Please note:
The solution is based on the American version of the game, so it is possible to find differences for the Spanish version.
1° piano: Traverse Town
Oblivion Castle: Introduction
After the opening cutscene and the dialogue about where the king is, a figure in black will appear telling you that you have lost your powers and will introduce you to the card combat mode. Shortly after you can choose the world to visit, choose the only one possible which is Traverse Town.
Once you arrive you will discover that you are alone and stuck in this area, immediately afterwards the battle will begin (Tutorial) and at the end the mysterious figure will speak to you again and you will be able to learn the other techniques of the cards (quite intuitive) and how to change them and finally you will discover that with the Select button you can manage your cards.
After the scene with your two friends you can move the character again, hit the door with the key and choose the right card to continue and thus begin your wonderful adventure.
First floor: Traverse Town
The first room will have no enemies but only a black diamond which if touched will save your game, immediately afterwards a barrel will fall which if destroyed will give you a card and then an enemy will appear and you will have to beat him. Remember during the battle to collect both the blue orbs for the experience, both the cards that the enemies will drop. Now go on and hit the door with the key and then use the right card to pass (I don't say that anymore, it's always the same thing).
In the new room you will have to kill all the enemies before receiving the card that will allow you to continue in the upper door, in the third room there will be two doors, you after killing all the enemies (it is not mandatory but doing experience is essential ) go to the door on the left and go through to get to the fourth room (here you will have to use a special card you will have).
Take your friends' cards and then talk to Leon and Yuffie, Leon will eventually learn you a new battle technique. Listen to the instructions and you will learn the combos, very useful in battle. After the battle Leon will give you a precious gift, the special Simba card.
You will return to the previous room and the door you just passed will be gone, kill everyone again and then go through the door at the top.
Another scene this time with Yuffie and Aeris and at the end of the dialogue you will receive another special card, go back and enter the top door to continue the adventure. Eliminate the enemies and then go through the door on the left with the green card you now have. Another conversation this time with the legendary Cid Highwind (for Final Fantasy fans since the first legendary episode) and in the end you will see it with a nice Boss.
BOSS 1 : Guard Armor Boss di Traverse Town
Victory Award: Guard Armor Card
Easy this Boss taken directly from the first Kingdom, hit the enemy and remember to take all the Mickey Mouse cards you see to block the monster and be able to attack it more easily, first destroy the legs and then take care of the arms, only after you have it abundantly handicapped you can take care of the body, watch out for its attacks in running and jumping which are quite powerful. After destroying it, take the experience and its card and you will return to talk to Aeris, after the conversation you will be in another room.
Here, go up to save and then take the door nearby to return to the Castle.
Oblivion Castle: Introduction
After the opening cutscene and the dialogue about where the king is, a figure in black will appear telling you that you have lost your powers and will introduce you to the card combat mode. Shortly after you can choose the world to visit, choose the only one possible which is Traverse Town.
Once you arrive you will discover that you are alone and stuck in this area, immediately afterwards the battle will begin (Tutorial) and at the end the mysterious figure will speak to you again and you will be able to learn the other techniques of the cards (quite intuitive) and how to change them and finally you will discover that with the Select button you can manage your cards.
After the scene with your two friends you can move the character again, hit the door with the key and choose the right card to continue and thus begin your wonderful adventure.
First floor: Traverse Town
The first room will have no enemies but only a black diamond which if touched will save your game, immediately afterwards a barrel will fall which if destroyed will give you a card and then an enemy will appear and you will have to beat him. Remember during the battle to collect both the blue orbs for the experience, both the cards that the enemies will drop. Now go on and hit the door with the key and then use the right card to pass (I don't say that anymore, it's always the same thing).
In the new room you will have to kill all the enemies before receiving the card that will allow you to continue in the upper door, in the third room there will be two doors, you after killing all the enemies (it is not mandatory but doing experience is essential ) go to the door on the left and go through to get to the fourth room (here you will have to use a special card you will have).
