Advance to the stairs on the other side of the room, get rid of the enemies, then climb to the top, take out the Razor Backs that will come down from the walls, keep climbing the stairs, approach the flames and absorb them to recover energy. Go to the door, destroy all the enemies to dissolve the Soul Barrier, then enter the door. Go a little further and take out the enemies, immediately destroying the shield that protects them. At this point, you should have accumulated enough souls to empower yourself, so if so, do so. Go through the passage, get rid of all the bats, then go forward again, eliminate the demons and enter the door at the end. Drop down to face a fearsome demon, hitting him as he leaves an opening between moves. When his energy is low enough, finish him off, and then after defeating him for good, enter the passage at the back to complete the level.
The level in question is the first in which you find yourself aboard your shiny (in every sense) motorcycle. To complete it without problems, you should follow some rules that we will list immediately. Never leave the accelerator unless necessary, use the Bike Hellshot to destroy immobile enemies, try to dodge the blows of rival bikers, exploit all the skills of the motorcycle, upgrade the Bike Hellshot as soon as you have the opportunity and especially follow the on-screen directions if you don't want to run into objects or buildings. In this level, start immediately by purchasing the Inferno Kick from the upgrades menu, then hit the track and accelerate, skipping the obstacle that will present itself in front of you shortly after. At the first ramp you will have to try not to end up inside the lava pool and, at the same time, you will have to use the Bike Hellshot to get rid of the enemies who will try to make your skin. Skip the next ramp and get ready to face a group of bikers, helping you both with the traditional Hellshot Bike and with the chain you have. Keep jumping from ramp to ramp, taking advantage of the Hellfire Jump to avoid ending up in the magma, eliminating the enemies that will try to get rid of you. Then slide under the last obstacle and go forward, then accelerate again and shoot the ramp that will take you to the other side, in an area full of enemies to take out using the Bike Hellshot. Proceed on the path a little more, slide under yet another obstacle, then jump across a hole with the Hellfire Jump, then advance to complete the level.

Purchase Super Quake, Plasma Shotgun and Quake Crash from the upgrades menu, then as soon as you regain control of Johhny Blaze, go ahead and get rid of the enemies. Approach the pillar, press the appropriate button to make it fall and form a bridge that you will have to cross. Eliminate the enemies that will try to stop you, getting rid of the annoying Fire Spitters first. Also pay close attention to the Terrorsmith that accompanies this group of creatures. After dissolving the barrier, go up the steps to access the next room. Gather energy as soon as you find a fire, then enter the door ahead. Proceed up the path, go up the steps and get rid of the numerous enemies on the platform, wait for a second and third wave and do the same with them. In the fourth wave there will be both a Terrorsmith and the terrifying Fire Splitters, so be very careful. After getting rid of these enemies, move on to finish the level.
In this level you will have to fight the first boss, Vengeance, aboard your Hellcycle. Chase him, dodging debris and walls, continuing to shoot him to damage him. Try not to get hit even by the fire bullets that he will throw at you from time to time. Jump to the other side to make him stop shooting, then approach him and hit him with the chain. On the next jump, the boss will accelerate, so go back and shoot him, paying attention to the debris that will come at you. When his energy has halved, Vengeance will start shooting you with a terrible laser, which you absolutely have to dodge. Keep hitting him until you have defeated him, which will allow you to complete the level.
Turn right, get rid of the enemies and then go past the red rocks, which form a barrier and can only be broken by killing the other creatures. Enter the cave, reach the gate, get rid of the Razor Back and the Fire Spitters, then take out the other enemy, enter the door, advance to the center and take out the Razor Claws and their reinforcements. After defeating them all, enter the Saloon, go forward a little further and take out all the enemies that will appear in front of you. Go up the stairs, go through the hall and enter the big hole, then take out the enemies with shields and enter another hole. Jump off the ledge, advance into the alley, get rid of the demons, even the biggest ones, destroy some crates to accumulate souls, then unlock the Ammunition hole by taking out the last enemies. Watch the cutscene, then enter the gate to complete the level.
