Please note:
The solution is based on the American version of the game, so there may be differences for the Spanish version.
The Hunt
Montana, 1880. My name is Colton White. My father and I go hunting for the steamboats that travel on Missouri. It's not a bad way to live, if you can get used to your old man throwing you out of bed every day at dawn ... "
Ned will wake you up because it's time to go hunting. This is the tutorial of the game, as you may have imagined. Use the WASD keys to move and follow Ned. He will find a moose and shoot her. But a moose alone isn't enough for Ned. No, he'll want to see you shoot some quail while you're at it. Draw your weapon and shoot the quail. After that, you will have to use the mode that allows you to draw the gun quickly, and shoot some more.
You will be attacked by some wolves. A few hits will be enough to knock them out. Now keep following Ned. He will tell you to take out your rifle and shoot some moose. At you killed, other wolves will come to meet you. It's time to shoot these too.
A not-so-sociable bear will show up and knock Ned out. Grab his rifle and kill the bear. When it charges towards you, use the left or right strafe to avoid it. Just keep shooting him.
Ned is fine, which is already a good thing. You will take care of the bear while the boat attacks the port. The main music in this game is gorgeous.
Steamboat Massacre
Something bad is going to happen. Stay with Ned and face the enemies!
Ned will go and talk to a woman about something secret. You will be noticed by a guy named Reed, who will tell you that he is a priest. You'll discover soon enough that he really isn't, but I'm sure you've already noticed that there is something odd about this man. in fact, just a moment later, he will kill the woman because she refuses to reveal information to him. As if that were not enough, he will call his henchmen and they will attack the boat.
Shoot the bandits as you follow Ned. The boat is slowing down because the wheel on the other side is blocked by something. Try to get there while you kill the bandits and remove the pole that is stuck in it. Now back off a bit and climb over the cannon - it's time to shoot the bandit ships.
Once this is done, they will shoot the pilot and the ship will crash badly. Go back to the other side of the ship and look around. You will have to find Ned and help him face the enemies.
The boat is about to be destroyed and at this crucial moment Ned will give you a token and tell you that he is actually not your real father. Eventually the boat will blow up along with all the occupants, excluding you (of course).
Honest Tom
You have just come ashore and are looking for a way to get to Dodge.
- Reward: New missions available - pony express, bounty, poker
You'll see the priest who led the assault on the ship go to his boss, Magruder. The story of the self-styled clergyman will not be to his liking and will kill him. One less.
At this point some shady individuals will try to steal our token by believing us to be dead. But, of course we are not, and the honest Tom will offer to help us. He will offer us a bed and a horse, which is very useful. But we will have to earn it.
Get on the horse and follow its instructions to learn how to ride it. For now, you will only learn how to sprint and jump, and for practice, Tom will want to do a race with you. Of course we accept.
The key to winning is to sprint and hold the button. This will make you run faster and leave Tom behind. Don't be afraid to use the sprint, you will be given a message when it is no longer a good thing for your horse and you need to let him rest for a while. Put simply, you will have to do three laps. Each tour includes four jumps: over a small stream, over two trees and finally over another small fjord. Nothing really difficult.
When you have beaten Tom, he will ask you to kill some buffalo. To do this you will have to ride until you reach one then attack it using trample or skid to be able to kill it. Once this is done, go back to Tom. Now it's time to shoot some bottles. Go into quick draw mode and shoot more bottles than him. Nothing difficult this time either.
The last test we will have to take is to kill the wolves. You can shoot it, use the trample attack or the skid. The choice is yours. At this point Tom will give you his horse ... after a fight with his friends! Kill them all and the horse will be yours.

The Red Hand Gang
Rude, Crude and the rest of the Red Hand Gang are out looking for blood.
- Reward: Schofield - Ned's old Schofield has an opening mechanism that allows for quick reload. It also gives excellent results in close combat.
- Reward: Model 1887 Shotgun - Rude's single barrel Winchester 1887, is slow to reload but great for grinding enemies at close range.
- Reward: Whiskey Bomb - set enemies on fire and watch them burn.
Take the road to reach Dodge. You will find a river and you will have to cross it. The man in this area will be able to help you, he will do it without attacking or killing us!