Take your friends' cards and then talk to Leon and Yuffie, Leon will eventually learn you a new battle technique. Listen to the instructions and you will learn the combos, very useful in battle. After the battle Leon will give you a precious gift, the special Simba card.
You will return to the previous room and the door you just passed will be gone, kill everyone again and then go through the door at the top.
Another scene this time with Yuffie and Aeris and at the end of the dialogue you will receive another special card, go back and enter the top door to continue the adventure. Eliminate the enemies and then go through the door on the left with the green card you now have. Another conversation this time with the legendary Cid Highwind (for Final Fantasy fans since the first legendary episode) and in the end you will see it with a nice Boss.
BOSS 1 : Guard Armor Boss di Traverse Town
Victory Award: Guard Armor Card
Easy this Boss taken directly from the first Kingdom, hit the enemy and remember to take all the Mickey Mouse cards you see to block the monster and be able to attack it more easily, first destroy the legs and then take care of the arms, only after you have it abundantly handicapped you can take care of the body, watch out for its attacks in running and jumping which are quite powerful. After destroying it, take the experience and its card and you will return to talk to Aeris, after the conversation you will be in another room.
Here, go up to save and then take the door nearby to return to the Castle.

Second Floor: The Wonderland
Oblivion Castle
You will arrive and you will have a dialogue with a mysterious character who will eventually have the name of Alex, after the dialogue you will have to fight with him.
BOSS 2 : Alex
Victory Award: Fire Card and World Card
Nothing complicated this Boss (for now), attack him with the combos and you will have no problems, watch out for his attacks with the cards and the wall of fire, jump to avoid them. Take advantage when he recharges to unleash your combo attacks and finish him off. After eliminating it there will be another dialogue and then you will have to put the fire card in your deck.
Oblivion Castle
Climb the stairs and paralyze with the Cricket, save and then continue having to choose one of the various worlds of the game, you can visit them as you want but it is better to choose the easier ones first, the best to start is that of Alice In Wonderland .
The world
The second floor is small, watch out for the new enemies, eliminate them all and then enter the door on the left to enter a special room. Go back and enter the upper door, here you will find three more doors, kill everyone and then go through the door on the left.
Here there will be only one door that you can take and it will take you to another special room, the problem is that to open this card it takes at least one card of value 15 so you will have to add several cards, after you will receive a golden card and you will find yourself in another room.
From here go back to the first room and take the door on the right that you can now open, beat the enemies and the big monster and you will find yourself in a new room, save here as you can and then go to the door upwards to return to the castle .
At the beginning enjoy the dialogue with the rabbit and then start in the first room, hit the flowers to get some spheres and face a new big enemy, to beat him you will have to sprint and finish behind him, it is the only way to eliminate him .
In the first special room after the trial, face the Queen's guards, they are tough so be careful, after killing them you will receive the cards you need.
In the second special room you will meet the Cat, after the scene you will have a golden card.
In the third special room after the dialogue between Alice and the Queen there will be the Boss.
BOSS 3: Trickmaster Boss Of Wonderland
Victory Award: Trickmaster Card
The battle seems tough but rest assured it won't be, at first you will have to defend yourself from the fireball, the super hit and the earthquake. The first two you will easily avoid them while for the third you will have to be good at jumping at the right time. After his attack hit him until you see a card below, then move around and avoid the attack. After beating him there will be another scene and eventually you will return to the Castle.
Third Floor: Agrabah
Oblivion Castle
Go up the stairs to continue and a scene with a little girl will start, after this save and take the stairs to the next world.
Oblivion Castle
On the third floor Pippo will try to remember something but with little result, after the scene the action starts again.
The world
As soon as you start go to the door on the right and enter, in the new room go up and there open the door. New room full of enemies to defeat, after doing so head up and enter the door. Now go right and enter the door, new room where you have to go down and use the gold card to open the door.
After the special room you will go back, you will have a new golden card, go back one room and use the card you just received in the door on the right. Second special room and more golden card, from where you will appear go to the door above and then again up. Here, open the door on the left and you will arrive in the special room. In the last room, go up until you find the exit and return to the castle.
