With the arrival of a big update for Warframe, Digital Extremes has made available a new Warframe Prime both in-game and through the usual Prime Access: Octavia Prime. This fairly beloved but somewhat out of the spotlight armor in recent times is one of the more unique concepts available in DE's free-to-play shooter, being based on music and rhythm. The Prime version shuffles the cards on the table but essentially keeps intact the core values of its standard version, thus guaranteeing Octavia veterans greater firepower in the tradition of its use.
On the contrary, new players and element hunters Prime will have reason to start farming the relics containing the pieces of Octavia Prime: it is in fact one of the best performing armor currently available in-game: she can grant a lot of buffs to herself and her allies, she is able to make herself invisible, and the damage dealt with her abilities is large enough to make her a threat in her own right. Simply put, a Warframe for those looking for an alternative to more classic gameplay and want to experiment after having a good ride with Lavos. Right now, being the balance of the game based on melee weapons, it doesn't really hurt to have an Octavia on your team.

In terms of mere design, Octavia Prime does not differ much from its basic version because of its composition which is difficult to rework without affecting its visual identity. Like all Warframe Prime, it also retains the ability of its normal version, in this case at the center of its peculiar identity compared to the rest of the armor.
Mallet is an area-of-effect ability that damages enemies in its range in time with Octavia's pace. On its own it is strong enough, but the ideal use is to combine it with the second Resonator ability, which creates an orb that taunts enemies and rolls across the battlefield. In short, a sphere of death with a musical tone. The third skill is instead Metronome and grants buffs to both Octavia Prime and allies based on actions performed at the tempo of the rhythm downs. If you are not used to Octavia it will take a while to understand her dynamics, but based on the actions you perform you will be granted considerable advantages, among which the most useful of all is the invisibility that is obtained by crouching at the right time. In general, when you hear the bass, it's time to act; as long as you are not those gamers who love listening to music on Spotify while playing: in that case Octavia is not for you. To compensate, however, there is the possibility of customize the music of your Octavia. The last ability is finally Amp: An area buff that increases the damage of the whole team and enhances the offensive skills and range of every Mallet on the field.

So where to place Octavia as a Warframe? It is about a great Warframe for pure damage and for team buffs, making it particularly suitable for cooperative missions and those related to specific areas. Mallet and Resonator are perfect weapons for instances like Defense, Survival and Mobile Defense, but don't expect to use invisibility to complete the Espionage missions. However, being invisible will allow you, with the right modifications, to stand still and harm anyone by simply letting the first two skills run. This alternative, while very useful, makes Warframe gameplay very boring as it is based on mobility and speed. Standing still in one place and waiting for the music to kill everyone is an extreme tactic that can work well on particularly difficult missions, but in general Octavia has so many possibilities for action that it would be a shame to leave her like this.
How to edit Octavia Prime
The statistics to be observed are essentially three: Duration, Strength e Range, all related to the fact that Octavia Prime uses abilities built to last and deal continuous damage over a wide range, so it is more than normal to focus on these key points. You might also think about evaluating a little more efficiency, but this is completely up to you and the various variables related to Energy regeneration (so if you have Arcane Energize you can also rest assured).
As for the changes, as shown in the image, you could opt for Corrosive Projection for the aura and Power Drift as an accompaniment. Decreasing the armor of nearby enemies is not a bad idea, especially because at the moment the meta is focused on melee and therefore will be more useful than other alternatives, unless you prefer to have a few more shields: in that case you we suggest Brief Respite to convert energy into defense.

Coming to the body of the build instead, Primed Continuity e Flow they are a must for obvious reasons (you can also use the basic version). Augur Reach, Overextended e Stretch you will need them to increase the range to the maximum. Narrow Minded e Blind Rage they enhance Duration and Strength. It closes the circle Umbral Intensify o Intensify standard at your preference.
The weapons we recommend using with Octavia Prime are Coffin come Arma Primaria to make the most of the agglomeration of enemies that will form around Resonator, or Tenora Prime if you want to stay in the Prime Access theme, but its decidedly high rate of fire makes it far too unstable in the current meta. Instead the Secondary included in Prime Access, that is Pandero Prime, it is a great choice as it is one of the best weapons to apply altered statuses, another point on which you could aim to complete the work. Last, but not least, is the weapon body to body which could easily be Gundao Prime, released with last Prime Access per Nezha Prime and that at the moment it is the most suitable for hitting quickly in a very wide range: also here very useful for thinning out anyone who follows Resonator.
Warframe is a free-to-play game available on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC. Few people know, however, that the comic of the same name, currently available on Amazon, has also been released.