Adventure mode: normal
Laboratory Sol 1 (Mappa 1) -
First level.
It is made up of five stages, when you complete them you get a coin in exchange.
Collect as much of them as you can as they will come in handy later on.
You have four Solrocks available, to complete the stage slide the top ones to the right.
Second level.
Slide the Solrock further up on the left into the empty space.
Third level.
Move the bottom row to the right to move them all together.
Fourth level.
Slide the Solrock down one space higher.
Fifth level.
Like the last level, move Ditto down one space.
Unlock access to the first secret warehouse.
Secret Warehouse 1 (Map 1) -
Troizei goal 50
Score: 5,000 points
Speed: slow
Difficulty: easy
Pokemon available:
- Natu (177) Porygon (137) Tentacool (72) Sunkern (191) Paras (46) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
-Butterfree (12) Venomoth (49) Ludicolo (272)
Unlock access to Secret Warehouse 2 and Sol Laboratory 2 and 3.
Laboratory Sol 2 (Mappa 1) -
First level.
Move the two leftmost Solrocks down.
Second level.
Move the Solrock up to the right.
Third level.
Move the Solrocks down to make a line of five.
The Whoopers will have a gap between them, slide them so that the falling Dittos land right there.
Slide all the Whoopers in between to play Trozei.
Fourth level.
Slide the two Solrocks to the bottom left one space.
Fifth level.
Slide the top Solrocks down two spaces each to match the lower level.
Laboratory Sol 3 (Mappa 1) -
First level.
Move the Solrock to the top on the right.
Second level.
Move the top left Ditto two spaces.
Third level.
Move the Solrocks to the left side of the screen, the top right row one space and the third right row two spaces.
Fourth level.
move all the Solrocks down, one of the Metapods will be alone, move it to the right to make it hit Ditto.
Fifth level.
Move the lower right Solrock one space, move a Whooper down three spaces to line up with the others to trigger a series of Trozei that will clear the screen.
Secret Warehouse 2 (Map 1) -
Troizei goal 60
Score: 6,000 points
Speed: slow
Difficulty: easy
Pokemon available:
- Magnemite (81) Seshrew (27) Spinarak (167) Horsea (116) Corphish (341) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
-Ivysaur(2) Weepinbell(70) Cacturne(332)
Unlock Warehouse 3.
Secret Warehouse 3 (Map 1) -
Troizei goal 70
Score: 7,000 points
Speed: slow
Difficulty: easy
Pokemon available:
- Numel (322) Larvitar (246) Taillow (276) Voltorb (100) Zangoose (335) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
-Vileplume (45) Nidorino (33) Venusaur (3)
Unlock Phobos Train.
PHOBOS MOBILE 1 (Mappa 1) -
Phobos Train Goal Troizei 100
Score: 8,000 points
Speed: slow
Difficulty: moderate
Pokemon available:
- Oddish (43) Bulbasaur (1) Roselia (315) Caterpie (10) Ariados (168) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
-Bellosom (182) Meganium (154)
Unlock Map 2.
Secret Warehouse 4 (Map 2) -
Troizei goal 80
Score: 8,000 points
Speed: moderate
Difficulty: easy
Pokemon available:
- Pikachu (25) Ledyba (165) Lotad (270) Surskit (283) Nidoran-m (32) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
- Swellow(277) Crobat(169) Sudowoodo(185)
Unlock Secret Warehouse 5 and Department Store.
Secret Warehouse 5 (Map 2) -
Troizei goal 100
Score: 9,000 points
Speed: moderate
Difficulty: easy
/ moderate
Pokemon available:
- Kakuna (14) Magikarp (129) Marill (183) Aron (304) Electrike (309) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
- Golbat(42) Xatu(178) Skarmory(227)
Unlock Secret Warehouse 6.