As soon as you start there will be the meeting with Aladdin, help him until the genius arrives, watch out for the new big enemy who throws fire at you.
In the first special room you will talk to Aladdin and the Genie and at the end you will receive a golden card.
In the second special room you will have to beat some enemies to save Jasmine, eventually Jafar will take the Genie and Jasmine and you will have to get them both back (you get a golden card though).
In the third special room Jafar will turn into Genius and you will have to beat him.
BOSS 4 : Jafar Boss De Agrabah
Victory Award: Jafar Card
It will not be easy to eliminate the Boss, avoid the direct attack on the genius because it is useless to concentrate on the bird and hit him to damage the BOSS. There are three attacks to avoid, the fireball, the laser and the blow that destroys. To avoid these hits you will have to quickly change the platform and remember that if you take the Mickey Mouse card the platforms will rise making it easier for you to hit the bird. After beating him the genius will be free and you will receive his card.
Fourth Floor: Halloween Town
Oblivion Castle
Nothing fancy here, go up the stairs to the next level.
Oblivion Castle
Pippo and Grillo will have a little conversation, after the dialogue go up the stairs to enter the world.
The world
From the first room go left to the second and from here up to the third. In this room go left to get to the fourth room, from here go to the lower room to enter a special room.
After the secret room you will find yourself in the second room, go to the third room and from there go right and enter the door that will take you to another special room (you will always have to use the various golden cards they will give you). At the end of the scene you will find yourself in the first room, from there go back to room number three and take the door at the top, in this new room enter the door on the left in the last special room. Eventually you will get to the last room, go upstairs to find the world exit and return to the Castle (save first).
Halloween town
Dark and gloomy world this, at the beginning you will meet Jack and help him defeat the enemies. You will then have a golden card and a new ability (terror).
In the first special room you will be in a laboratory and you will talk to the doctor, after the dialogue you will have to recover a potion.
In the second room you will meet Sally and you will find that the potion is not very good, despite your best efforts but the potion will be stolen.
In the third special room is the Boss ready to fight you.
BOSS 5 : Oogie Boogie Boss di Halloween Town
Victory Award: Oogie Boogie Card
In fact, this strange boss will never attack you directly but will throw dice which, depending on the result, will cause one of these three events.
1 - Enemies will come and attack you
2 - A rotating disc will attack you
3 - Sharp columns will hurt you
After avoiding the attacks hit the dice until they are destroyed, just be careful that his cards are all at least of value seven so act accordingly. When you have destroyed the three dice you can attack the Boss for a while, the same thing will happen if you manage to take the Mickey Mouse Card. After a couple of successful attacks you can destroy the evil Boss forever and end the World.

Fifth Floor: The Colosseum
Oblivion Castle
Approach the stairs to start a cutscene with the strange little girl, then go to the next floor.
Oblivion Castle
Finally Sora remembers who the strange little girl is, save and then off to the next world.
The world
You will start in the first room and going to the door above you will get to the second, here go right (third room) and right again to get to the fourth room. Here you can enter the special room and you will receive another golden card, you will return to the fourth room and from here again to the third, now go to the lower room (the sixth) and further down to enter the special room.
You will receive another golden card and at the end you will be back in the sixth room, go to the upper door to get to the eighth room and from there go through the door on the right to get to the ninth room. Here you will find the entrance to the special room that will take you straight to the Boss, at the end you will be in a room where you can save and exit to return to the Castle.
The Colosseum
In this world you can get a large amount of cards, destroy all the barrels (watch out for the enemies inside) and hit the columns to receive useful orbs.
In the first special room you will have a dialogue with Phil and only the arrival of Hercules will make you continue, after understanding the rules you will start the challenge. In the second room you will have to clash with Cloud:
Cloud's attacks are only via combos so you can prevent them quite easily, remember that if you are hit it will take away a lot of energy (the sword hurts). However you will see that there will be no problems, Cloud's slowness will allow you to attack him without taking big risks.
