In this article, we look at the different ways you can sell your items on Facebook, with helpful tips for making a successful sale.
Facebook Marketplace
it is definitely the first place you must try if you are looking to see something through facebook.
Since Facebook already knows your location when you log in, it automatically sets up sales in your area. This means when you click the button Sell something, Facebook will customize the list for shoppers near you who are looking for that item.
The sale is also fast. Choose from one of the main categories; Item for sale , vehicle for sale o House for rent .
Depending on the category you choose, you will see a simple form to fill out to fill in all the details of your item.
Filling out this form and adding photos will take a few minutes, depending on how descriptive you want to be.
In just a few steps you will have a real-time list of all the buyers using Facebook Marketplace in your area.
From this listing page, you will handle questions from potential buyers. People can also send private messages, bid and arrange pickup time and location.
Most items can be sold in a period of one to four days.