flash. You can then activate your special move. When Krillin gives you the OK, you will have to press Y and B at the same time, starting the Kamehameha.
Mission 3
The goal of the mission is to defeat Piccolo. You will find yourself in the role of Gohan, busy "training" with Piccolo. During the early stages, you will have no hope: Piccolo will dominate you and you will have to just suffer. After a short time, Tien, Yamcha and Krillin will arrive on the scene to help you. Target Piccolo's clones initially; when your colleagues start talking, you will have to stop each attack, as speaking "signals" that your shots will fail. Begin by giving Krillin some of your energy (to "lock-on" one of your allies, you have to click with the right stick). After a short time, Yamcha will be KO'd. Approach him and lock-on to bring him back to life. Use the nearby object to heal it. So continue to fight with Piccolo, taking advantage of the attacks that will come to you in the meantime "taught" by the game. Once the fight is complete, a large energy portal will appear in the sky. Carry out a lock-on, then repeatedly pressing the keys that appear on the screen, so as to fully use all the energy accumulated in battle.
Mission 4
This is a "simple" fight against Nappa and Saibamen.
Mission 5
A second fight against Nappa; this time however the opponent will prove to be considerably stronger. Also, as soon as Nappa's HP has halved, Vegeta will also arrive on the scene. It is not necessary to defeat Vegeta, we recommend ignoring him, letting him float along the top of the screen and focusing all your energy on Nappa himself.
Mission 6
The goal of the mission is Vegeta's defeat. Unfortunately, you will not defeat him in his "standard" form, but in his "transformed" version, that is, as the Great Ape. The battle against the "standard" Vegeta will turn out to be quite simple, as it is an opponent similar to Nappa. Instead, the battle against his "mutated" version will be considerably more complex, as each part of Vegeta's body is meant to be a "separate" enemy - each of them has its own energy bar.

Your goal is therefore to avoid getting confused by this fact: it will be necessary to keep hitting the "main" enemy, without wasting your energy in trying to decrease the "life points" of the other parts of the body. In this way, the time it takes to defeat the enemy will decrease drastically.
Mission 7
The goal of this level is the simple elimination of all enemies present. Unlike previous missions, you will take control of the "bad guys" here and have to fight the "good guys". You can more or less freely choose your "favorite" villain, the only condition is that it is included among those you have unlocked so far. Fortunately for you, the single goal is to halve Goku and Piccolo's HP bar: you won't need to reduce it to zero.
Mission 8
The objective of the mission is to pulverize all enemies in the vicinity. Your primary objective will be the elimination of the "Z Fighter", excluding Goku and Piccolo. When you have eliminated them all, you will be sure to win.
Mission 9
The goal, also in this case, is the destruction of all enemies in the surrounding area. You will have to pay particular attention to the evolution of Goku's attacks: he will become progressively stronger the more you decrease his life-point level, so you will have to focus your energy on avoiding his blows when he increases his strength. The initial stages saw Nappa fight exclusively, while this time you will have to defeat Goku, Krillin and Kid Gohan at the same time. Goku is the most powerful of the three, while the other two can be defeated with ease.
Mission 10
The objective in this level is to defeat Gohan in "Great Ape" version. The fight, as a whole, is identical to the fight against the "monkey" version of Vegeta - however, even in this case, you are going to impersonate a "villain". We recommend using the same strategy as in the previous case, trying to hit only the main part of the enemy's body repeatedly, so as not to disperse your forces among all the possible "areas" of the opponent's body.
Video - Boss Trailer
Saga in the Freezer
Mission 11
The goal of the mission is to eliminate all enemies in the area, similar to many missions you have already faced. Here you will meet Freeza's "cannon fodder", the Frieza soldiers. They are completely identical opponents to the Saibamen.
Mission 12
To complete this mission you will first have to eliminate the Ginyu forces. You will fight them one at a time, which makes the challenge relatively "easy". Opponents will be aided by a handful of Frieza soldiers - we recommend that you ignore these soldiers completely, focusing only on the "main" enemies. The first of the two Ginyu - called Gurd - is endowed with remarkable teleportation skills, we therefore recommend eliminating it by mainly resorting to bullets. The second opponent, Recoome, is more "traditional" - we simply recommend getting close to him and hitting him repeatedly.