In the third special room there will be the Boss and here the trouble begins.
BOSS 6 : Hades Boss del Colosseo
Victory Award: Hades Card
This is one of the toughest bosses in the game. You must have a level of 20 or more to beat him and your card level must be high because otherwise you will never be able to attack him. Hades can be either blue or red, if he is blue there is no problem because he has only one type of attack, a beam of fire that is easy enough to avoid.
The problems come when it turns red where the attacks become three and are very dangerous, the hands of fire take away energy but can be avoided, then the flamethrower when it throws fire from your hands (stay away from it because it hurts a lot) and finally the easily avoidable fireball.
Always move and attack him when he is in blue, when he is red use the hit and run technique, after beating him you will receive the Cloud Card, very useful later.
Sixth Floor: The Whale
Oblivion Castle
There will be a new conversation and more details about the child will be remembered, once the dialogue is over, go up the stairs.
Oblivion Castle
As soon as you get here you will see an interesting conversation, then immediately go to the new world.
The world
This world is the inside of the whale that ate Geppetto and Pinocchio, after the dialogue with the Cricket you can begin. In the first room go left and you will come to the second room, here go upstairs and enter the door to the third room. Now you can enter the door and arrive in the special room, you will return to the first room and run back to the third room.
Use the upper door to get to the fifth room, here there is only a door that if taken will take you to the sixth room where you will finally find the special card to open the door at the bottom of the fourth room. After the scene you will find yourself in the third room, go back one room and then go right passing several rooms until you reach one that has the special room at the bottom. After finishing with the third special room you will be in a new room where at the top you will find the exit to the Castle.
The whale
You will immediately meet Pinocchio and Geppetto and you will get the golden card. In the first special room you will meet Geppetto on a destroyed boat, Pinocchio will be gone and you will have to find him.
In the second special room you will get a Boss who will not be easy but with the right system you can beat him.
BOSS 7 : Parasite Cage
Victory Award: Parasite Cage Card
He would be a difficult Boss if he didn't have a weak point to fully exploit: Fire. The Boss has three attacks, a sphere of energy, a direct physical attack (it comes on you) and then a short attack where it randomly hits the ground with its tentacles.
The simple trick is to hit it with fire, this will paralyze the enemy and you can attack him without problems, you will also receive the Mickey Mouse Card that will allow you to fly towards the monster. Beware of the green liquid which if stepped on too much will harm you.
After beating the Boss you will find Pinocchio and you will receive the Golden Card to continue.
In the third special room you will have to fight against the enemies and make an indicator go up to the end, you have to be fast because if you spend too much time without hitting enemies the bar will empty and you will have done everything for nothing. After filling the bar it will turn yellow and you will only have to eliminate the remaining enemies to receive the Dumbo Card and be able to return to the Castle.
Seventh Floor: 100 Acre Woods
Oblivion Castle
After your memory you will have to clash with a Boss, yes you understood well and 'really great enemy (or rather enemy).
BOSS 8 : Larxene
Victory Award: Lightning
This enemy will not be easy, in fact Larxene is always inclined to attack and will always attack you with lightning-type attacks luckily for you they will not be very strong and will not take away a lot of energy, only super lightning is harmful but it can be avoided by moving fast.
Attack it preventing it from any counterattack to eliminate it. After wiping it out, you will receive cards and move on to the next floor.
Oblivion Castle
New dialogue of this strange brotherhood, Vexen a new enemy will arrive and at the end a thick fog will take you to the next world.
100 Acre Wood
Dialogue between Sora and Winnie The Pooh and eventually Sora will have to find Winnie's lost friends. You will now have to guide the bear by pressing the R button when the animal begins to lose its way, watch out for obstacles on the ground that can slow it down or injure it and try to get it closer to the honey containers to make it recover energy. You can always go straight ahead and you will pass the plan anyway but I will explain how to help Winnie's friends.
