Please note:
The solution is based on the American version of the game, so it is possible to find differences for the Spanish version.
Act 1
As usual there is hardly anything to do in the office right away, you will have to go out onto the street to get started. Walk to the farthest point and talk to the cop who will have a driving challenge for you. First ask him where the zombie factory is to learn its location and then to upgrade your car. Ask him if he has any improvements and then ask for the antenna.
Now the challenge begins! This time you will have a different angle of view (move to the center of the street to go to the other side, if that's more comfortable for you) and shoot the CDs at the zombies. It will be possible to leave the car where it is and aim the zombies well to hit and take them down. Get 10 and you will be rewarded with the antenna for your car.
If you want some decals for your car, just go back and try again, the amount of zombies you have to kill will increase to 15, then 20 and finally 25 to get the golden zombie. After which to improve further, it will be only for personal whim. Not only that, there will be various objects to hit to get some extra decals! They are: a beach ball rolling along an intersecting road, a large gray barrel full of beer on the path surrounded by zombies, a kite floating in the middle of the road, and a large satellite dish on a lawn. The reward for getting all of this will be really good.
Once you're done, head into Stinky's Diner and take a look at the tanning lamp next to the Jukebox. Ask Stinky about this item and then take it. Enter the DeSoto again and go to Stuttgart.
Attempt to enter the castle and Superball will appear outside, but unfortunately you will not be allowed to pass. Continue to the right and look for the open tomb to find a juicy nice brain. Throw it on the gargoyle out of reach of the zombies to distract them and get Sam and Max to the front of the line.
First ask Jurgen about his source of power and you will learn that your task will be to destroy Jurgen's slave zombies and the way to do that is by ruining his "style". The three parts that make up this thing will be his rhymes, his moves and his ability to keep up with the latest trends.
Ask him about Midtown Cowboys and then leave the conversation. Go to the coffin in the far left corner and take a look at the writing on it. The last word of each line will be a code: Death, Sepulcher, Stretta, Letters. Go to the DJ booth and press all the buttons at the top until you find the ones that say those words (which are labeled after a press). Then leave them in this correct order:
1. Death: the top yellow
2. Sepulcher: the deepest pink
3. Embrace: the top orange
4. Letters: the second rose
Go through the coffin and replace the spotlights with the tanning lamp obtained at Stinky's Diner. Return to the DJ booth and press one of the blue buttons along the bottom, specifically the second from the right. This should cause the light to pass directly over Jurgen and ruin his dance.
Grab a bottle of water from the bar to the left of the DJ booth and look out. Search the trash can for some cigarette butts, then go to the DeSoto and go to the TV studio. Use the cigarettes on the bag next to the cow before speaking to the manager to get the latest fashion trend.
Go back to the office and use the bottled water in Max's ceremonial urn to get some holy water. Return to the zombie factory and use the holy water on Max in order to bypass the security of the zombie factory, dump the rest into the trash can and enter.
Jurgen has the ability to keep up with the latest trends to discredit you as soon as you walk in, but he won't be able to handle those cigarette butts! Talk to him and tell him it's not all of this. In doing so, a contest will start with Jurgen. Just select the most depressing options and Max can defeat Jurgen!
These options are:
1. Conte Cryptwind Deathgrasp
2. Barone Bat-Anguish from Nightmare
3. We will tear you down more than Bela Lugosi!
4. Our world is an infinite torment and pain.
5. Because all of Creation ends with death and putrefaction.
Follow Jurgen into the secret elevator behind the fireplace.