Mission 13
You will see it here with Jecie and Burter, the two Ginyu following the first 2. As seen for the previous level, it will be good to ignore the Frieza soldiers present in the area, focusing instead on the "main" enemies. Burter is an opponent who specializes in melee, so we highly recommend finishing him with indirect hits (bullets and so on). Jeice is a traditional opponent and luckily for you he will "fly away" after you cut his HP bar in half - the fight will therefore last half as long as expected. It is possible to chase it, but this does not allow you to gain any advantage, so we advise not to do it.
Mission 14
You will have to deal with another "part" of the Ginyu group. As seen in previous times, the best strategy sees you ignore the Frieza soldiers, letting your AI-piloted comrades take care of them. Instead, focus your attention on the captain and Jeice to minimize the time required to complete the fight.
Mission 15
This is an intermission fight, before starting to fight against the three new "versions" of Freeza. Get rid of Freeza's henchmen in the usual way, but pay more attention not to lose too many life points, so you can easily face the battles that follow.

Mission 16
The goal is to defeat Frieza's first form, or to resist his blows for at least 3 minutes. The "strength" of Freeza in this specific case is remarkable, it is able to kill you with very few hits. You will have to pay particular attention to its purple bullets, they can kill you on first impact - you will have to avoid them at all costs. As for the option that sees you "let it pass" 3 minutes, we recommend that you avoid considering this as a "goal": you could risk taking a huge amount of hits from Freeza. An aggressive strategy always "pays off".
Mission 17
The goal will be to defeat Freeza in a maximum time of 5 minutes. You will face Freeza's "final" form here and have a total of five minutes to finish it. Your goal will be to fill up your "bar" of energy as quickly as possible so that you can use Kamehameha. Repeat this procedure two more times to defeat him. From the defensive point of view, you will have to prevent Freeza from being able to use his projectile attacks, so try not to make him move from a "corner" where you locked him.
Mission 18
After the last terrible missions, here we are with a simpler mission: you will take direct control of Freeza here. The only real peculiarity of the fight is that your enemies will have the magic beans available: their real "HP bars" will therefore be triple what you normally see. Try not to be too "liberal" with your life points during the early stages of the game, so as to have enough to resist the enemies even after you have exhausted the first two HP bars.
Mission 19
The goal, also in this case, is the elimination of all enemies in the area. The fight will take place against Goku, Vegeta and Krillin. At the moment, you don't have the skills necessary to fight Goku, so we recommend focusing on Krillin (when he appears on the scene). Defeated Krillin, Goku will transform into Super Saiyan - and also for this reason we told you not to fight him, as his HP bar will return to the maximum. However, you will have to defeat SSGoku. The character is a real "clone" of Freeza: we therefore recommend defeating him using the same tactics applied to Freeza.
Mission 20
This is the second part of the fight against Goku in the Super Saiyan version. The fight is completely analogous to the second part of the previous one.
Android Saga
Mission 21
The goal will be the elimination of all the opponents scattered around the playing field. The first part of the challenge must not be taken seriously, it is a "warm-up" match. You only have to really start fighting after Trunks arrives on the scene. Contrary to what you might guess, we recommend defeating "standard" opponents first, and only switching to Trunks later. In fact, he will transform into Super Saiyan immediately after you have defeated his "standard" form, and you will still have to continue to fight him: in those moments, having to see her even with his helpers would be of great inconvenience for you.
Mission 22
You will see it primarily with Dr. Gero and Android 19. Android 19 will be placed in the rear, firing bullets at you, while Dr. Gero will take care of the protection of Android 19. You should therefore initially focus your attention on Dr. Gero , as if it stays alive you won't be able to easily terminate Android 19. Given its remarkable mobility, we highly recommend the use of hand-to-hand rather than bullets. Killed Gero, throw yourself at Android to finish him in speed - his HP and defense level are noticeably low.
Mission 23
Here you will have to face Android 17 and 18. The two Androids do not have complementary strategies (as was true for Android 19 and Dr. Gero), so you can freely choose the order in which to face them. The general tactic will be identical to what was seen for Android 19.
