How can I find out who blocked me on Facebook. What can you do if you suspect someone has blocked you on Facebook? Someone you thought was a good friend suddenly started ignoring you.
"Who blocked me on Facebook?" And even if there's no simple answer to that question, this article should help you figure things out.
How to see if someone has blocked you on facebook
Use the Facebook search function
The first thing you should do is search for your friend on Facebook. Just log in and you will see the search box at the top of the page. Likewise, it's at the top of your feed in the Facebook app.
A list of profiles and pages will be displayed. Turn results on or off by clicking People . If you've been blocked, their profile won't appear under this setting. However, if you are looking for Tutti , there's a chance you'll see them, even if they've blocked you.
If you see the displayed image of the person you're looking for, click it. You will be able to partially view the profile (depending on your privacy settings) if they have simply disapproved of you. But if you have been blocked, you will not be able to access anything.
Can you read previous Facebook messages?
Here is another trick, even if it is based on having communicated with the person before. This can't help when it comes to someone you've never texted with.
Go to section Messenger and click See everything in Messenger in the drop-down menu. Access the conversation you had with the contact. If you've been blocked, their profile picture won't load and you won't be able to click on their name to look at their profile.
You can try to send them a message too: if you are blocked, your attempts will not be successful. Facebook will tell you there was an error.
How do you know they haven't just deactivated their Facebook? In most cases, if they have deleted their account, their name will not appear at all. Instead, you will simply read "Facebook User".
How to be sure you've been blocked on Facebook
The only way you can be 100% sure is to ask the person directly. But you probably don't want to do that. It is better to find subtle alternatives and deduce the truth.
If you follow them on other social media apps, visit their profiles there. If they've blocked you elsewhere, it's a sign that something is happening; otherwise, there may be another reason why you can't find them on Facebook. In the case of the latter, it is possible to contact the person via direct messages on Twitter or Instagram.
What to do if you've been blocked on Facebook
If you find that someone has blocked you on Facebook, you will likely be frustrated and angry, especially if you think you have done nothing wrong.
However, in most cases, it's simply not worth worrying about. It could be something small, like a simple misunderstanding.
Yes, you may find the person in question and ask why they blocked you. You may find another path to talk to them and tell them you're sorry about the fact. Or you could just let it go.
Should you be worried about being blocked?
Social media is a wonderful thing, giving you access to people you might not otherwise have known from. It's important to remember that everyone has something in their life that they don't want to share, something that keeps them busy or distracted. It doesn't always mean that they have forgotten about you or that they don't like you.