Accelerate immediately, paying attention to all the obstacles that will appear in front of you, from the enemy motorcyclists to the various jumps. Pay particular attention to the rival bikers, who you will have to hit before they do it. When you get to the second arena, don't make any mistakes especially when you have to jump, as the jumps in question are really difficult. In the third arena you will have to dodge the cave pieces that are in the middle of the road. If you run into it, you risk having an accident and crashing into the wall. After a few turns and a couple of jumps you will be ambushed by a group of Razor Claws bikers. Eliminate them trying not to fall to the ground, then jump to the other side as soon as you have the chance, slide under the wall and go full speed ahead to the end of the level.
Purchase the Barge Spin, Spinning Top and Devil's Headbutt from the upgrades menu, then as soon as you have taken control of the character, advance into the mine and get rid of the two waves of enemies, then get on the elevator and use it. Take on the five waves of enemies that will try to send you to the other world, made up of Razor Demons, Fire Spitters, Hell Bats and Lilins. After eliminating them you can reach the top floor of the mine. Climb up again to find yourself in a large circular area and collide with a boss named Earth Elemental. First, memorize his movements, as well as how he attacks and try to hit him with your combos. If he does attempt to slash, parry the blows and then keep hitting. If, on the other hand, he tries to stop you on the ground, jump so as not to be fully caught by the blow, and then as soon as you are back on the ground, return to hit him, waiting for the circular icon to appear above his head. At this point, you can finish him off with a hail of punches, ending with an uppercut that will definitely knock him out. At the end of the fight, collect the Earth Soul, thanks to which you can destroy the Earth Barriers, then return to the elevator and go down. During the race you will have to face a few waves of enemies, consisting of Hell Bats, Fire Spitters and Lilins. After you go back down, get rid of the enemies that will try to block you, take out the Earth Elemental that will appear shortly after and then return to the entrance to complete the level.

This level is none other than The Valley of Death in reverse. This time, however, the Earth Soul will be implanted on your Earthcycle, thanks to which you can make much longer jumps, especially useful in the case of very large openings. Be careful when you have to make the triple jump, which will require considerable precision. Keep dodging obstacles and shooting enemies, then once you get to the second area, use the double jump sparingly, trying not to waste it. In the third area you will have to slip under the wall immediately, and then do your best to go up the ramp which is on the right side of the road. You will be forced to do so, because otherwise you will fall and die. After going up the ramp, use the double jump to go to the other side and, once there, accelerate to enter an area full of bikers, slides and jumps. Go through it to complete the level.
Go back to where you saw the Earth Magic Rocks, pass the ammo and climb a little more to see an Earth Elemental in front of the rocks. Use the Penance Stare to kill him instantly, then get rid of his acolytes and approach the rocks, destroying them with the appropriate button. Then enter the door, go through the hall and absorb some energy from the torch if you need it. So jump from the balcony already to reach an alley, get rid of the demons, then go back into the big gate to be able to head in the area with the other Earth Magic Rocks. On the way you will find another Earth Elemental to eliminate using the Penance Stare. Get rid of all the enemies, take out another Elemental, then destroy the rocks and enter the cave. You will find yourself in a new area. Go ahead, kill the two Earth Elementals and the shielded enemy, then advance a little further to find another Elemental and a Razor Claw. Defeat them to open the last door and complete the level.
Begin by facing the Razor Claws while dodging Lilith's attacks, which sadly cannot be parried. When the boss bubble dissolves, you will see it approach the train. At this point, hit her with the most powerful moves you have, so as to send her back to the sky. Keep fighting the Razor Claws, and try to parry the incoming Lightning Orbs from Lilith. When the boss moves on to the next carriage and starts screaming, jump right away if you don't want to end up badly, then once on the new carriage, repeat what you did on the previous one. When Lilith yells "I'm getting tired of this. It ends here!", Chase her on the last carriage, then to her "You, Will, Die!", Jump to avoid getting hit in the legs by her lightning barriers. Finish it definitively as soon as possible, then watch the animated sequence that concludes the level.

Approach the metal door, get rid of the enemies immediately, then enter, then cross the corridor and reach the other door, kill more demons, then move on. You will have to deal with new enemies, a series of dark ninjas, accompanied by groups of Earth Elementals. Get rid of these too, then enter the door called L.2. Gather energy in the new room, then turn right, take a look at the sharks, then go down the stairs and prepare for an ambush. Kill the enemies, including another group of ninjas, then enter the door, destroy the three barrels to the right of the door to collect red souls, then advance into the passage at the end. Gather energy, then go down the elevator, blocking attacks from some Razor Backs and ninjas. After defeating them, exit the elevator and enter the door to complete the level.