Mission 24
To finish the level you will either have to be able to defeat Cell, or be able to survive his attacks for at least 3 minutes. If you manage to defeat him before three minutes, you will get extra points that you can spend near the shop. The opponent's strategy will be "particular": he will spend most of his time dodging your blows, thanks to his remarkable speed. Consequently, it is advisable to "spam" a large amount of bullets at him - when one of these bullets hits him, you can quickly get close and deal some direct hits.
Mission 25
This is one of the most complex missions you will ever face. The first objective to overcome will be to fight against Android 16 and 17. The first of the two will prove to be a tough nut to crack, thanks to its ability to use particularly effective melee moves. The second can instead be finished more easily, and for this reason we advise you to focus your attention on him during the initial moments: so you can later use all your "firepower" on the most mangy opponent.

Having defeated both of them, it will return to Android 18 zone. We recommend ignoring it, since the fight cannot bear good results in any way. In fact, after a short time, Cell will return to the area and attack her to "absorb" her body. During the fight between Cell and Android 18, we do not recommend approaching them - any attack from Cell in those moments could in fact directly KO you. Following Cell's takeover of Android 18, it will turn into its "Perfect Form" version. His strength level will be similar to that of Goku Super Saiyan and / or that of the "terminal" form of Freeza. As usual, an excessively "cautious" approach to combat will never bear fruit, so we recommend that you prefer a maximally aggressive approach.
Mission 26
The goal of the mission is the simple elimination of all enemies on the map. You will have a maximum time of 15 minutes, which should be more than enough. The first, simpler wave of opponents will be Cell clones - they are "standard" soldiers, similar to the Saibaman. Destroyed these enemies, you will have to review it with Cell Perfect Form. The elimination tactic must be the same as in the previous mission, but always try to keep an eye on the timer so as not to exceed 15 minutes.
Mission 27
The goal of this level is the elimination of all androids. You will first have to take care of finishing the androids 17 and 18; as for the previous levels, also in this case the "order" of elimination is not important, since their abilities are not complementary. You will then have to deal with the first "form" of Cell. Compared to all the other forms, this Cell will not be particularly powerful, so you can finish it without major worries.
Mission 28
For the umpteenth time, the goal is the destruction of all enemies in the area. Here you will take control of the "bad guys": you can freely choose the group of bad guys to play with, and then deal with the Z fighters. You will have to fight four of them in total: Piccolo, Tien, Krillin and Yamcha. We recommend eliminating the strongest first and leaving the weakest at the end, so as not to risk dying "quickly" due to lack of HP. It will therefore be good to fight Piccolo first, then Tien, then Krillin and finally Yamcha.
Mission 29
The goal of the mission is to finish off all enemies in the area. The first wave of enemies pits you against Super Saiyan Goku and Super Saiyan Vegeta; we recommend focusing your shots on Vegeta, when his HP is low enough, Gohan and Piccolo will come on the scene and Goku will leave - and you won't have to fight him anymore. So use the remaining energy to KO Vegeta, and then only deal with Piccolo and Gohan as a last resort - they are particularly weak and the damage they inflict will always be minimal.
Mission 30
The objective of the mission is to defeat Cell, the last of the series of enemies you will face. You will take control of the Androids, and you will have to - in sequence - eliminate Super Saiyan Vegeta, Super Saiyan Trunks and the second form of Cell. First get rid of the Saiyans, who are the main problem. When they are no longer present, you can focus all your attention on Cell, so as to eliminate him quickly.
Mission 31
The objective of the mission is, also in this case, to finish all the enemies. You will take control of Cell, and immediately have to fight the Super Saiyan version of Goku. Having defeated him, you will unfortunately have to deal with an entire team of Super Saiyans, namely Gohan, Vegeta, Trunks and Android 16. We recommend that you focus immediately on this last enemy, with potentially much more harmful blows. When you have canceled it, you can "easily" move on to the next opponent. The last opponent to face will be Gohan in SS2 version. The optimal combat strategies to finish this opponent will be identical to what was seen for Perfect Cell.
