Direct access to facebook without password. To log in to Facebook without a password. Facebook has introduced on the desktop version the recent logins.
Direct access to Facebook without password
This feature will allow you to see your profile image on the left as soon as you enter the Facebook page from your browser.
In fact, now by clicking on the profile photo you can access facebook directly without typing the password every time if you don't want to.
In short, Facebook tried to simplify access on your computer without the hassle of typing the profile password and thus making a direct facebook access.
What do you have to do?
How to memorize passwords
Click on the photo once the Facebook login page is open and check remember password and now whenever you want to enter facebook and access your profile just click on it.
Simple isn't it?
Remember that by storing the password anyone who has access to the computer by going to the Facebook home will be able to quickly access your profile by clicking on recent accesses. If you can't remember your password, read.
Direct facebook access without password: how to remove it
To remove a direct access to facebook without password just scroll with the mouse over the photo an x will appear on it and press on it to delete.