Department Store 1 (Map 2) -
Troizei goal 200
Score: 10,000 points
Speed: moderate
Difficulty: easy
/ moderate
Pokemon available:
- Vulpix (37) Azuril (298) Volbeat (313) Bellsprout (69) Ralts (280) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
- Porygon2(233) Haunter(93) Pichu(172)
Secret Warehouse 6 (Map 2) -
Troizei goal 110
Score: 10,000 points
Speed: moderate
Difficulty: easy
/ moderate
Pokemon available:
- Exeggcute (102) Phanpy (231) Krabby (98) Elekid (239) Breloom (286) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
- Vibrated(329) Piloswine(221) Farfetch'd(83)
Sbloccate Phobos Jet.
PHOBOS MOBILE 2 (Mappa 2) -
PHOBOS JET Troizei 200 objective
Score: 13,000 points
Speed: moderate
Difficulty: difficult
Pokemon available:
- Murkrow(198) Swablu(333) Noctowl(164) Pelipper(279) Lebian(166) Ditto(132)
Pokemon rari:
-Dodrio (85) Dragonite (149)
Unlock Secret Warehouse 7.
Secret Warehouse 7 (Map 2) -
Troizei goal 120 Score: 11,000 points
Speed: moderate
/ fast Difficulty: moderate
Pokemon available:
- lenta
poke (79) Wurmple (265) Scyther (123) Azurill (298) Drowzee (96) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
- Kingler(99) Electabuzz(125) Mr. Mime(122)
Unlock Department Store 2 and Secret Warehouse 8.
Secret Warehouse 8 (Map 1) -
Troizei goal 140
Score: 12,000 points
Speed: moderate / fast
Difficulty: moderate
Pokemon available:
- Magby (240) Snorunt (361) Metapod (11) Spheal (363) Baltoy (343) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
- Graveler(75) Raichu(26) Shuckle(213)
Unlock Secret Warehouse 9.
Secret Warehouse 9 (Map 2) -
Troizei goal 150
Score: 13,000 points
Speed: moderate / fast
Difficulty: moderate
Pokemon available:
- Weedle(13) Meowth(52) Smoochum(238) Omanyte(138) Dustox(269) Ditto(132)
Pokemon rari:
- Omastar (139) Grovyle (253) Nidoqueen (31)
Unlock Phobos Auger.
Department Store 2 (Map 1) -
Troizei goal 400
Score: 30,000 points
Speed: moderate
/ fast Difficulty: moderate
/ hard
Pokemon available:
- Torchic (255) lenta
poke(79) Magneton(82) Shroomish(285) Natu(177) Ditto(132)
Pokemon rari:
- Croconaw(159) Hypno(97) Delicatty(301)
Unlock Secret Warehouse 10.
Secret Warehouse 10 (Map 2) -
Troizei goal 160
Score: 25,000 points
Speed: fast
Difficulty: moderate
/ hard
Pokemon available:
- Best (46) Hoppip (187) Dunsparce (206) Barbaroach (339) Mawile (303) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
- Kabutops (141) Magmar (126) Golem (76)
PHOBOS MOBILE 3 (Mappa 2) -
Phobos drill
Troizei goal 300 Score: 15,000 points
Speed: moderate / fast
Difficulty: difficult / very difficult
Pokemon available:
- Onyx(95) Geodude(74) Trapinch(328) Diglett(50) Zubat(41) Ditto(132)
Pokemon rari:
- Camerupt (323) Aggron (306)
Unlock Secret Warehouse 11 and Sol Laboratory 4
Laboratory Sol 4 (Mappa 1) -
First level.
Move the right Solrock down one space.
Second level.
Move the Solrock to the bottom then the Whooper while the Trozei is still active.
Third level.
Move the Whooper down one space then slide the Solrock to pair them.
Fourth level.
Slide Shroomish to the left to pair it with the vertical column.
Fifth level.
Move the lower Metapod down and when it lands, move it to the right to pair it.