Saga Buu
Mission 32
The objective of the mission is to defeat Dabura; starting with the early stages, the fight will be essentially no different from a "standard" boss fight. Unfortunately for you, however, when you manage to reduce his HP bar in half, he will heal himself by returning his health points to full. The difficulty of the fight will not increase, but anticipating this event, we recommend a defensive approach during the early stages, so as not to unnecessarily "waste" life points that will later prove essential.
Mission 33
The objective of the mission is to eliminate all enemies in the area. You will initially see her with Majin Vegeta and Dabura. Having finished them, Majin Buu will join your group - no other special effort will be required on your part.
Mission 34
It will start with a "standard" fight against Majin Buu - his level will be identical to what was seen in mission 33. You will defeat him very easily, but this will not coincide with the end of the mission: in fact, Majin Buu will "split" into several little Majin Buu. The duration of the fight will therefore be prolonged - we recommend focusing on only one Majin Buu at a time, so as to reduce the total number of Majin Buu that you will face in a given moment. Once the five Majin Buu are finished, you will have to deal with Evil Buu, yet another transformation. The combat strategies to finish this character are similar to what was seen for Cell, so we recommend following the same tactics.
Mission 35
The objective of the mission is the defeat of Kid Buu. Its peculiarity is the remarkable defensive capacity at its disposal. You will therefore have to prefer a strongly offensive approach to the battle, so as to minimize the amount of time in which you will be "exposed" to the enemy's blows.

Mission 36
The mission objective sees you either defeat Goku SS3, or survive for at least 3 minutes. You will take control of Majin Buu. Get your group of characters to focus on Goku SS2 in the first few moments. When his HP bar reaches half the total, he will transform into Goku SS3. The fighting abilities of this character are identical to those of Evil Buu, encountered during the previous level - his strong point is the remarkable defense ability, which you will have to try to "unhinge" by resorting to a strongly offensive strategy.
Mission 37
The goal of the mission is to successfully deal with consecutive waves of opponents. You will first have to deal with Goten and Trunks - in their "standard" version, that is, as children. Since these are children, you can finish them quickly. The problems will come later, when the two transform into Gotenks: after taking a few hits, Gotenks will transform into a Super Saiyan, eventually becoming a level 3 Super Saiyan - and Piccolo will also arrive on the scene to give them a hand. . Also in this case, as seen for the two previous levels, a winning tactic consists in preferring a strongly offensive approach: finish Piccolo first to avoid "annoyances", and then release all your firepower (preferably by accumulating a good super) on Gotenks.
Mission 38
The objective of the mission is the elimination of all the subjects present in the game area. The first stage sees you fight against Ultimate Gohan, SSGoku, Piccolo and Tien. A weak to strong procedure is recommended; although it is the opposite of the philosophy we have followed so far, it is a more convenient approach for this specific mission, since the power of Buu allows you to eliminate most of the opponents very quickly.
Mission 39
Also in this level you will be required to get rid of all the opponents in the area. The sequence you will have to follow will be SS3Goku, SS2Vegeta, and therefore Majin Buu. Unfortunately, it is a very complex battle: two of the opponents (SS3Goku and Majin Buu) are particularly strong, especially SS3Goku. Therefore, focus all your attention on him, especially during the initial stages: you will have to eliminate him as quickly as possible, minimizing the number of shots he will be able to deliver, otherwise your group will almost certainly be eliminated. If you manage to finish SS3Goku immediately, the rest of the mission will be a walk, Majin Buu and SS2Goku are opponents you have already faced.
Another Age
Mission 40
You will find yourself faced with a huge amount of Saibamen, which you will have to try to kill very quickly, as several waves will arrive in the area - which will partially overlap. The strength of the Saibamen will increase as the waves "progress", ie the last waves will be more powerful than the first: we therefore recommend a conservative strategy during the early stages, and then instead increase the propensity to attack / offensive.
Mission 41
Very simple mission: you will take control of Freeza and his allies in a fight against Vegeta, Nappa and Raditz. You already know them from the first saga, and their skills are low level.
