During DeadSpace Remake you will be able to upgrade Isaac's suit, consequently increasing his resistance to Necromorph attacks and attacks inventory slot, thus allowing you to carry more weapons, stasis packs and resources with you to sell in shops to collect credits.
In total there are six suits in Dead Space Remake, divided into as many levels. With the exception of the one with which you will begin the adventure, all suits from level 2 onwards require a large investment in credits and in several cases also to first find a "scheme" inside the USG Ishimura. So we will explain to you below How to get all suit upgrades by Isaac Clarke and what they are for.
How to get all suit upgrades

Level 1 Suit
- Inventory capacity: 12 slot
- DEFENSE: none
- Cost: nobody
This is the suit with which you will start the remake of Dead Space, nothing more, nothing less. It offers virtually no damage reduction and limited inventory capacity, but luckily you won't have to wait long to upgrade it.
Level 2 Suit
- Inventory capacity: 18 slot
- DEFENSE: 5% armor
- Cost: 10.000 credits
You will get the level 2 suit simply by purchasing it for 10.000 credits. The first opportunity to do this is at the end of Chapter 1, after about an hour of play depending on your pace, when you will be able to access a shop for the first time. Keep in mind that this is the first and last upgrade of the suit that you can simply purchase directly from the shop during the first game, for subsequent games it will first be necessary to find the relevant schematics on board the USG Ishimura.
Level 3 Suit
- Inventory capacity: 22 slot
- DEFENSE: 10% armor
- Cost: 20.000 credits
You can get the Level 3 Suit in Chapter 4. To do this you will first need to find the "Intermediate Technical RIG" scheme. It is located on a bench inside the Eva Preparation Room, on the fifth floor of the Bridge. You will get there simply by progressing through the game: after redirecting the energy from the water purifier, you will be asked to calibrate the SDA cannons. To do this you will have to reach the outside of the Ishimura, through the passage called "External Access". The EVA Preparation Room is located to the right of the corridor, before the elevator.
Once you have obtained the Intermediate technical RIG scheme, all you have to do is purchase the level 3 suit at any store for 20.000 credits.
Level 4 Suit
- Inventory Capacity: 26 slot
- Defense: 15% armor
- Cost: 35.000 credits
You can get the Level 4 Suit in Chapter 7. First you will need to get the "Intermediate Miner RIG" schematic, which fortunately is very easy to find. After the sequence in which you meet a very important character (we avoid naming him to avoid spoilers) and defend him from the attack of the Necromorphs, you will necessarily have to enter the "Repair Room" room. Go down the ramp and you will find the diagram clearly visible on the counter in front of you.
Once you have obtained the Intermediate Miner RIG, all you have to do is purchase the level 4 suit at any shop for 35.000 credits.
Level 5 Suit
- Inventory capacity: 30 slot
- DEFENSE: 20% armor
- Cost: 60.000 credits
You will be able to get your hands on the level 5 suit, the strongest among those available in the first game, during the Chapter 10. First you will need to retrieve the "Advanced Technical RIG" diagram, which is located above a bench in the "changing room and showers" room near the crew quarters. You will find the changing room near the "Zero G Gym", on the opposite side of the room where you will have to try your hand at the Z-Ball minigame to recover a battery needed to advance in the game.
Also in this case, once you have recovered the scheme, all you need to do is purchase the level 5 suit at any shop, at the price of 60.000 credits.
Level 6 Suit
- Inventory capacity: 30 slot
- DEFENSE: 30% armor
- Cost: 99.000 credits
You can get the level 6 suit, the strongest and most stylish of the Dead Space remake, only in the New Game+, which is unlocked by completing the game once on any difficulty level. Once you start the new game you will be able to purchase this suit at the end of Chapter 1, when you come across the first shop. It costs a good 99.000 credits but it's worth it, especially considering the defense bonus which will certainly come in handy when dealing with the enhanced variants of Necromorphs present in this mode.

Getting the level 6 suit is one of the requirements to unlock the as well trophy/achievement "Maximum". This also requires you to have upgraded all the weapons to the maximum, so if you are interested we suggest you consult our guide on how to find all the weapons and upgrades in Dead Space Remake.
The guide on how to find all the RIGs necessary to obtain the general security cancellation and the guide on how to unlock the secret ending of the Dead Space remake may also be useful to you.