Watch out for the ninjas on motorbikes and, as you go forward, slide under the two walls, then jump to the other side. Get rid of the Razor Backs and ninjas, then perform the sequence of jumps and slides that will be required to reach the decent sized ramp. Jump over the fan, then double jump when the arrows appear on the screen. In the second area, make sure you don't fall into the water if you don't want to have to start the level over. Try to stay on the road, paying attention to both enemies and obstacles. At the end of the path you will find water on both sides of the road, so be very careful not to slip too much at the edges. After this section, you will have to perform triple jumps, interspersed with sliding under walls and other obstacles. Keep going like this until you get to the end of the level.
Go up the steps, then proceed to the door to trigger an animated sequence and the next attack of the enemies. You will have to face three waves of creatures, including Razor Demons, ninja of various kinds and an Earth Elemental. After defeating them, enter the door, recover energy if necessary, then immediately take out the other enemies. Once they are eliminated, proceed to the next door, cross the corridor and enter the passage at the end. Inside the room, approach the door to trigger an intermission sequence that will show you a new boss to face, the Water Elemental. As for the previous one, as soon as you see him, memorize his movements and his attacks, since you will have to fight him also later. It is impossible to stun him even with the shotgun, so you should attack him with a combo, dodge his Water Beam and then hit him again with a different combo, continuing with this strategy until the circle icon appears above his. head. The finishing move will allow you to lift the beast with both arms and then slam it violently to the ground, finally grabbing it by the tail and starting to shake it until it is completely dead. After the fight is over, grab the Water Soul to learn the ability to destroy water barriers, then enter the previously locked door. Head to the computer in the corner, then take out the attacking Lilins and Razar Demons, accompanied by an Earth Elemental that will join the fray when you kill its "friends". After defeating them all, approach the console and press the appropriate button to recover energy, then take a look at the animated sequence and head towards the bridge. Go through it, enter the hole that leads to another room, then go down and take out the hordes of enemies that will try to stop you, which includes, in addition to the classic demons and ninjas, also de Water Elemental. At the end of the battle, enter the door you entered at the beginning of the level to complete it.

Watch the opening sequence, then as soon as you have taken control of Johnny, accelerate wildly, make the jump and once on the other side, start shooting at the enemies, trying to hit at least three at a time. Follow the arrows until you are in front of the explosive sharks, creatures that must be destroyed before they blow up and involve you in their explosion too. At the end of the fight, keep following the arrows and use a double Hellfire jump to get to the other side. If you manage to do it from the center of the course you should land in the right place to continue without problems. Move on, continuing to hit the enemies, until you reach a small jump, followed by two obstacles that you have to slide under to get past them. This will be the last difficulty of the level, which will end shortly after.
Finish upgrading your rifle, then immediately go up the elevator and activate the control panel to get to your destination. During the race, as already happened previously, waves of enemies will appear consisting of Razor Demons, Lilins, Katana Ninja and Water Elemental. Kill them all, then once you get to the top, head to the door and recover energy if you need it, then enter the next room. Go through the corridor, take out the new enemies that will throw themselves at you, then go through the door at the end. Once in the room, watch the cutscene and then be ready to face the enemy ambush. After defeating the different waves that tried to stop you, go up the stairs and enter the door at the top, then regain energy if you need it, then advance to the entrance across the hall. Get rid of the Lilins that appear in the room, followed by groups of ninjas and Water Elementals. After you've cleared them all, dissolve the water barrier to finally complete the level.
Pursue Blackout, making sure he doesn't run away too far. Dodge his shots and enter the gate in the middle and the one on the left shortly after him, so as not to let him escape. As soon as a bar appears, slide under and then start jumping or crouching to dodge the lightning bolts it throws at you. When he enters the door on the right, do the same and as soon as he pulls out a red bomb, shoot him continuously to drastically reduce his energy. When he starts throwing small flaming bombs at you, jump to dodge them, then when the bigger one appears, shoot him to finally kill him and complete the level.