Mission 42
The mission is analogous to mission 40; however, instead of the Saibamen, you will find yourself facing groups of Freeza soldiers. As with the Saibamen of mission 40, these soldiers will get stronger and stronger as the mission continues, so it will be necessary to minimize damage during the early stages and maximize firepower during the latter.
Mission 43
The goal is to eliminate the Ginyu: Jeice, Recoome, Gulda and Burter. Although the amount of enemies may seem too high, the combat will not turn out to be complex, as each of the Ginyu will not be particularly strong. We recommend starting from Gulda, moving on to Recoome, then Burter, and finally Jeice and Ginyu. In this way, you will eliminate the most dangerous opponents in the initial stages, leaving the most harmless subjects in the final stages.
Mission 44
The mission requires the defeat of Bardock. The first part of the mission sees you taking care of Bardock and the four Saibamen nearby. Once this is done, you can move on to Bardock. After a brief initial fight, Bardock will transform into ape - like other enemies of the genre, you will have to fight with his "body parts" and hit his "core" when he is stunned by the loss of one of these parts. We recommend a very proactive combat tactic, as you will not have other opponents in the way.
Mission 45
The objective of the mission is peculiar: you will have to defeat Freeza, but to do so it will be necessary to use an "Ultimate" type move. It will be necessary to fight at the same time with the first, second, third form of Freeza, to finish with its "final" form. Don't worry about the length of the fight, its remarkable duration is completely natural - and it also makes it easier for you to succeed in your goal, which is to use an Ultimate move.
The long duration of the fight allows you to accumulate a lot of energy in the appropriate bar, and therefore have the certainty of being able to perform an "Ultimate" move. You will be shown on the screen how to carry out the Ultimate; after completing the sequence indicated therein, you will have to repeatedly press the B key to "accumulate" the energy, so as to create the Genkidama Sphere above you. After you have launched it, the mission will be considered complete!
Footage - Second Japanese Trailer
Extra Age
Mission 46
Given the experience accumulated so far, Coola should prove to be a very simple opponent. Given the absence of defensive or offensive peculiarities of the subject, we recommend a strongly offensive approach, so as to unhinge his defenses without problems.
Mission 47
Here you will have to defeat the "final" version of Cooler, different from the previous version. Its strong point is the melee, so we strongly recommend that you prefer the use of bullets in your "treatment" of Cooler.
Mission 48
The goal of the mission is the destruction of the Meta-Cooler. Despite its initially scary appearance, the battle against the Meta-Cooler is analogous to the battle against the "Monkey" version of the Saiyans: in practice, the Meta-Cooler is divided into various "zones", and you will have to take turns focusing on only one of these areas, without touching the others. Managing to reduce the HP bar of a "part" of the Meta-Cooler to zero will cause it to be immobilized for a short time, thus making its "main" HP bar vulnerable to its attacks. In this way you could be able to "finish" the enemy even without having to pulverize the parts of his body one by one.
Mission 49
The objective of the mission is to defeat Broly. As with other battles of this genre, you will have to try to ignore at all costs the Saibamen present in the surroundings, trying instead to aim solely at Broly - he is the main "source" of damage to your characters. Unfortunately, as soon as you clear his "first" form, he will quickly transform into Super Saiyan Broly. This opponent is characterized by a very remarkable defensive ability: your strategy must be completely offensive, to be able to finish the opponent in the shortest possible time.
Mission 50
The objective of the mission is the elimination of Hirudegarn. Even this opponent is technically a "copy" of the Great Monkeys: you will therefore have to aim sequentially at the individual parts of his body, destroying them one by one and hitting the "central" part of the enemy after you have also eliminated all the other parts.
Special Age
Mission 51
The first part of the challenge will be a simultaneous battle against Raditz, Nappa, Bardock and Vegeta. After defeating them, you will have to deal with Goku Super Saiyan, Vegeta Super Saiyan and Broly Super Saiyan. The latter will turn out to be the most difficult enemy, so we recommend starting your "elimination process" from him. When you get rid of them, you can easily devote yourself to the rest of the enemies, since the major "source of damage" will have been nullified.
Mission 52
The "Special Age" is a saga where history no longer plays a predominant role, and is replaced by the "particularity" of the fighting. In this mission, the first wave of enemies will be represented by Freeza, Coola, Ginyu and the Freeza soldiers.
