During your heart-pounding adventures in DeadSpace Remake you can make your life easier by finding some schemes, thanks to which you will unlock some really useful items in the shop, such as upgrades for Isaac's suit, ammunition and medkits.
There are 13 in total and once you have obtained all of them you will also be rewarded with the "Trader" trophy/achievement. Below we will explain how to find all the patterns aboard the USA Ishimura. As mentioned previously, the schemes are also necessary to unlock various levels of suit upgrades, which we talked about in depth in a dedicated guide.
The location of all patterns

Impulse Ammunition Scheme: you will be able to recover this pattern during the Chapter 2, on the Medical Bridge near the "Refrigerant Ducts" area. After recovering the tank, continue until you have to lower yourself into an elevator shaft while in zero gravity and you will be contacted by Hammond. You'll find the schematic in the next room, on top of a workbench on the left.
Stasi Pack Diagram: this scheme is also found in Chapter 2, on the Medical Bridge while searching for a shock plate to blow up the infirmary barricade. After finishing the quarantine, you can collect it in the "Main Laboratory Changing Room" room, located to the left of Nicole Brennan's office. The diagram is located above a bench on the right.
Medium Medical Kit Diagram: you can get this pattern during the Chapter 3, on the Technical Bridge. Once you reach the "Decontamination Room" and the decontamination is finished, head towards the "To the Centrifuge" area. You will find the diagram immediately after the entrance, inside a cabinet.
Ripper Blades Diagram: this scheme is also found in Chapter 3, on the Technical Bridge. It is located in the fuel depot. Once you go down the first elevator, you will find the object in question inside an open room, near the second elevator.
Flamethrower Fuel Diagram: the third and final scheme of Chapter 3 it is located in plain sight to the right of the control panel which you will need to use to restart the engine.
Intermediate Technical RIG Scheme: is found during the Chapter 4. It is located on a bench inside the Eva Preparation Room, on the fifth floor of the Bridge. You will get there simply by progressing through the game: after redirecting the energy from the water purifier, you will be asked to calibrate the SDA cannons. To do this you will have to reach the outside of the Ishimura, through the passage called "External Access". The EVA Preparation Room is located to the right of the corridor, before the elevator.
Multibeam Ammunition Diagram: you can get it during the Chapter 5. It is found on a desk inside Dr. B. Warwick's office, in the corridor leading to the "Zero G Therapy" wing. Level 2 security clearance is required to access this room.

Force Field Diagram: This pattern is found during the Chapter 6, in Hydroponics. While you are searching for the ratolator rotors you will come to the "Air Filter Tower", an area where you will have to advance using zero gravity. The Force Field pattern is located halfway between the two electrical traps you'll need to overcome using Stasis.
Contact Energy Scheme: you will find this pattern during the Chapter 7. While you are looking for the administrator's RIG (necessary both to advance in the game and unlock the general security override) you will arrive in the "Deck B: Processing" area. The schematic is found on a desk inside a locked room between a save point and an audiolog. To enter it you will have to shoot the lock circuit through a broken window on the side.
Intermediate Miner RIG Scheme: always during the Chapter 7 you can find a blueprint to upgrade Isaac's suit. After the sequence in which you meet a very important character (we avoid naming him to avoid spoilers) and defend him from the attack of the Necromorphs, you will necessarily have to enter the "Repair Room" room. Go down the ramp and you will find the diagram clearly visible on the counter in front of you.
Oxygen Tank Diagram: This pattern can be obtained in Chapter 8, on the Technical Bridge. It is found on top of a desk in the "Platform Warehouse", located on the fourth floor of the "Fuel Refueling Control Station". Level 2 security clearance is required to enter.
Large Medical Kit Diagram: is found during the Chapter 9, on the Medical Bridge. It is located on a desk on the left after the entrance to the Infirmary, before the malfunctioning lasers. Warning: you can only get it during this chapter.
Advanced Technical RIG Diagram: The latest Dead Space Remake blueprint can be found in the Chapter 10. It is located above a bench in the "changing and showers" room near the crew quarters. You will find the locker room in the "Zero G Gym" area, on the opposite side of the room where you will have to try your hand at the Z-Ball minigame to recover a battery needed to advance in the game.
On our pages you will also find guides on how to unlock the secret ending of Dead Space Remake and how to obtain all the weapons and their upgrades.