Advance up to the rabbit and there will be a wheelbarrow near it, get on it and the bear will follow you, the wheelbarrow will break. Go down and advance with the bear until you find Piglet, when you get close a scene will start, after this you will have the Confusion technique. Now continue to the balloons, bring the bear close to the balloons and it will fly away and be saved by the owl. Talk to the owl and you will receive the Spellbinder ability.
Go ahead and drop Pooh into the hole to free the kangaroo, after the scene you will get an Elixir as a gift. Now approach the donkey and talk to him then continue until you get to the kangaroo, there will be trunks near him, climb on top and be followed by Pooh and let him do a complete tour of the trunks until Tigger appears, after the discussion with him you will receive the Idyll Romp.
Go back to the big tree and approach to let the bees out, Pooh will run against the tree where the donkey was and you will receive Bind. Go back to where the logs were and near them you will find 7 semi-submerged logs to hit, hit them all to release some cabbages that you will have to hit until you get to 14, the rabbit will arrive and after the dialogue you will receive Synchro.
Continue and in the last scene of the pattern you will receive the Bambi Card.

Eighth Floor: Atlantica
Oblivion Castle
You will meet Riku and after the dialogue you will obviously have to meet him in battle.
BOSS 9 : Riku
Victory Award: Aero Card
This is a simple battle and without great difficulty, in fact the Boss before attacking you will let himself be hit, use the most powerful combo you have and be very careful to flee as soon as it's finished because his shot will paralyze you for a few seconds. Watch out when reloading because you will be vulnerable, move a lot and soon the Boss will flee. When that happens, go up the stairs to the next floor.
Oblivion Castle
Dialogue with the Cricket who will reassure Sora for the previous fight, go to the new World.
The world
Go all the way to the right and go through the door at the end, in the second room go to the upper door to get to the third room, here on the right you will find the door that will lead you to the first special room. After the dialogue you will return to the second room, go to the right door and then from there to the lower one to find the second special room.
From where you come back go to the upper door and continue like this for each room until you find one that will only allow you to go to the right, go there to find the last special room. When finished, head up to exit and return to the castle.
In the first special room Sebastian will tell you that the trident has been stolen and you will have to investigate.
In the second special room you will see Ariel handing the trident to Ursula who had Flounder hostage but eventually gives up and everyone is looking for Flaunder.
In the third special room Ursula finally receives the trident and you will have to defeat this terrible Boss.
BOSS 10 : Ursula Boss in Atlantica
Victory Award: Carta Ursula
To beat the Boss you will have to hit all the tentacles to make the head appear which you will then have to hit, the Mickey Mouse Card will make the tentacles go down and you can hit the Boss freely. Lightning attacks are difficult to dodge and be careful when Ursula gets up and fires the beam that you have to avoid if you don't want to receive an exaggerated amount of damage.
If you get caught in a bubble the controls will swap and it will be really difficult to avoid the attacks. After eliminating the Boss you can safely return to the castle.
Ninth floor: Neverland
Oblivion Castle
There will be a new dialogue between Sora and Riku which obviously ends with a duel.
BOSS 11 : Riku
Victory Award: Warpinator
The password is attack, you will have to attack often and always close to him because he can not make his powerful combos, watch out when he launches Dark Firaga but he will miss his target if you are very close and down. After beating him Riku will flee and the only thing you can do is follow him upstairs.
Oblivion Castle
After the scene with Namine 'you can go to the next world.
The world
Start and immediately go up and go through the rooms until you can't do it anymore, when this happens enter the room on the left to see a special event. Now go down and as soon as you can enter the door on the right, after entering continue down and when you can no longer go down enter the door on the right to get to the second special room.
Last go up and when you can enter the door on the left, continue to the left until you find the third special room.
At the beginning you will see Tinker Bell that will make you 'scene to follow it, hit all the objects in the scenario to receive important orbs and other things. In the first special room there will be Peter Pan looking for Wendy with the help of Tinker Bell.
In the second special room you will see Peter Pan leave and the beginning of Wendy's rescue.
In the third special room you will have to meet the Boss of Neverland.
