The remake of Dead Space by EA Motive introduces some new features for the (mis)adventure starring Isaac Clarke, both from the point of view of new areas and puzzles, and the plot. The latter broadly follows that of the original 2008 game, but with some differences, the most important being the presence of an alternative ending, which can only be unlocked by meeting certain requirements.
In this guide by DeadSpace Remake we will explain How to unlock the secret ending and in the last section of the article we will also reveal what it shows, in case you don't want to deal with the conditions necessary to see it. Clearly for everyone else the advice is to skip the last paragraphs completely if you don't want to run into spoilers that could ruin the surprise for you.
The requirements to unlock the alternate ending

The first requirement to be able to see the secret ending is basically to finish the Dead Space remake twice, since it is only possible to view it by completing a New Game+, which is unlocked by beating the game once.
The good news is that you can access this mode by reaching the end credits at any difficulty level. Furthermore, if on average the first game can be completed in between 10 and 15 hours of play, depending on your pace and how much you will engage in exploration, the second clearly requires less time given that you will already know what to do and how to face the threat of the Necromorphs. Keep in mind that in New Game+ you will also start the game with all the weapons, items, credits and upgrades unlocked in the previous game and also access stronger armor for Isaac. On the other hand, you will have to deal with a new, tougher variant of Necromorphs.
The second requirement to unlock the secret ending is to find and collect during New Game+ every single Fragment of the Brand, a collectible only present in this mode. They are alien artifacts and appear as elongated objects with luminous tips. There are 12 in total and there is one in every chapter, except Chapter 5 and 10 where two are found, while in Chapter 9 and 12 no new ones appear.
Some fragments are easy to spot, others are well hidden, so below are the directions you need to find them all. Keep in mind that in the unfortunate event you miss one before completing the game, the collected Brand Fragments will be kept in a possible third game, which means that at that point you will only have to find the ones that are missing from your collection.
Collecting all twelve Mark Fragments in itself is not enough to unlock the secret ending: once recovered you will have to go to Captain B. Mathius' room, located on the third floor of the Executive Quarters of the Crew Deck (on the map it is marked as the area of Lieutenant Commander V. Holt), and place them on the table. You can deposit them one at a time or all together, there is no difference. Once this requirement is met, simply complete the game normally to unlock an alternative ending sequence.
Where to find the 12 Mark Fragments

- Brand Fragment #1: It is obtained in Chapter 1. You can find it in the maintenance center office, placed on a bookcase next to the data card needed to advance in the game.
- Brand Fragment #2: in Chapter 2 enter Dr. T. Kyne's office in the Research Wing and move the shelf to the side using Kinesis to find a hidden room, where inside you will find the fragment.
- Brand Fragment #3: In Chapter 3 you will find a fragment in the Engineering Deck Engine Room, in a corner behind power substation #3.
- Brand Fragment #4: In Chapter 4, enter the recreation room on the third floor of the Bridge. The fragment is found on the floor.
- Brand Fragment #5: in Chapter 5 you enter Dr.'s office. C. Mercer, located on the fourth floor of the Medical Bridge. The fragment is found on the desk.
- Brand Fragment #6: still during Chapter 5 and still on the fourth floor of the Medical Bridge, you will find another fragment in the Cryogenic Laboratory, in the room where you will freeze the Hunter, on top of the cryogenic chamber. You will have to use Chinese to get him.
- Brand Fragment #7: In Chapter 6, you will find a fragment in the Hydroponic area, in the area where you will encounter the sixth Wheezer. The fragment is stuck in the biomass in the upper corner of the room, use Kinesis to get it.
- Brand Fragment #8: in Chapter 7 after obtaining authorization level 3, enter the Mineral Samples room, in the processing area. You will find the fragment on a shelf.
- Brand Fragment #9: in Chapter 8 you will find a fragment on the Bridge in the Communications Antenna area, while floating in zero gravity, inside a wall covered in organic mass located to the left of the control panel.
- Brand Fragment #10: In Chapter 10 you will find a fragment on the third floor of the crew's quarters during the objective to destroy the tentacles. In the corridor with the second tentacle you will find doors to unlock by feeding them with electricity. Once done you will find the fragment inside the southern room.
- Brand Fragment #11: still in Chapter 10, after meeting Dr. Kyne you will enter a room where you will have to destroy a tentacle. The fragment is found on a table opposite the entrance.
- Brand Fragment #12: The last fragment is found in Chapter 11 in the cargo hold where you will be asked to move the Mark. It is located in the southeast corner of the room. Remember to place all collected fragments in Captain B. Mathius' room before the start of Chapter 12.
What happens in the secret ending? (SPOILERS)

The secret ending of the Dead Space Remake remake is even darker than the standard one, where Isaac is hallucinated and attacked by Nicole.
The alternate version of the ending sequence begins basically the same way, with our hero escaping from Aegis VII. This time, however, he has completely lost his mind and converses with Nicole's hallucination as if nothing had happened. Apparently the player by collecting the fragments has unconsciously done the will of the Mark, who has now subjugated Isaac. In the conversation with Nicole we understand that his goal is to head to Earth, but first he must build "a surprise", which we assume is a new Mark, perhaps built thanks to the fragments collected.
This ending may not actually be "alternate" but rather canon, given that it would seem to connect very well to the events of Dead Space 2. In the sequel Isaac wakes up in a hospital with no memory of the previous three years. The Sprawl Station he is on has been infested by Necromorphs, generated through a new Mark, which as we know was created by exploiting Isaac's memories.
Who knows, maybe in a hypothetical remake of Dead Space 2, suggested by one of the Easter eggs present in the game but not yet officially confirmed, we will discover more about the three years of emptiness between the end of the first chapter and the beginning of the sequel, and what it has made the "evil Isaac" in the meantime.