Secret Warehouse 11 (Map 4) -
Troizei goal 160
Score: 25,000 points
Speed: moderate
/ fast Difficulty: moderate
/ hard
Pokemon available:
- Sentret (161) Marill (183) Relicanth (369) Gligar (207) Pigeotto (17) Cascoon (268) Carvanha (318) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
- Tentacruel (73) Polywhirl (61) Golduck (55)
Unlock Secret Warehouse 12, 14 and Mr. Who's Den.
Secret Warehouse 12-
Troizei goal 200
Score: 15,000 points
Speed: moderate
Difficulty: moderate
Pokemon available:
- Spinach (167) Ninjask (291) Quilfish (211) Taurus (128) Zigzag (263) Mightyena (262) Chinchou (170) Illumise (314) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
- Wishcash (340) Azumarill (184) Gardevoir (282)
Unlock Secret Warehouse 13 and Department Store 3.
Secret Warehouse 14-
Troizei goal 250
Score: 30,000 points
Speed: moderate / fast
Difficulty: moderate
Pokemon available:
- Shellder (90) Wailmer (320) Scyther (123) Voltorb (100) Mantine (226) Skitty (300) Furrett (162) Spinda (327) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
- Dragonair(148) Seaking(119) Lapras(131)
Secret Warehouse 13-
Troizei goal 220
Score: 17,000 points
Speed: moderate
/ fast Difficulty: moderate / difficult
Pokemon available:
- Stantler (234) Numel (322) Tangela (114) Remoraid (223) Seedot (273) Gulpin (316) Nincada (290) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
- Lanturn (171) Starmie (121) Kingdra (230)
Unlock Phobos Submarine.
Department Store 3-
Troizei goal 600 Score: 40,000 points
Speed: moderate / fast
Difficulty: moderate / difficult
Pokemon available:
- Zangoose(335) Sableye(302) Lotad(270) Mudkip(258) Seshrew(27) Slakoth(287) Whismur(293) Corphish(341) Ditto(132)
Pokemon rari:
- Marowak (105) Clefairy (35) Kecleon (352)
PHOBOS MOBILE 4 - Sottomarino Phobos
Troizei goal 350
Score: 20,000 points
Speed: moderate / fast
Difficulty: difficult
Pokemon available:
- Luvdisc (370) Corsola (222) Goldeen (118) Dratni (147) Seel (86) Totodile (158) Staryu (120) Poliwag (60) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
- Gyarados (130) Vaporeon (134)
Unlock Secret Warehouse 15.
Secret Warehouse 15 -
Troizei goal 330
Score: 26,000 points
Speed: moderate
/ fast Difficulty: moderate
/ hard
Pokemon available:
- Feebas (349) Larvitar (246) Kakuna (14) Spoink (325) Silcoon (266) Chansey (113) Surskit (283) Snorunt (361) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
- Machoke (67) Electrode (101) Licktung (108)
Unlock Secret Warehouse 16 and 18.
Secret Warehouse 16 -
Troizei goal 350
Score: 30,000 points
Speed: moderate / fast
Difficulty: moderate / difficult
Pokemon available:
- Wurmple (265) Nuzleaf (274) Plusle (311) Poochyena (261) Breloom (286) Chimecho (358) Tropius (357) Aron (304) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
- Mankey (56) Swalot (317) Muk (89)
Unlock Secret Warehouse 17 and Department Store 4.
Secret Warehouse 18 -
Troizei goal 380
Score: 34,000 points
Speed: moderate / fast Difficulty: moderate / difficult
Pokemon available:
- Magby (240) Horsea (116) Lotad (270) Fearow (22) Meowth (52) Drowzee (96) Clamperl (366) Misdreavus (200) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
- lenta
bro (80) Arbok (24) Donphan (232)
Unlock Secret Warehouse 19.
Secret Warehouse 17 -
Troizei goal 370
Score: 32,000 points
Speed: moderate / fast
Difficulty: moderate / difficult
Pokemon available:
- Pidgeotto(17) Eggsecute(102) Ledyba(165) Doduo(84) Weedle(13) Shroomish(285) Duskull(355) Masquerain(284) Ditto(132)
Pokemon rari:
- Hitmonchan(107) Flareon(136) Blissey(242)
Unlock Phobos Walker.