"Dodge City. Take the token to the Alhambra saloon and ask for Jenny. This is what Ned said just before he died."
Head to the saloon and talk to the bartender. He'll help you find Jenny. Unfortunately Jenny is a whore and some people will want to know what we want from her. Obviously, all of this will turn into a big fight. Get ready and kill the rough man, go up the stairs and follow the path, very linear, until you have saved Jenny.
Jenny will show you some things about Ned, but it won't take long. The red hand gang will attack with fire, and burn the saloon. We will have to save the saloon! Go down and kill the enemies. When you are back on the ground floor, several more will arrive. Make sure you kill the enemies with the torches first, so they can't burn the saloon.
When the inside is safe, you will still have to deal with those outside. Get out and get on the horse in front of you. Ignore Crude for now and focus on killing only the men with the torches. They will arrive first from the north, then from the west and finally from the east. When they are all killed you can go back inside the saloon.
Crude will want to put an end to this, so head outside, mount a horse and put an end to the sad and annoying existence of Crude and his gang. First, shoot the men with torches on the rooftops, then kill Crude once and for all.
Denton, the sheriff, will want your help with some Indians but before that Jenny will want to talk to you. However, the topic is already known.
Quick Killer
Help the sheriff defend the bridge against Quick Killer and his renegade Apache while it is being repaired.
- Reward: new mission available (Deputy)
- Reward: Quick Killer's Tomahawk - Quick Killer's Tomahawk has an instant range and does a lot of damage.
"Reed. That son of a bitch will pay for it. Just wait until he gets to Empire City."
Talk to Denton to start this mission. You will have to protect the bridge from some Indians. They will start by shooting some TNT barrels and try to attack us. Kill them and move to the other side of the bridge while continuing to shoot them. Once at the other end, follow the road and kill more enemies.
Denton will move a transport towards us. Use it to reach the other side. You will notice a lot of TNT and Indians with torches. The best way to kill them is to use the knife. They will arrive in groups of two to try and set fire to the TNT barrels in order to destroy the bridge. Take the barrels and throw them in the water. Once this is done with all the barrels, the bridge will be safe.
Return to Denton using the transport. Kill a few more enemies (quick-draw will be more than enough) then head up the road.
So now the bridge is safe, the workers can start working on it. But Indians are known to be stubborn, and will try to kill the workers. Grab your rifle and follow the workers. The Indians will mostly come from the road on the other side, but always keep an eye on the mini map to make sure you don't miss any. They will also come south of the rafts, so beware of these too.
The work on the bridge is finished, but the Indians are not giving up! Hide behind the TNT barrels. As soon as they start shooting with the flaming arrows, go quick-draw mode and take down the arrows. After a while they will start coming in with the torches again, so kill the Indians before they can even think about it. After a while the only one left will be Quick Killer. Kill him and the mission will be accomplished.

Whore Coach
Take Jenny to Empire. Renegade Apaches will not make your journey easier.
- Reward: +25 health
- Reward: new missions available (New federal marshal, bounty, ranch hand, hunting)
Talk to Jenny and it will be time to start this mission. You will have to protect the caravan while you are on horseback. Just make sure you are in front of the caravan in order to kill the Apaches who attack you.
After a while you reach a door. You will have to blow everything up before the caravan can continue. Get off your horse and walk past the barricade. Kill the Apaches, and you will find a barrel of TNT. Pick it up and put it around the barricade. Now get away, shoot him and voila: problem solved.
At this point get on your horse and continue. After killing other Indians, the man with the shotgun will be hit by an arrow, fall and break a chariot wheel in the fall.
It will be up to you and Jenny to protect the caravan from attacking Indians. You can get on the horse and use the trample attack if you want. After a few Indians killed the chariot will be fixed.
At this point, climb onto the chariot. Shoot the TNT so you can continue. Now you have to defend the chariot without a horse, and it will be much more fun than before. Don't think too much about tactics, just have fun as it won't be difficult at all. After a little while, you will have arrived at your destination. You will meet the mayor who will give you permission to wander around the city.
Law and Order
Help Hoodoo and his lawmen attack the resistance.