Watch the opening cutscene, then upgrade your Link Charge. As soon as you are in control of the centaur again, go ahead and start attacking the enemies, who will try to parry your blows often and willingly. Be very careful in these cases, because in the event of your attack, their counterattack will be truly devastating. So try to hit them in moments when they have low guard, perhaps using the Link Charge in the most difficult moments. Enter the passage at the bottom and move forward, then as you approach the gas station you will be joined by more and more enemies, including Demon Bikers, Earth Elementals and Fire Spitters. Once you've exterminated them all, refuel if you need it, then proceed to the end of the path to complete the level.
Accelerate immediately and turn left shortly after the start, preparing yourself for confrontation with different types of enemies. Get rid of them as quickly as possible, then keep following the road up to the ramp where you need to double jump. Slide under the next obstacle, take another small jump, then proceed, jumping when needed. Eliminate the enemies that will appear in front of you, using the Hellshots, then go forward at full speed to the next very narrow ramp, which will instead be followed by another ramp, from which you will have to take flight with a double jump. Once you land, keep turning your attention to the enemies and keep going until you finally get to the end of the level.
Advance, then violently hit the bikers and the demons, paying particular attention to those equipped with rocket launchers, really very dangerous. After getting rid of them, you will find yourself facing a giant red demon, which will engage you discreetly. Defeat him and enter the shed, preparing for the usual ambush. Maximize the Vengeance bar to destroy the shields protecting the Hellfires, then get rid of them and the usual red demon, whose defeat will lead to the opening of a new door. Enter, approach the gas station, get rid of the demons, paying particular attention to those armed with rocket launchers and the Water Elemental. Then blow up the tanker that blocks your path, then proceed until you are faced with another annoying enemy. Eliminate him, along with his buddies who will arrive in large numbers shortly thereafter, then continue on the road, turning left as soon as you see a power supply. Go a little further, turn right and enter the gate, get rid of the bats and Razor Backs, then deal with the red demon. After beating him, climb to the top of the stairs to complete the level.
Press the accelerator immediately, shooting at the enemies that will show up in the various areas that you will cross aboard your flaming motorcycle. After turning left twice, you will find yourself in the metro area. Keep shooting at the enemies as you go forward, double jump from the ramp at the bottom, then keep following the road to see other bikers arrive, against whom the use of chains and Hellshots is definitely the best solution. Proceed, sliding under the next two obstacles, and eliminate the large group of bikers who will try to stop you, accelerating to full throttle immediately after killing them. Once back on the surface, continue using the Hellshots to kill the remaining enemies and complete the level.
After the opening cinematic, immediately throw yourself against the Demon Bikers and Shuriken Ninja who will attack you. Get rid of the second wave of enemies as well, then climb the fire escape ladder to access the next room. Keep going up, stopping only to refuel if you need it, and once at the top enter the hole to move on to the next screen. Proceed to the door with "Exit", watch another animated sequence, then move forward a bit to find some Demon Crows, creatures to be eliminated as quickly as possible. At the end of the fight, enter the next room, where you will meet another boss, called Air Elemental. As for his "relatives" that you defeated earlier, memorize his movements and his attacks, because you will need them in the following levels. Dodge his two attacks, a dark tornado and a series of very annoying slashes, and hit him a couple of times with some combo to cut his energy in half and thus make the icon in the shape of a circle appear, at the appearance of which you can permanently end the enemy. Perform the final move by pulling out the chain and throwing the Air Elemental into the air, hitting it immediately afterwards repeatedly and then causing it to fall tumbling to the ground, burying it with blows to kill it. Collect the Air Soul to acquire the powers needed to destroy the air curtains and exit the door you entered, returning to the ground later. As you advance on the road, you will find yourself facing the usual hordes of enemies, which include the new Demon Rocketeers, the Katana Ninja and another Air Elemental. After beating them all, advance to the wreckage cars and cross them to finally finish the level.

After the opening sequence, as soon as you have taken control of the centaur, accelerate to full throttle and use the Hellshots to hit the non-mobile enemies, speeding forward until you're back in the subway. Here you will have to deal with the usual enemy bikers, against whom the chains and Hellshots are certainly the best weapons. Do not be surprised by the obstacles under which you have to slide and not even by the enemies that will appear immediately after, both in motion and not, with the intent to stop you. Dodge their attacks and try to make them pass to a better life, then keep going until you find yourself in front of a ramp, from which you will have to take off with a double jump. Once back on the surface, take out the remaining enemies and proceed to the end of the level to complete it.