Department Store 4 -
Troizei goal 700
Score: 55,000 points
Speed: moderate / fast
Difficulty: moderate / difficult
Pokemon available:
- Ekans (23) Squirtle (7) Venonat (48) Linoone (264) Minun (312) Nidoran-M (32) Electrike (309) Carvanha (318) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
- Psyduck(54) Loudred(294) Wigglytuff(40)
Unlock Secret Warehouse 20.
Secret Warehouse 19 -
Troizei goal 400
Score: 45,000 points
Speed: fast
Difficulty: moderate / difficult
Pokemon available:
- Delibird (225) Magikarp (129) Spheal (363) Treeko (252) Elekid (239) Shedinja (292) Magnemite (81) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
- Wheezing(110) Persian(53) Glalie(362)
PHOBOS MOBILE 5 - Camminatore Phobos
Troizei goal
Score: 25,000 points
Speed: moderate / fast
Difficulty: moderate / difficult
Pokemon available:
- TeddIursa (216) Snubbull (209) Makuhita (296) Meditite (307) Rhydon (112) Heracross (214) Tyrogue (236) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
- Hitmonlee(106) Machamp(68)
Unlock Department Store 5 and Sol Laboratory 5.
Secret Warehouse 20 -
Troizei goal 500
Score: 45,000 points
Speed: moderate / fast
Difficulty: moderate / difficult
Pokemon available:
- Chikorita (152) Smeargle (235) Illumise (314) Seviper (336) Smoochum (238) Pikachu (25) Hoppip (187) Cyndaquil (155) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
- Espeon(196) Umbreon(197) Blaziken(257)
Department Store 5 -
Troizei goal 800
Score: 60,000 points
Speed: fast
Difficulty: difficult
Pokemon available:
- Charmer (4) Girafirig (203) Porygon (137) Bagon (371) Abra (63) Flaaffy (180) Lotad (270) Castform (351) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
- Jolteon (135) Metang (375) Wailord (321)
Sol 5 Laboratory - - First level.
This level is easy, pair them in groups of four.
- Second level.
Move the Solrock up to the fourth space then lift the Solrock further up to the top.
- Third level.
Move the top to bottom Solrock by two and the Whooper to the bottom left by one.
- Fourth level.
Move the top Solrock down by one and the bottom Solrock up by one.
- Fifth level.
Move the top row to the right until the Solrocks trigger a Trozei then line up the middle Magikarp with the others.
Boss finale, Phobosphere
Troizei goal 500
Score: 30,000 points
Speed: fast
Difficulty: difficult
Pokemon available:
- Unknown-G (201) Koffing (109) Lunatone (337) Slugma (218) Grimer (88) Houndour (228) Metang (375) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
- Kadabra(64) Metagross(376)
Adventure mode: difficult
Sol laboratory 1- First level.
Move the top line to the right by one space and the bottom line to the right by one space.
Second level.
Raise the center column one space.
Third level.
Move the top row two spaces to the left.
Fourth level.
Move the upper Solrock to the left, the Metapod to the right, and move the middle one to the right then the bottom quarter row to the right.
Fifth level.
Move the Ditto to the right, the Shroomish to the top right and then right and down again.
Unlock Secret Warehouse.
Secret Warehouse 1-
Troizei goal 70
Score: 15,000 points
Speed: slow
Difficulty: easy
Pokemon available:
- Natu (177) Porygon (137) Tentacool (72) Sunkern (191) Paras (46) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
-Butterfree (12) Venomoth (49) Ludicolo (272)
Unlock Secret Warehouse 2, and Sol Laboratory 2 and 3.
Secret Warehouse 2-
Troizei goal 90
Score: 18,000 points
Speed: normal
Difficulty: moderate
Pokemon available:
- Magnemite (81) Seshrew (27) Spinarak (167) Horsea (116) Corphish (341) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
-Ivysaur(2) Weepinbell(70) Cacturne(332)
Unlock Secret Warehouse 3.
