Facebook Stealth Mode with this Chrome extension. Social Fixer for Facebook allows you to visit your friends' profiles without being afraid to accidentally click on their post and like it.
Facebook Stealth Mode with this Chrome extension
How many times have you ever wanted to visit a person's profile to see what he is doing but you are afraid that he will notice it because you could inadvertently press his post by clicking on the like button by mistake.
So if your concern is to be discovered by the person concerned, just install Social Fixer for Facebook to browse Facebook posts without problems through Chrome.
Share others' Facebook posts anonymously
Also thanks to this extension you could find a post that you feel the need to share via Twitter, Reddit or elsewhere. Social Fixer's “anonymize” feature hides friends' names, profile pictures and more with just one click. You never have to worry about compromising someone.
Filter advertising posts on Facebook
In addition, Social Fixer for Facebook allows you to edit your news feed, allowing you to filter sponsored posts, any statuses you've already seen, and unnecessary panels on either side of your main feed.
It is one of the best Chrome extensions for Facebook users. If you are interested in trying it, open Chrome on your computer and install the Extension