BOSS 12: Captain Hook Neverland Boss
Victory Award: Captain Hook card
The Captain's special move is really fearsome in fact first he attacks you with his sword and immediately afterwards he throws dangerous bombs at you. Stay close to him and hit him repeatedly until he starts throwing the bombs, now run from one side of the boat to avoid him and as soon as the attack ends start hurting him again.
After the battle Sora will make some considerations and then Peter Pan and Wendy will leave and Tinker Bell will give you his card to call her back.
Tenth Floor: Hollow Bastion
Oblivion Castle
Little skit but nothing major, go upstairs.
Oblivion Castle
You will make the acquaintance of the fourth member of the secret association, it is Marluxia and after the dialogue it will be known that Vexen will be eliminated if he does not kill Sora. After the dialogue, go to the last world you have left.
The world
Open the door to the left and then left again to the next room and one more, now you will be in room number four and you have to go to the lower room, 5. From here, go left to enter the first special room. After the scene you will end up in room number 7, go right for two rooms and then up, you will be in room 8 and if you enter the door on the right you will be in another special room.
Now you will find yourself in room 10, go down to the room below and then to the one on the left, advance two rooms upwards and then one to the left, here you will be in room 12 and going down you will enter the last special room.
Hollow bastion
You will see a discussion between Beauty and the Beast and it would seem that everything is over between them, in this world there will be very tough enemies so always keep an eye on your energy bar, if you hit the pipes and columns you can receive very useful items.
In the first special room Bella will ask you some questions and you will understand the trap that Maleficent is planning.
In the second special room Maleficent tries to steal the Beast's heart but Bella saves the situation by sacrificing herself.
In the third special room, after a great dialogue between the Beast and Maleficent, the fight with the Boss will begin.
BOSS 13: Malefica Boss di Hollow Bastion
Victory Award: Maleficent Card
Maleficent has three primary attacks, in the first he will launch a green fire at you which will leave some fires scattered around the screen, avoid the direct flame and then hit the fires to put them out. In the second attack it will hit the ground, jump at the right moment to take no damage. In the last attack he will try to bite you, dodge him by running away. The technique is to escape until Maleficent launches the green fire, put out one of the fires to bring up the Mickey Mouse Card which if taken will create a stone bridge that will allow you to easily hit the dragon's head, continue like this until Maleficent does not die, then return to the Castle.

Eleventh Floor: Twilight Town
Oblivion Castle
As soon as you get back you will have to deal with Vexen and it will not be easy.
BOSS 14 : Vexen
Victory Award: Mega Ether
Vexen has several attacks, you will understand that he will use Freeze when he opens his hands and shouts, at this point run around without stopping until the danger is not avoided. He might hit you with his shield but the attack is easy to avoid. Last attack is the ice ball that she will throw at you if you stand in front of her (also simple to avoid). You can only hit it from behind and do not use the frost spell because it will give it energy instead of removing it, after beating it you will have an object and a World Card, go upstairs.
Castelllo di Oblivion
You will see a scene where a mysterious man will give orders to Vexen to eliminate you, soon after you can enter this new and extravagant world (first save that it never hurts).
Twilight Town
This world is totally new and was not found in any version of Kingdom Hearts, Sora remembers other details of Namine. With my solution you will not have to visit all the rooms in the world, it would be the case, however, to gain experience to visit them all and kill all the enemies.
In the first room go left and then continue upwards until you can, when you can't go up anymore go left to enter the special room. As soon as you enter there will be a beautiful dialogue with Vexen that you will have to face immediately afterwards.
BOSS 15 : Vexen
Victory Award: Vexen Card
The attack technique to beat Vexen is the same as before, in fact only attacking him from behind will you be able to damage her. This time, however, his speed has increased and the number of attacks has also increased. In addition to the old ones there is the very dangerous ice daggers which is almost impossible to avoid, the only thing is to try to block his attack with a special card, also watch out for his direct attacks which are very dangerous. Always keep the healing cards ready and remember that to avoid a block you must have high value cards. After winning Alex will make an appearance and the next scene will be terrible, soon afterwards go back to the Castle.