Secret Warehouse 3-
Troizei goal 100
Score: 20,000 points
Speed: normal
Difficulty: moderate
Pokemon available:
- Numel (322) Larvitar (246) Taillow (276) Voltorb (100) Zangoose (335) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
-Vileplume (45) Nidorino (33) Venusaur (3)
You will now unlock the Phobos Mobile called the Treno Phobos.
PHOBOS MOBILE 1 - Treno Phobos
Troizei goal 150
Score: 25,000 points
Speed: normal
Difficulty: moderate
Pokemon available:
- Oddish (43) Bulbasaur (1) Roselia (315) Caterpie (10) Ariados (168) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
-Bellosom (182) Meganium (154)
Unlock Secret Warehouse 4.
Secret Warehouse 4-
Troizei goal 120
Score: 23,000 points
Speed: normal
Difficulty: moderate
Pokemon available:
- Pikachu (25) Ledyba (165) Lotad (270) Surskit (283) Nidoran-m (32) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
- Swellow(277) Crobat(169) Sudowoodo(185)
Unlock Secret Warehouse 5 and Department Store 1.
Secret Warehouse 5-
Troizei goal 150
Score: 28,000 points
Speed: normal
Difficulty: moderate
Pokemon available:
- Kakuna (14) Magicarp (129) Marrill (183) Aron (304) Electrike (309) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
- Golbat(42) Xatu(178) Skarmory(227)
Unlock Warehouse 6.
Department Store 1 -
Troizei goal 250
Score: 30,000 points
Speed: normal
Difficulty: moderate
Pokemon available:
- Vulpix (37) Azuril (298) Volbeat (313) Bellsprout (69) Ralts (280) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
- Porygon2(233) Haunter(93) Pichu(172)
Secret Warehouse 6-
Troizei goal 180
Score: 30,000 points
Speed: normal
Difficulty: moderate
Pokemon available:
- Exeggcute (102) Phanpy (231) Krabby (98) Elekid (239) Breloom (286) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
- Vibrated(329) Piloswine(221) Farfetch'd(83)
Sbloccate Phobos Jet.
Troizei goal 200 Score: 30,000 points
Speed: normal
Difficulty: difficult
Pokemon available:
- Murkrow(198) Swablu(333) Noctowl(164) Pelipper(279) Lebian(166) Ditto(132)
Pokemon rari:
-Dodrio (85) Dragonite (149)
Unlock Secret Warehouse 7.
Secret Warehouse 7-
Troizei goal 200
Score: 32,000 points
Speed: normal
Difficulty: moderate
Pokemon available:
- lenta
poke (79) Wurmple (265) Scyther (123) Azurill (298) Drowzee (96) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
- Kingler(99) Electabuzz(125) Mr.
Unlock Department Store 2 and Secret Warehouse 8.
Secret Warehouse 8- (Map 1) Objective Troizei 210 Score: 33,000 points
Speed: normal
Difficulty: moderate
Pokemon available:
- Magby (240) Snorunt (361) Metapod (11) Spheal (363) Baltoy (343) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
- Graveler(75) Raichu(26) Shuckle(213)
Unlock Secret Warehouse 9.
Secret Warehouse 9-
Troizei goal 230
Score: 35,000 points
Speed: normal
Difficulty: moderate
Pokemon available:
- Weedle(13) Meowth(52) Smoochum(238) Omanyte(138) Dustox(269) Ditto(132)
Pokemon rari:
- Omastar (139) Grovyle (253) Nidoqueen (31)
Department Store 2- (Map1)
Troizei goal 450
Score: 48,000 points
Speed: normal
Difficulty: moderate / difficult
Pokemon available:
- Torchic (255) lenta
poke(79) Magneton(82) Shroomish(285) Natu(177) Ditto(132)
Pokemon rari:
- Croconaw(159) Hypno(97) Delicatty(301)
Unlock Warehouse 10.