Go down the stairs, go through the arch and get ready to face four Demon Crows, two normals and two with shields. Fight and attack to get the Vengeance bar up, then as soon as it is full, destroy their shield and kill them. Also get rid of the other Crows and the two Demon Rocketeers that will appear soon after, flanked in turn by Razor Demons and a Terrorsmith. After killing them all, go under the arch, refuel if you need it, then proceed to the cemetery, through it and out of a hole in the wall. Continue on the street to start an animated sequence, at the end of which you will have to fight against a group of enemies consisting of Demon Rocketeers, Demon Bikers and a Water Elemental. Once you've got rid of them, have the air barrier dissolve and enter the gate, then once on the next screen, go around the corner and climb to the top of the path flanked by the angel statues. Get rid of the Demon Crows and Demon Bikers, who will arrive in three distinct waves, then go through the red barrier that will have dissolved as a result of the fight. Follow the path leading to the church entrance to find yourself facing another group of enemies, consisting of Demon Bikers and Demon Rocketeers. The three waves of creatures will be closed by the appearance of three Air Elementals, which you will have to kill in no time at all. After finishing the carnage, enter the church to complete the level.

Watch the opening sequence, then get ready to face another boss, Scarecrow. The super villain in question can rely on rather devastating attacks. His 2-Hit Swing, in which he will try to hit you with his red stick, can be easily parried, while for the Ram Rod, in which he will use the stick like a ram, you will have to dodge the blow by turning around him, instead. to then attack it. The Crow Whistle is nothing more than a call with which he summons a group of Demon Crows against whom you will have to fight with the knife between your teeth. His last attack instead begins when he hangs from one of the four pillars in the room, aiming at the ground and throwing the stick at a precise point. In this case, however, you will not be able to parry, and the only way to dodge it will be to roll away quickly. The fight will begin with Scarecrow summoning annoying Demon Crows to protect him. Get rid of them as quickly as possible to focus on the boss, then as soon as you defeat them and Scarecrow approaches you, hit him a couple of times and then block his attacks. After a few tens of seconds of fighting, the scarecrow will fly to attach itself to one of the four pillars, forcing you to look around to understand which column it is hanging from. Keep attacking him as long as he is vulnerable, dodge his attacks and watch out for the Crows that might appear at any moment. If you follow this strategy it won't take long to defeat him. You can then also help yourself with the rifle, a weapon able to stun him and allow you to hit him with a series of combos, useful to significantly lower his energy. At the end of the fight, watch the cutscene that marks the end of the level.
Attack the crows that will try to stop near the bridge, then cross the structure and enter the fair. Get rid of the first group of enemies to find yourself in front of a Zombie Clown, a creature known for leaving bombs unattended around the levels. After defeating him, get rid of the Earth Elemental as well, then proceed to the gate and enter. Approach the carousel that is very reminiscent of your head, destroy the clowns and crows, then continue towards the Ghost Train and refuel yourself if you need it, immediately climbing on the carousel. Destroy the pumpkins to collect souls, going on until you find yourself in front of a coffin from which other new enemies will emerge, called Hatchet Clowns, against which you will have to be very careful. Keep hitting them until they are dead, then enter the door, go down and watch the cutscene. At the end, you will find yourself fighting against two Hellfire shielded, flanked by a couple of clowns and a group of demons who guard the lever seen in the movie. Kill them all, then enter, refuel if you need it, then advance to the door marked "Exit". Once outside, follow the path to be ambushed, from which you shouldn't have big problems getting out anyway. Eliminate the Air Elemental that will appear shortly and continue to destroy the waves of clowns, then enter the tent and, subsequently, proceed to the Ghost Ride to refuel, then advance to the Big Wheel. From there, proceed until you find a black barrier blocking your path, forcing you to return to the wheel area, and then access a new area. In the street, get rid of the clowns and then the Water Elemental, then return to the main path to complete the level.
In the level in question among the rival bikers you will also find clowns, aboard very special vehicles. Start by accelerating as usual to full throttle, dodging obstacles left and right and shooting the clowns around there, then after the first slide, start using the chains against the biker clowns. Make another slide, a couple of simple jumps and a double jump after a building collapses in the middle of the road, causing a hole that will force you to use hard ways to get past it. In the next area, pay particular attention to the first jump, as the following will not be very difficult. Once you reach the bottom, you will be forced to jump onto a moving metal platform, from which you can access the third and final area. Even in this last part of the level you will have to make several jumps and slides to the limit, in addition to facing the terrible biker clowns. Get rid of them and get to the bottom to complete the level.