Twelfth Floor: Destiny Islands
Oblivion Castle
Scene full of revelations that I do not want to ruin, as soon as you enter Riku will wait for you that after an intense dialogue something will go wrong and you will have to fight it.
BOSS 16 : Riku
Victory Reward: Mega Potion
The real danger of Riku is always Dark Firaga, devastating if it hits you but it has to hit you and if you are attacked and keep hitting it his dangerous sphere will not do you any damage and will pass over you. The cards must be of a high level and if you need to seek or heal yourself, move away from him and take refuge in one of the corners of the room.
After the battle there will be a big discussion with Donald and Goofy and in the end you will go upstairs alone.
Twelfth Floor: Destiny Islands
Oblivion Castle
New discussion of the brotherhood that seems to have lost some of its security and more and more we understand that Alex is moving the ranks of the game, you will see it with an animated conversation with the Jiminy Cricket and after having removed it you will go to the last world left.
Destiny Islands
Sora returns to his island and finds all the old friends left there a long time ago, this world is similar to the others but has two important peculiarities, the first is that you cannot count with Goofy and Donald and the second is that here the enemies are really strong and eliminating them will not be easy at all. In the first special room you will see it with Riku, but this time it is not the Riku of the Castle, it is the one who created your memory and after the fight you will go in search of Namine.
You will return to the first room, go to the second special room that you will find always going up and then to the right, here you will clash in a Boss very familiar to the players of the first Kingdom Hearts: Darkside.
BOSS 17 : Darkside
Victory Award: Darkside Card
This Boss has three and a half bars of vitality but is not very strong, however the battle will be tiring and it will take you a while to beat him. The strategy to beat him is very simple, get close to his legs and wait for him to hit the ground with his fist, when he does it if you are close to the legs you will not suffer damage and you can immediately hit his hand in order to cause damage, repeat the procedure until you beat him.
After eliminating the Boss Sora will find Namine and after a dialogue he will understand that it is not she who is looking for but Kairi, go to the final room to exit the world and return to the Castle.

Thirteenth Floor: Oblivion Castle
Oblivion Castle
Another dialogue with Naminè, the story is finally understood well and you do not have time to rejoice because the usual Riku will return to challenge you.
Boss 18 : Riku
Victory Award: Riku Card
Here is your worst enemy! (one of the worst), mandatory at least you 0 cards and three very high value healing cards, Riku uses the Combos in two different ways, both devastating, the usual Dark Firaga you know how to avoid and Dark Aurora, this unstoppable attack is very powerful and the only way to avoid it is to use a 0 card as soon as you see that the screen begins to darken (a sign that the attack is about to be unleashed). It will still be very hard and a level above 50 is required to have any chance, move a lot and hit him from the back as soon as you can, reload often and always keep a 0 card in the deck.
After defeating him, you don't have to go near Riku !. Instead, go back to Destiny Islands and save and recover your energy at the save point. Now go back to Riku who will want to kill you but Namine will stop him and will explain that Riku has never actually been there at the Castle and that it is only a magic of Vexen. After the conversation with Naminè there will be another very hard battle.
BOSS 19 : Larxene
Victory Award: Larxene Card
Larxene is faster than Riku but the strategy of staying close to her and attacking her constantly does not change, remember to go to a corner when you have to reload the deck. The witch has several direct attacks but using the 0 cards and always being close to them you shouldn't have big problems, after killing Larxene you will talk again with Namine and eventually you will go upstairs.
Thirteenth Floor: Oblivion Castle
Oblivion Castle
Save the game as usual and then walk through the door to end up in the world of the world.
Oblivion Castle
Sora is constantly wondering who is the person that Naminè made her forget and will finally get back the company of Goofy and Donald, moreover he will know a new powerful attack technique the Trinity Limit (you will do it using a Donald Duck Card, a Goofy Card and a Attack card).
This floor is completely different from the others in fact it will not be a world to face but the castle itself. At first go right until you get to the fourth room, from there go up until you can go left, do it and continue to the fourteenth room, here you will discover Alex's plans and various betrayals in the room. organization, in the end it appears that Alex kills Marluxia.