- Reward: new missions available (New federal marshal, pony express, ranch hand)
- Reward: Double-barreled Colt - Raudabaugh's double-barreled Colt shotgun has twice the volume of fire of the regular shotgun and great recoil at close range.
- Reward: Volcanic 10 - Webb's Volcanic 10 has fast reload and can hold 10 bullets.
Talk to the man at the casino. He will guide you to Hoodoo. You will become part of the law and your first goal will also be given to you. Get on a horse and follow the others to the casino. Once inside, talk to the bartender.
The people of this place don't like the law and you will be attacked. Shoot everyone. The man you are looking for will flee, so it's time to go after him. Mount your horse and run after it.
You will end up arriving at the ranch and here being ambushed by men on horseback. Put the man aside for a second and kill these men. Once settled you will have to skip the ranch. When all these bandits are dead, you will find ... a preacher. Something is definitely wrong ...
They will try to kill you. One guy will be on horseback, while the other on foot. Stay in the barn and kill the one on foot first. To kill him, use quick-draw mode and keep aiming for his head. When this man is dead find a horse, get on it and kill the other one too.
At this point you just have to go back to talk to Hoodoo. The situation will not be the best: Jenny will be killed by the preacher and you will go to jail.
Escape the Jail
Hoodoo betrayed you and put you in the jail. Evasion!
- Reward: Apache Bow - silent but deadly, kill enemies silently while keeping your distance.
- Reward: +25 health
- Reward: new missions available (pony express, bounty, poker)
- Reward: dynamite - can be ignited and thrown to cause a timed explosion or thrown and used as a trap by shooting it later.
Talk to Port and the man will suggest you grab the guard when he gets close. you will have the opportunity to do so when he is disturbing Soapy. At that point you will kill him and take his brooch. Soapy will offer to tell you how to free yourself if you free him. Sounds good.
Open the lock by kicking it a few times. Get your equipment back from your desk. You will also find a bow, which will come in handy for hunter missions for the Indians. And not only for that, it will also be your main weapon for this mission, as it will allow you to kill enemies without making a noise.
In any case, head outside. you will have to bring three horses under the stone bridge. Just kill the enemies with the arrows (so, yes, using the bow) and grab the horse. Don't use the sprint, keep making little noise. When you've got three horses, all you have to do is free Soapy.
Go to the livery and throw a whiskey bomb to blow everything up. This will give you time to find a gunpowder barrel and place it near the wall behind which Soapy is. Blow it up and Soapy will be free.
Grab your horse and follow your two new prison friends. Ignore the enemies. Soapy will drop you off and head to Dodge. At this point, only you and Port are left. Do you remember that port has a hiding place? Well, follow him there.
We are welcome to join the resistance. Great!

Ambush the Train
One of Hoodoo's favorite games is in the train bound for Empire. It's time to steal it!
- Reward: new missions available (federal marshal, deputy)
Follow Clay as long as necessary. Port will already be in place. you will need to place some TNT barrels near some rocks so that you can blow them up later. Once you've placed a few barrels, a guy will come to you and tell you that the other members are being attacked.
Get on a horse and follow Clay to Dodge. Kill the bandits and the train will start moving again. Quickly get back onto a horse (if you haven't already), and return to the ambush area with Clay. Place the last TNT barrel where it needs to be, then move to the ledge aiming for the barrels. As soon as the train passes, shoot one of the barrels to create some movement.
Now that the train has hit the rocks, it's time to kill the remaining bandits. It looks like the train is full of Indian slaves. We will of course save them.
Defend the Hideout
Hoodoo's men surrounded the resistance hideout. You will have to stop them!
Reward: Sharps 1874 - The Sharps 1874 has a wide range and firepower, perfect for area-checking enemies from a safe distance.
- Reward: new missions available (federal marshal, bounty, pony express)
Go to the hideout and talk to one of the guards. The party is about to begin! Clay will tell you a few things about Ned, about himself and about the one-eyed madman. Either way, you will get attacked and you won't have time to do much but defend yourself.
Clay will give you his Sharps. Follow Chavez to the bridge where you have to start sniping. When you get there, look for Clay. he will come out and tell you to place the weapon. Start Sniping the enemies.