Just took control of Ghost Rider, go ahead to bring up the first group of enemies, consisting of Katana and Shuriken Ninja. After defeating them, advance to the bridge and cross it, fighting against the creatures that will try to stop you. Once you've cleared them all, head up the stairs and refuel if you need it, then go through the fence behind the barrier to access the next screen. Head to the bridge and kill the five Katana Ninja that will appear, getting rid of the ones without shields first. After taking them out, cross the bridge to see another barrier and face another group of enemies, consisting of an Air Elemental and a series of Demon Crows. When the barrier dissolves, go through the fence to go to the next screen. Advance to the center of the area to trigger an animated sequence, prelude to the fight with the penultimate boss, Muck Monster. As for his colleagues, it will be very important to memorize his movements and attacks, since you will have to face him as a "simple" monster in the last levels of the game. Start by shooting him with the shotgun to stun him, then throw yourself at him and block him with a nice combo, then run away, try to parry his attack, and then shoot him again to stun him. Get hit as little as possible if you want to stay alive, as his attacks are really powerful. Continue to attack until the usual circular icon has appeared, then approach and perform the finishing move, with which you will first give him a strong punch to make him fall to the ground and then a flying kick in slow motion, followed by a wonderful blow of shotgun that will hit Muck Monster in the face and kill him. At the end of the fight, grab the Dark Soul to acquire the ability to destroy dark barriers, then return to the previous screen. Go ahead, cross the bridge and get rid of the Muck Monster and the bats that will stop you before you reach the fence. Cross it after defeating them, then go up the stairs to refuel, then go ahead and cross the long bridge to the first part of the area, where you will see an imposing barrier, in front of which there will be the usual enemies to be eliminated. Get rid of them to destroy it and then enter the fence to complete the level.

After the opening sequence, press the accelerator and then slide right under the obstacle, then use a Hellfire Jump to jump over the next one. Proceed on the road and use Hellshots and attack with the chain to eliminate the bikers who will try to throw you from your vehicle. Jump down the street, slide under another obstacle, then go up the ramp and take flight to the next one, from which you will have to make a very long jump. Once you land, keep moving forward, hitting enemies with Hellshots, sliding under yet another obstacle, and jumping when the time comes. In the second area, jump over the narrow planks at the start, moving from one to the other so you don't risk ending up below. Once you get to the road on the other side, get rid of the enemies until you reach an opening where you have to use a Double Hellfire Jump to jump over there. Use the ramp to help, then go ahead and keep jumping and sliding where necessary, firing your Hellshots at all kinds of enemies, both stationary and moving. Proceed up the road until you see a ramp from which you have to double jump to land on the other side. Once you land, take another short jump and a slightly longer one, continuing to shoot Hellshots at the enemies. Slide under yet another obstacle, get rid of the bikers also helping you with the chain, then keep going until you find a ramp that will take you to the last part of the level. Just accelerate to reach your destination and move on to the penultimate mission of the game.
Proceed to the Ferris wheel getting rid of the enemies on the path, then get on one of the "carriages" and press the appropriate button to start it. Approach the dark barrier, make it dissolve, continue to the bottom, then refuel yourself and enter the door on the left. Then head to the Big Top to start an animated sequence, then get rid of the five enemies who will welcome you with considerable warmth. After the first wave, take out both the second (Muck Monster, Bomb Clowns, Hatchet Clowns) and the third (Water Elementals, Hell Bats, Bomb Clowns), then enter the tent to complete the level.
Dodge all of Blackheart's attacks, then as soon as you see him slam to the ground with your hand, roll and hit the purple affair there to weaken him. At this point, you can hit him in the head with the heaviest combos you have. After that, move away from there so you don't have a bad end if the boss decides to destroy the piece of land you are on. Keep dodging his attacks and proceed with the strategy used above to hit him again and keep going until he's dead. At the end of the fight, you will finally have finished the game as well.
Solution summary

- psp
- ps2
- gba
Exit date: March 9 2007