The fight may initially seem insurmountable, as every time you defeat a member of the Ginyu party, he will be replaced by a "new" Ginyu. During the first stages, you will therefore have to get rid of the soldiers Ginyu and Freeza. You will therefore have to switch to Freeza. Having defeated him, you will have to deal with the "First Form" version of Freeza himself, and so on up to his "final" form.
Having taken out Freeza, you will need to switch to Cooler. He too will continue to "mutate" until he reaches his final form, Meta-Cooler. This is why Meta-Cooler will have to be eliminated last: its mutation into Meta-Cooler requires, on your part, the use of the same tactics you use against the "Great Monkeys" - you will therefore have to destroy a "segment. "of the opponent at a time, and you can seriously damage the enemy only after you have" cut "the other segments.
Mission 53
The goal is to eliminate all enemies in the area. You start with Android 19 and Cell Jr., moving on to Cell "Senior" which will quickly transform into all its subsequent more complex incarnations to deal with. Using this sequence, you can "isolate" Cell, the most dangerous enemy.
Mission 54
The condition for successfully completing the mission is to destroy all enemies in the area. Fortunately for you, there will be no "mutations" of the opponents - the level will see you confront "linear" with Evil Buu, Majin Buu, Demong King and Majin Vegeta. Having defeated them in their entirety, you will leave with a second wave of enemies. You will therefore have to deal with Super Buu and Kid Buu, at the same time: we recommend starting from the "Super" and then moving on to the "Kid", the first is more dangerous and could cause you more damage, so it is better to stop his attacks immediately.

Mission 55
The goal of the mission is to eliminate all enemies in the area - for a change. All the opponents present in the various "sagas" will join together to begin this mission. So there will be Vegeta, Freeza (Final Form), Cell (Final Form) and Kid Buu. None of them will "transform" in a peculiar way as the game progresses, so we recommend a "linear" approach to be able to finish them in speed.
Mission 56
You will find yourself having to eliminate Vegeta, Trunks and Kid Trunks during the early stages of the game. Unfortunately for you, there are "transformations" of the subjects you face: by defeating both Vegeta and Trunks you will make them Super Saiyan, while Kid Trunks will turn into Super Trunks. We recommend starting your attacks with Trunks. Defeated also his "Super Saiyan" version, you will have to continue with Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta. Given the series of fights that awaits you, our advice is to keep a good amount of life points during the first fights, avoiding getting "empty" to the following ones.
Mission 57
The mission sees you face off against Goku, Raditz, Bardock and Kid Gohan. Unfortunately, the battle is more complex than it might seem from the list of opponents: their defeat will in fact transform them into Super Saiyan, and you will have to forcibly defeat these "forms" in order to proceed.
Mission 58
The objective of the mission is to defeat the enemies in the area or, alternatively, to survive for at least 5 minutes. Given that the mission itself is made up of a huge amount of fights without art or part that will follow each other, we recommend aiming for the second possible "goal", that is survival for at least 5 minutes. You will therefore have to order your allies to focus their efforts on defense by pressing the "low" key on the digital pad. Use the same approach with your main character, to be able to overcome the five minutes without excessive problems.
Mission 59
In this mission you will see her for the first (and last) time with brand new opponents, that is the opponents from "Battle of Gods", the new Dragon Ball Z movie. You will go to fight Beerus (the god of destruction) and Whis (his partner). They are opponents with considerable attacking skills but poor defensive skills, so it is advisable to use a notably offensive approach to finish them off with relative ease.
Mission 60
The objective of the mission is the defeat of Super Vegito. However, he will not be the only enemy you will have to face: you will first have to deal with all the bosses you have eliminated so far. Since this is the last mission, we recommend a different approach than the "conservative" that we have always suggested previously: you are in fact so experienced that it will be much more convenient to prefer an offensive approach, able to finish the opponents at maximum speed, so as to arrive quickly to the "final" enemy. The difficulty of this latest fight will prove to be in line with previous boss fights - nothing new.
Video Solution - Playlist
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Video Solution - First Mission
Video Solution - Second Mission

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Exit date: January 24 2014