When this task is also done, Port will want to see you. He will tell you that those bastards have a cannon and, in that exact moment, you will be attacked by just that. Place a bullet in the head of the guy behind the cannon using your sniper rifle, then take possession of it. Kill the enemies that come with your new cannon and you're done.
Take Down Hoodoo
Hoodoo has been doing his comforts for long enough, it's time to move the fight back to his house.
- Reward: +25 health
- Reward: new mission available (poker)
- Reward: Double Peacemakers - the iconic revolver of the West. Hoodoo's two Colt 45s are very powerful, shoot fast and reload fast.
Talk to Port to start this mission. Take a horse and follow him. When you get close to Empire, get off your horse and follow him. He will have to move the cannon and you will have to cover him.
Once you get close to the stone bridge, you will need to mount on the cannon and shoot the lace towards which it is mounted. They will send a cart full of TNT to meet you, blow it up when it is still far from you.
If you made it, enter the hall and go find Clay. Inside you will find a wooden door. Blow it up with some TNT (it's in the room next to you, but you can also use what you brought from home) and move on.
Save Clay, then go find that Hoodoo bastard, who is at the top of the stairs. the coward will flee up high, just keep following him. The race will end inside his office. It will give you some interesting answers. Thank him by putting a bullet in his head to finish him off. It will end up being a beautiful figurine.
Save Soapy
Soapy is about to be hanged, and only he can break the steamboat safe.
- Reward: Remington - Remington-Creedmore Sniper Rifle not only has fantastic range and firepower, but also faster reload.
- Reward: new mission available (ranch hand)
"Whatever is in that safe is more important to Magruder than his own life. If I can get there before him, maybe I can finish what Ned started."
Go to Dodge and talk to Denton, you will find him on the bridge. Soapy is about to be hanged, so head to the water tower. Climb to the top and Denton will give you a sniper rifle. Use this to shoot Soapy's rope.
Soapy will run away in hiding, and you will have to snipe enemies for him. If you run out of ammo there will be more in the tower. after consuming a good quantity of bullets, you will have to escape together with Soapy. Take a horse and ride with it to the river. Talk to the boat operator to reach the other side. You will just have to bend over behind the crates to protect yourself.
Once you reach the other side of the river, more enemies will come towards you. Kill them all to finish the mission.

Hollister's Fort
You reached the steamship, but you were taken prisoner by Hollister. Flee.
- Reward: new missions available (pony express, bounty, poker)
- Reward: Black Feet Fire Bow - with more power than the standard bow, this bow will either kill more easily and also trigger explosives.
Magruder is not happy with all this. Good. Follow Soapy to the steamboat but you will be captured.
"Sergeant Hollister ... the bastard who led the steamboat massacre."
Save the Indian who is being beaten. If you save his brother, he will help you escape. The Indian is north of the fort, inside. Then go a little east and you will find the other one, still inside. It wasn't hard huh?
Now do what the Indian tells you. You will have to kill some guards, then just follow him. Soapy will open a passage and you will escape through the quarry. On one of the rocks you will find an Apache bow and you can use it to ... shoot arrows, yes.
The guard ahead has all your weapons. pull it down and get your things back. Now take out all the other guards, but don't use any other weapons. Continue with your bow. When all are killed, take the ammo and the horse.
Go to the Indians. They will meet you in their village, so join it. Protect their village to complete this mission.
Attack the Fort
Team up with black feet in a devastating raid on Fort Hollister
- Reward: new missions available (deputy, federal Marshall, ranch hand).
Follow the Indians to the canoes and enter one of them. The Indians will move, you just have to shoot the Indians.
After a while you will be back in the quarry. Follow the road and go up until you are back inside the fort. Kill the enemies and find the first cannon. Use it to blow up the four bunkers.
Now get to the second cannon and destroy the boats using it. When this task is done too, head to the third cannon. after a few waves of enemies, you can use it to blow up the building in front of you (just aim inside the building). They can say goodbye to their ammunition.
It's time to reach the last cannon. Follow the Indians again and you will get there. Grab the dynamite, if you haven't already, and destroy the cannon. About five charges will be needed.
Battle at the Steamboat
Hollister is trying to stop you from using the steamboat and is using Ned's rifle. Time to get it back.