Act 2
Enter the zombie factory again and try to make your way back through the chimney. Flint Paper will jump through the window and kill the Lincoln zombie, throwing his brain to the ground. It will not be possible to reach it at this time, so go up the elevator to reach Jurgen's lair.
Grab the Bolt Cutters from the floor next to the large Alchemy machine and then flip the switch next to Jurgen's monster to bring it to life. Before you leave, take a look at the "Free Jurgen" image above the row of poles on the opposite side of the room next to the entrance. Behind him you will see another poem, write down the words as before.
Return to the disco and press the corresponding buttons for Abyss, Razors, Pain and Parents:
1. Abyss: the fourth yellow
2. Razors: the third yellow
3. Pain: the third rose
4. Parents: the fourth rose
That thing has opened up there, go through, crawl behind Flint Paper and stop him. Once Sam has grabbed Lincoln's brain, head out for the DeSoto. Use the Bolt Cutters on the super antenna. Jump inside and head back to the street once more.
Follow the hand into Stinky's Diner and move to the left of it so that when you shoot it will move back towards "Gooey Molasses Tar Cake". It will stop moving when it reaches the lid so talk to Stinky to get the hand to jump to the edge and all over the lid. Shoot once more to sink the cake, which will allow you to grab it.
Move on to Sybil where she is trying to find a new mate. Talk to her and she will ask you to find her suitor. Return to the castle and let the monster know about her.
Get her to ask question no. 3, when Harry stops to think, you'll have to try and grab the chocolate heart from the table next to him. Once he's gone, take the heart and go back to the castle once again. Use the Super Antenna on the power socket of the Alchemy machine before pulling the switch to turn on the dead batteries. Use the chocolate heart on the Alchemy machine itself to create the Heart of Gold which will help Sybil.
Put the Heart of Gold, Lincoln's brain and Jesse James' hand on the monster and return to Sybil where you should be asking all three questions again.
After Sybil escapes, get the Soul Mater to use on Sam and Max's souls, then head back to the zombie factory.
Act 3
Give the Soul Mater to Jurgen's monster and flip the Soul Sucker switch before entering the Soul Sucker. This will transfer the souls of Sam and Max into the monster allowing you to control it. Collect a pole from the collection on the left and use it on Jurgen to complete the episode.

The essentials to perform - Act 1
The Zombie Factory
1. Go to "Pimp Le Car".
2. Ask about the zombie farm.
3. Go to Stuttgart with the DeSoto.
4. Search the open tomb.
5. Use the gargoyle brain to the left of the entrance.
6. Ask Jurgen about the source of his power
1. Ask Jurgen of Midtown Cowboys.
2. Go outside.
3. Search the trash.
4. Go to the TV Studio in DeSoto.
5. Use the cigarette butts on the bag.
6. Ask the director to start filming.
1. Go to Stinky's Diner.
2. Look at the tanning lamp.
3. Talk to Stinky about this lamp.
4. Take the tanning lamp.
5. Go to Stuttgart.
6. Go to the DJ Booth station.
7. Press the top yellow button: Death.
8. Press the lower pink button: Sepulcher.
9. Top orange button button: Close.
10. Press the second pink button at the bottom: Letters.
11. Go through the coffin.
12. Use the solar lamp on the reflector.
13. Go to the DJ Booth station.
14. Press the second blue button from the right.
1. Take bottled water.
2. Go to the office.
3. Use bottled water with the ceremonial urn.
4. Return to Stuttgart.
5. Use Holy Water with Max outside the Zombie Factory.
6. Talk to Jurgen, tell him it's not all of this.
7. Say "Count Cryptwind Deathgrasp"
8. Say "Baron Bat-Anguish Von Nightmare"
9. Say "We'll beat you down more than Bela Lugosi!"
10. Say "Our world is an infinite torment and pain"
11. Say "Because all Creation ends with death and putrefaction".
1. Click on the fireplace.
The essentials to perform - Act 2
1. Go inside the zombie farm.
2. Go into the fireplace.
3. Look at the "Free Jurgen" photo above the posts.
4. Go to the DJ station.
5. Abyss: Press the fourth yellow key.
6. Razors: press the third yellow button.
7. Pain: Press the third pink button.
8. Parents: Press the fourth pink button.
9. Go through the library.
1. Go to the street.
2. Go to Stinky's Diner.
3. Shoot the left hand four times.
4. Talk to Stinky.
5. Shoot the hand again.

1. Go into the fireplace.
2. Take "Bolt Cutters" from the floor.
3. Go to "Pimp Le Car".
4. Win the driving challenge.
5. Use "Bolt Cutters" with Super Antenna.
6. Go to Sybil.
7. Talk to Sybil.
8. Go into the fireplace.
9. Pull the switch next to the monster.
10. Talk to Sybil's monster.
11. Indicate the third question.
12. Click on the chocolate heart.
13. Take the chocolate heart.
14. Go into the fireplace.
15. Use the Super Antenna on the Alchemy machine.
16. Pull the switch.
17. Use the chocolate heart on the Alchemy computer.
1. Use Lincoln's brain with the monster.
2. Use Jesse James's hand with the monster.
3. Use the heart of gold with the monster.
4. Go to Sybil.
5. Ask question 1.
6. Ask question 2.
7. Ask question 3.
8. Get the "Soul Mater".
9. Go into the fireplace.
10. Using the "Soul Mater" on souls.
The essentials to perform - Act 3
1. Use the "Soul Mater" on the monster.
2. Pull the core lever.
3. Go into the soul sucker.
4. Collect the pole from the shelf.
5. Use the pole on Jurgen.

- pc
Exit date: February 15 2008