Secret Warehouse 10-
Troizei goal
Score: 70,000 points
Speed: fast
Difficulty: moderate
/ hard
Pokemon available:
- Best (46) Hoppip (187) Dunsparce (206) Barbaroach (339) Mawile (303) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
- Kabutops (141) Magmar (126) Golem (76)
PHOBOS MOBILE 3 - Trivella Phobos
Troizei goal 300
Score: 40,000 points
Speed: moderate / fast
Difficulty: difficult / very difficult
Pokemon available:
- Onyx(95) Geodude(74) Trapinch(328) Diglett(50) Zubat(41) Ditto(132)
Pokemon rari:
- Camerupt (323) Aggron (306)
Unlock Storage 11 and Laboratorio Sol 4.
Secret Warehouse 11-
Troizei goal 260
Score: 38,000 points
Speed: fast / very fast
Difficulty: difficult
Pokemon available:
- Sentret (161) Marill (183) Relicanth (369) Gligar (207) Pigeotto (17) Cascoon (268) Carvanha (318) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
- Tentacruel (73) Polywhirl (61) Golduck (55)
Unlock Secret Warehouse 12, and Secret Warehouse 14 and Mr Who's Den.
Secret Warehouse 12-
Troizei goal 280
Score: 40,000 points
Speed: moderate / fast
Difficulty: moderate / difficult
Pokemon available:
- Spinach (167) Ninjask (291) Quilfish (211) Taurus (128) Zigzag (263) Mightyena (262) Chinchou (170) Illumise (314) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
- Wishcash (340) Azumarill (184) Gardevoir (282)
Unlock Secret Warehouse 13 and Department Store 3.
Secret Warehouse 14-
Troizei goal 330
Score: 90,000 points
Speed: fast
Difficulty: moderate / difficult
Pokemon available:
- Shellder (90) Wailmer (320) Scyther (123) Voltorb (100) Mantine (226) Skitty (300) Furrett (162) Spinda (327) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
- Dragonair(148) Seaking(119) Lapras(131)
Secret Warehouse 13-
Troizei goal 220
Score: 17,000 points
Speed: fast
Difficulty: moderate / difficult
Pokemon available:
- Stantler (234) Numel (322) Tangela (114) Remoraid (223) Seedot (273) Gulpin (316) Nincada (290) Ditto
Pokemon rari:
- Lanturn (171) Starmie (121) Kingdra (230)
Unlock Phobos Submarine.
Department Store 3-
Troizei goal 700
Score: 73,000 points
Speed: fast
Difficulty: moderate / difficult
Pokemon available:
- Zangoose(335) Sableye(302) Lotad(270) Mudkip(258) Seshrew(27) Slakoth(287) Whismur(293) Corphish(341) Ditto(132)
Pokemon rari:
- Marowak (105) Clefairy (35) Kecleon (352)
PHOBOS MOBILE 4 - Sottomarino Phobos
Troizei goal 350
Score: 50,000 points
Speed: fast
Difficulty: difficult
Pokemon available:
- Luvdisc (370) Corsola (222) Goldeen (118) Dratini (147) Seel (86) Totodile (158) Staryu (120) Poliwag (60) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
- Gyarados (130) Vaporeon (134)
Unlock Secret Warehouse 15.
Secret Warehouse 15 -
Troizei goal 360
Score: 46,000 points
Speed: fast
Difficulty: moderate / difficult
Pokemon available:
- Feebas (349) Larvitar (246) Kakuna (14) Spoink (325) Silcoon (266) Chansey (113) Surskit (283) Snorunt (361) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
- Machoke (67) Electrode (101) Lickitung (108)
Unlock Secret Warehouse 16 and 18.
