Final Fantasy 16 introduces one of the oldest and most beloved activities in the series, namely hunting. Encountered several times throughout the series, from the ninth episode up to the much more complex and layered variant introduced in the twelfth, this feature offers the player a board that hosts a long series of targets: these are mostly unique variants of already known monsters that offer equally unique rewards both in terms of money and experience and above all in terms of materials, revealing precisely those necessary to build the most powerful weapons.
The problem is that the hunt is always rather vague: consulting the noticeboard the information is often unclear, and it is difficult to find the exact place in which to encounter the monsters. On this page we have collected the exact location of all Final Fantasy 16 hunts in chronological order, also explaining the details to unlock the targets and everything you need to know about this secondary activity, undoubtedly the longest and most challenging in the entire game.
In case you need suggestions, we recommend you take a look at our complete Final Fantasy 16 guide.
We go hunting

Before seeing in detail how the hunt works, there are a couple of important things to know: the first is that this activity will not be available until you have gained access to the Moogle present in the shelter, which will only happen after completing the mission main "The Curse of the Crystals", which takes place about 10 hours after the start of the adventure. Furthermore, on the bulletin board you will never see all the hunts, but only those to which you have access: this means that to see new targets appear you will first of all have to unlock new regions by advancing the plot, or even complete some secondary missions that unlock previously inaccessible paths in the game world.
Let's now move on to the position of the targets, a facet which in turn requires a couple of clarifications. First of all, you must always read the text of the hunt, because it always provides fundamental details to understand the place to go. In the most common hunts - practically all those that are not S grade - you will just need to read the position indicated below, under the description of the target, to immediately understand where to go. Often, in fact, this position corresponds to small fractions of the maps that were created specifically to become arenas dedicated to hunting. Please note: S-Rank hunts provide the materials for crafting the ultimate weapons.

- Alyman - C Rank: The first hunt is mandatory. You will find this Alyman during the main mission "Looming Storm", which will take you to explore the monastery south of Rosaria. As you cross the swamps to scatter the ashes, you will necessarily encounter this enemy along the way.
- Aruna - Grade C: To find this Harpy all you have to do is start from Piana Nord, in Sanbreque, and follow the main path that leads to the door of Caer Norvent. Look around and you will very easily notice this Eikon Garuda Egi.
- Belphagor - Grade B: This wyvern is the perfect example to explain how to identify hunting targets. In fact, in the text it says that it is located in Elsa Infranta, and by opening this portion of the Rosaria map you will immediately notice the arena which is located towards the south, a place that you have certainly already visited during the obligatory visits to Pozza Orientale. Belphagor is right there, but when looking for a specific target always refer to these small natural arenas.
- Dosmea - Grade B: Part of a side quest, the griffin Dosmea is said to have nested near the river gate of Caer Norvent. All you have to do is, starting from Alaperduta, reach the river gate of Caer Norvent, to the south. At that point, approach the walls of the fortress, look towards the battlements above, and you will notice the griffin perched at the top. Approaching him will start the fight.

- Sekhret - Grade B: This special minotaur can be found west of Rihannon's Path, in Rosaria. In the image above you can see the exact location of the beast.

- Severian - Grado B: This fighting robot of the fallen is found north of Sorrowise, in the abandoned village in the middle of the Rosaria swamps. Since the directions are unclear, we have marked the precise location in the image above.

- Principe Tortino - Grade A: Since he is located in the Rosaria Cliffs, this wanted man will not be available until you have left for the islands with Jill. Once the region has been unlocked, you will be able to find the Tortino in the position indicated by the image above; the enemy is not visible on the map, so you will have to get closer to make it appear.

- Fastitocalon - Grade B: The Velkroy desert is very large, so the search for this turtle is quite challenging. In the image above we have marked the exact position, practically in the upper right corner of the northern dunes.
- Soul Spikes - Rank C: This is one of those hunts whose location is reported directly in the announcement. Once you have unlocked the southern portion of the Velkroy Dunes, you will notice a small hut on the map marked "Empty Hovel". Just outside the entrance, this swarm of killer bees will be waiting for you, rather easy to kill.
- Grimalkin - C Rank: Just like the previous wanted one, this one will also unlock as soon as you have access to the southern part of Velkroy, and this too is located in a well-marked position on the map. The area you are looking for is called "Gattile", and is a circular arena at the end of a path very clearly visible on the map. Once there, defeat the pack and you will also be able to take down the Grimalkin.
- Nine of Daggers - Rank A: This bandit is also very easy to locate. Starting from the village of Dalimil, proceed straight south through the market, then out of the city gates and through the salt pans. You will arrive in the Maw area: once here, just continue south and you will encounter Nine of Daggers right along the main road of this region.

- Atlas - Grade S: Here we are at the first S rank that will appear in front of you. This special and very powerful robot of the fallen is located in Rosaria, therefore it is accessible from the beginning of the hunts, but it represents a very challenging opponent. Like all S-rank wanted men, his location is unclear, and you will have to look for him; he is found in the arena at the bottom of Cressida, just south of Pozze Orientali in Rosaria. Make sure to challenge him only when you feel ready, the exact location is marked in the image above.
- Re Red - Grade B: Also in this case we are faced with an enemy whose position is clearly indicated in the bounty. It is in fact found in the "Jar": the Jar is a circular arena located just south of Dragon's Nest, which is the region where you faced Garuda. Just go down south, following the path in the woods, and on the map you will find the position of the Giara very well marked.
- Ten of Clubs - Rank B: Exactly like the previous research, the Ten of Clubs also resides in a very specific place. This is the abandoned village of Vamare, very well marked as a point of interest in the southern area of the Velkroy desert, in Dhalmekia. Open the map, go to the place, and you will find him waiting for you.
- Mageth Brothers - Rank A: Sometimes the bounty text includes a key clue, just like in this case. The Mageth Brothers are in fact located on the only beach in Rosaria, that is, a very short distance from Porto Isolde, the place you will reach when accompanying Jill towards the islands. Simply, you have to reach the beach and you will find them waiting for you.