From here go one room up and then one to the right and then back up again, open the door on the left and you will be in the first special room with a very important Boss.
BOSS 20 : Axel
Victory Award: Axel Card
Here, as always, the 0 value cards and the healing ones are mandatory, you will always have to attack him except he will not try to hit you with one of these two very powerful attacks: Firewall and Firetooth.
With Firewall Alex will make a fire barrier, run to the area opposite to him and you will see that it will take some time for the fire to reach you, take the opportunity to reload the deck or to heal yourself and then avoid it with a jump. The second Firetooth attack will create two fireballs that will attack you at the same time, be careful not to get caught because they hurt, if you are agile you can avoid them but a 0 card would be more appropriate.
At the end of the meeting Alex will say some strange words and you will return to the previous room, from here go one room to the right, one up and then always to the right until you reach a room where you can save (do it is convenient). Now study your deck well and put the most powerful one you have because the clashes will be terrible in a while. Once the tidying up is finished, go out the upper door and go back to the Castle (but weren't you already there?).
Oblivion Castle
Big discussion between Marluxia and Naminè to take away Sora's memory, after the witch's refusal only a fight with Marluxia can make you win the game !.
BOSS 21 : Marluxia
Victory Award: Marluxia Card
Here you will see it with a Boss with very high value cards and whose attacks are exceptionally powerful, also watch out because he will always be on you with his attacks and the risk of a devastating Card Break is always around the corner (you will also have difficulties to cure you).
These are the cards you will need:
Attack cards of level 7 and higher
Level 0 cards
High level healing cards
Maleficent Card (to be enabled as soon as the fight begins)
Neosoldier Card (to be used immediately after Maleficent Card)
The trick here is to never stop and always move non-stop, almost all attacks can be avoided, when he uses the attack of the petals wait for them to cover you to jump and avoid the attack, when he uses the attack of the ax you will have to avoid it in order not to die immediately but you will have immediately after some time to heal yourself or to counterattack it. Cloud attacks are very effective.
After the defeat of the Boss you will discover a terrible truth, Marluxia was not the real one and while Riku will stay with Namine to cure her you will regain control of Sora and you will first go to the left door to save and recover energy and then to the right door to start the last and terrible battle.
BOSS 22: The Real Marluxia and The Robot
Victory Award: -
Here he is finally the final villain, you will not only have to kill him but also that strange robot he is using, first you will have to try to destroy the hands, when you have done so you will notice three roses circling over you, destroy them and then avoid his attack. Now the Boss will turn and you can hit the other arm, do it until it is destroyed.
Once you have destroyed the two arms you can concentrate on Marluxia, it will have two nice full bars and even if it will not be difficult to eliminate it it will cost you a lot of time.
Boss Attacks:
- When he gets up he is ready to jump and hit the ground, when he is about to hit the ground jump to avoid being hit (when he is in the air you will have time to reload).
- When he disappears from the screen he will try to run over you, when he approaches jump to avoid the fight, if you manage to do a Card Break when he uses this attack he will stop in the middle of the room and you can get on the robot and hit the Boss.
- When you see a circle of roses around him he will be about to hit you with a gust of wind, you can try to avoid it but it is really difficult, the only one is to use a Card Break.
- When you have the roses above you in the shape of a sword you will have to destroy them because they are slowing you down, with a Card Break you will destroy them all immediately.
Usually he uses two attacks at a time, as soon as you manage to avoid the second attack him, remember that he will not have very high cards so if you have them you should not have particular problems. As soon as Marluxia is beaten, the Robot will also destroy itself, killing the Boss as well.
Eventually Sora will return to the Castle and seal the door with the Keyblade, Riku will greet you and at the end you will talk to Namine. He will tell you that in order to put things right he will have to make Sora forget the facts of the castle or those of the past. Sora obviously chooses to keep the old memories and promises Namine to look for her in the real world!

- gba
Exit date: December 7 2004