- Reward: Ferguson - Ned's 69-caliber Ferguson has excellent range, fast reload speed, and incredible strength.
- Reward: +25 health
- Reward: new missions available (bounty, power)
- Reward: Sword of Cavalry - stolen from the corpse of one of Magruder's men, at excellent range and equally good damage potential.
You will be informed that Hollister has escaped. Shortly thereafter, the man will be killed by Hollister himself. It's time to put an end to this.
Hollister will throw dynamite at you, and when he throws dynamite at you ... he can't shoot. Find him and shoot him a few shots in the head. He will hide behind a rock to put dynamite on him. When you have found it, run away as soon as it sees you and it will try to come at you. At that point it will blow up and you will get Ned's rifle back.
It's time to go back to the steamboat. There are knights around here, and they're strong enough. Kill one, grab his horse and take out the rest of the gang. When everyone is dead it's time to find the safe. Let Soapy open it.
At that point Reeds will show up. Finish it as it should be. Getting on a horse will make things a little easier.
Reeds is dead and we have a part of the golden cross.
Across the Badlands
Many Wounds knows where to go to get the cross. Follow him.
- Reward: Loco's Dynamite Bow - the dynamite bow is one of the most powerful weapons around.
"I saw the other half of this cross. The Apache leader is there. If I can put two pieces back together I can beat Magruder at his own game."
Find Soapy and talk to him. Indians will capture you and you will understand that you are reality: an Indian boy. We could have expected it, but in case you didn't understand, now you know;)
The cross is finally completed! We won. Get away and get on your horse. Now follow Many Wounds and you will come to a camp with some Indians. Obviously you will be attacked ...
When you have these guys fixed, follow Soapy. You will have to dismount and continue following him. You will be attacked and Soapy will be captured.

Escape the Ambush
Magruder's men are here to stop you from reaching Quivira - kill them escape!
Kill the man and you will see what happens to Soapy. A finger less will be enough to make him tell Magruder the place. Thank you very much. He will still be able to escape.
Go on killing the men. Go to Soapy and he will go to the Indians. Now you will have to fight Dutchie. He will be behind a weapon, to kill the weakest soldiers first. With a shotgun and a bit of movement it won't be a difficult fight.
Magruder's Mine
Magruder took the lives of your friends and family to get to Quivira, this is your best chance to take revenge.
- Reward: Nock Gun - Magruder's seven-barreled siege weapon. Powerful, fast and extremely deadly. It will be placed in the slot of your shotgun.
"Magruder turned the mountain upside down looking for Quivira when the lost city was just above his head. I have to kill that bastard."
You and Clay board that train to enter directly inside the mine. Has! Well what about this Magruder! Climb into the cannon and kill every man, gunner, cannon, or whatever you encounter.
After a while, you will have to hit the trade lever. Do it and keep moving forward. And you will find another a little further on. Once inside the mine, be sure to shoot cannonballs at the rafters to make it collapse. This will save you from a lot of problems. Keep going.
You will have to blow up barricades, destroy positions with weapons, push levers and more. All pretty obvious things. After a while you will come to a revolving table. Use the lever and protect your allies from the enemies. Then climb back onto the cannon and shoot the barrier.
Clay and his men will turn back while you continue to find Magruder. Kill all the men as you go forward. You use a lot of TNT and cures, believe me. After a bit of fighting you'll come across the fat one-eyed guy. It is time to kill him.
It's not very difficult, but you need to know how. First he will run around you shooting you and throwing dynamite at you. Use your dynamite bow and keep a good distance. Have you noticed the blue and green gadgets on the floor? Shoot a dynamite arrow so it explodes as soon as Magruder steps on it. when you have done this enough times, he will get angry and move to a platform.
First, grab your sniper rifle and aim for his head. When you hit him, he'll throw a big pack of dynamite at you. Shoot the package while it is still in midair. You will have to shoot him a few times in mid-air to make him fall onto a large rock. When you're out of ammo for your shotgun, get close and use the quick-draw mode to aim for his head. One shot in the head, and it will throw dynamite.
Now, enjoy the final cutscene and relax. Another job well done.

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Exit date: November 11, 2005