Let's talk again about jailbreak and changes to Apple's native operating system to iPhone, iPad e iPod Touch.
Devices compatible with Jailbreak iOS 8 - 8.1.2 They are practically all from recent years: iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPhone 5C, iPhone 5S, iPhone 6, 6 iPhone Plus, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4, iPad Aire, iPad Air 2, iPad mini, iPad mini 2, iPad mini 3 and iPod Touch 5G. First of all, make a Backup from your device via iTunes o iCloud. Remember that if you use iTunes and do not transfer the Apps from your device, you will have to download them again from the App Store. With iCloud you will be able to have all the Apps back in their place during a possible restoration, it is advisable (but not essential) to perform a restart of the device from scratch.Disable the code to unlock the device (iPhone o iPad o iPod Touch) e Also disable Find My iPhone (if enabled). For procedures, follow the menu "adjustments -> Touch ID and security code” (or simply Security Code) and in “adjustments – > iCloud -> Find my iPhone/iPad/iPod.Descargar TaiG
Download taiga from the official website www.taig.com or from this link: download TaiG v1.2.0 (available only for Windows).Jailbreak iOS 8 – 8.1.2
At this point connect the device with the cable. USB to the Windows computer and run the TaiG program. The device and firmware present will be automatically recognized when the program starts.Remove the “v” mark in 3K and leave that to install instead Cydia.