- Svarog - Grado S: Don't be fooled by the moment you unlock Svarog. This very high level enemy - in fact it is at 50 - is one of the strongest monsters in the entire game, and if you face him too early he is able to pulverize you with a single blow. We absolutely must not take him lightly, because he also uses many advanced mechanics. To find it, just start from the Caer Norvent gate in Sanbreque and go south - to the Bruma Mattutina area - at the end of which you will find Svarog's nest. We warned you: come back when you feel ready.
- The Pack - Rank C: This herd of worgen awaits you just south of the village of Tabor, in the small arena-shaped gorge that can be easily spotted nearby. Obviously it won't be available until you have access to this section of Dhalmekia.
- Hell Comet - Rank A: This chocobo capable of using magic is found in Falcione, in the southern part of the Velkroy Desert. Look for the Falcione area on the map, then follow the path that leads to the Corava fields: immediately before jumping down you will find the enemy waiting for you.
- Sacred Trumpeter - Rank B: You can't go wrong while looking for this enemy. It is located in Alaperduta, in Sanbreque: opening the map, you will notice an isolated arena just south of the village. To reach it, you have to pass through the underground tunnels of Alaperduta, a path that you have already followed during the main mission when you came across Benedikta for the first time and had to face an Egi of Garuda. Below we leave an image of the place to reach to access the path.

- Carrot - Grade B: Carota is found in Whispering Waters, which is the large circular arena located right at the entrance to the Rosaria marshes, the first open map of the region that you have been able to explore. You can't go wrong: once you enter Whispering Waters, Carrot will appear.

- Pandemonium - Grade S: Pandemonium is a very powerful orc king who has taken the fortress in the hinterland of Waloed. We have marked the exact location in the image above: you must reach the center of the fortification at the top of the hill of the first Waloed settlement, and as you get closer to the entrance this monster will make its appearance.

- Gorgimera - Rank S: This recurring chimera in the Final Fantasy brand attacks caravans in the Velkroy desert. We've marked its exact location in the image above, but you'll have no trouble spotting it as it's visible as soon as you get close to its territory.

- Gobermouch - Grade A: This goblin is quite the villain, since he is not hiding in an open map, but rather in the heart of the village of Eistla, in Waloed. We have marked the location in the image above: you have to go up the stairs to access the upper floors of the settlement, where you will finally come across this damned goblin king.

- Bygul - Grade A:: Kritten Hollow is a huge expanse of Waloed, and this Jaguar has a terrible habit of moving. The territory in which you need to look for it is marked in the image above: it is located very close to the Walls of Corvolesto, so we advise you to teleport to this place and proceed in a north-east direction.
- Agni - Grade A: This variant of Fafnir is found in Mezzagola, in Waloed. It is not difficult to come across him: starting from the village of Eistla, proceed south into the heart of the Mezzagola canyons, and it will be practically mandatory to run into the large circular arena in which the battle will take place.
- Thanatos - Grade A: Thanatos is located in the Titan Way of Dhalmekia, and again it is a linear canyon in which it is practically impossible to get lost. This is the last area of Dhalmekia that you will unlock, and once you have gained access, start from the Golden Way and proceed west to encounter the enemy.
- Terminus - Grade A: This aggressive sphere of the fallen is located in the Jar of Sanbreque, exactly the same place where you faced King Piros. Go to the small circular arena south of the Dragon's Nest and you can't go wrong: the floating sphere will be there waiting for you.

- Re Behemoth - Grade S: This battle will only become accessible shortly before the end of the game, after completing all the main dungeons. At that point, King Behemot will be waiting for you near Vidargraes, the last teleportation tower located in the kingdom of Waloed. Since it's pretty hard to miss, we've marked the location in the image above. Be careful, because this enemy works like a blacksmith: show up without potions and you risk your life.
- Bestia Kuza - Grade A: This enemy is part of a secondary mission that you will get in the shelter, linked to the Balmung Prison, an inaccessible area located in the Kingdom of Waloed. Once you have access to the prison, all you have to do is complete the mission and destroy the beast once and for all.
- Gizamaluk - Grade A: This Harpy Egi can be found in the village of Garnick, far north of Waloed. The location is very well marked on the map, the abandoned village houses only this enemy, so there are no opportunities to make mistakes.

- Prince of Death - Rank A: This special variant of the Lich is found in Cape Orsiere, in the northwestern area of Sanbreque. In the image above we have indicated his exact position, all you have to do is get closer to immediately notice the large scythe he is armed with.
- Knight of the Shining Heart - Rank A: The last hunt of Final Fantasy 16 is embodied by this Dragoon very loyal to Dion Lesage, who challenges anyone who approaches the Gate of the Penitents of Oriflamme. To find it, just start from the Northern Plain and cross all the cultivated plains up to the gates of the capital of Sanbreque. Once in the area, the knight will leap down from the sky to throw down the gauntlet.