News Room Facebook is the official news page related to the famous social network. If you don't want to miss the latest news on Facebook this is the page you need to visit newsroom.fb.com.
Newsroom.fb.com all the news of the social network
On you can really know everything about the world of Facebook. From news, to information released by the company, to FYI news feeds, see its multimedia gallery with the latest company videos and all the information for investors.
On this page you will be able to know a lot of information and Facebook company developments from the latest news included in the social network you have future projects.
Facebook company information
The company information page will inform you of its developments and operations centers around the world. You can also get information on the chain of command that controls and manages the most famous social network in the world.
To know everything about the Facebook company
Directory Fecebook
In the Facebook Directory section, on the other hand, you can find out about all the projects and services belonging to the Facebook company. By going to this page you will see and discover many Facebook projects that you may not even know or imagine to make your company better and more competitive.
Go now to the Facebook Directory page
Page dedicated to Facebook investors
This section is instead dedicated to informing Facebook investors about the maneuvers and news that may interest them. So if you are an investor of the Facebook company or want to become one in the future, follow this page that will inform you about the economic and financial events including earnings and company financial statements that can be downloaded and publicly.
Go now to the Facebook investor page
If you really want to keep yourself informed about what is happening on Facebook from official sources related to the company, all you have to do is connect to this page created specifically by Facebook for its news. newsroom.fb.com.