Secret Warehouse 16 -
Troizei goal 380
Score: 48,000 points
Speed: fast
Difficulty: difficult
Pokemon available:
- Wurmple (265) Nuzleaf (274) Plusle (311) Poochyena (261) Breloom (286) Chimecho (358) Tropius (357) Aron (304) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
- Mankey (56) Swalot (317) Muk (89)
Unlock Secret Warehouse 17 and Department Store 4.
Secret Warehouse 18 -
Troizei goal 430
Score: 130,000 points
Speed: fast
Difficulty: difficult
Pokemon available:
- Magby (240) Horsea (116) Lotad (270) Fearow (22) Meowth (52) Drowzee (96) Clamperl (366) Misdreavus (200) Ditto (132)
// "RARE" POKEMON - slow
bro (80) Arbok (24) Donphan (232)
Unlock Secret Warehouse 19.
Secret Warehouse 17 -
Troizei goal 400
Score: 50,000 points
Speed: fast
Difficulty: difficult
Pokemon available:
- Pidgeotto(17) Exeggcute(102) Ledyba(165) Doduo(84) Weedle(13) Shroomish(285) Duskull(355) Masquerain(284) Ditto(132)
Pokemon rari:
- Hitmonchan(107) Flareon(136) Blissey(242)
Unlock Phobos Walker.
Department Store 4 -
Troizei goal 800
Score: 75,000 points
Speed: fast
Difficulty: difficult
Pokemon available:
- Ekans (23) Squirtle (7) Venonat (48) Linoone (264) Minun (312) Nidoran-M (32) Electrike (309) Carvanha (318) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
- Psyduck(54) Loudred(294) Wigglytuff(40)
Unlock Secret Warehouse 20.
Secret Warehouse 19 -
Troizei goal 500
Score: 180,000 points
Speed: fast
Difficulty: moderate
/ hard
Pokemon available:
- Delibird (225) Magikarp (129) Spheal (363) Treeko (252) Elekid (239) Shedinja (292) Magnemite (81) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
- Wheezing(110) Persian(53) Glalie(362)
PHOBOS MOBILE 5 - Phobos Walker Troizei 450 Objective
Score: 60,000 points
Speed: fast
Difficulty: difficult / very difficult
Pokemon available:
- TeddIursa (216) Snubbull (209) Makuhita (296) Meditite (307) Rhydon (112) Heracross (214) Tyrogue (236) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
- Hitmonlee(106) Machamp(68)
Unlock Secret Warehouse 19, Department Store 5 and Phobosphere.
Secret Warehouse 20 -
Troizei goal 600
Score: 63,000 points
Speed: fast
Difficulty: difficult
Pokemon available:
- Chikorita (152) Smeargle (235) Illumise (314) Seviper (336) Smoochum (238) Pikachu (25) Hoppip (187) Cyndaquil (155) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
- Espeon(196) Umbreon(197) Blaziken(257)
Department Store 5 -
Troizei goal 1000
Score: 100,000 points
Speed: fast
Difficulty: difficult
Pokemon available:
- Charmer (4) Girafirig (203) Porygon (137) Bagon (371) Abra (63) Flaaffy (180) Lotad (270) Castform (351) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
- Jolteon (135) Metang (375) Wailord (321)
Boss finale, Phobosphere
Troizei goal 600
Score: 75,000 points
Speed: fast / very fast
Difficulty: difficult / impossible
Pokemon available:
- Unknown-G (201) Koffing (109) Lunatone (337) Slugma (218) Grimer (88) Houndour (228) Metang (375) Ditto (132)
Pokemon rari:
- Kadabra(64) Metagross(376)
Unlock Forever Mode.
General Buzz
Minimum score to raise Trozei: 10
Trozei Increment: 50
Bindings: Rock Drop
Buzz is an easy opponent if you are quick. It will take time if you fail to Trozei all the time.
General Avery
Minimum score to raise Trozei: 10
Trozei Increment: 50
Attacks: Rock Push, Blackout
Avery can be boring but nothing particularly difficult. His attack will destroy a Pokemon on the screen, so try not to create combos too close to the right side.
General Grock
Minimum score to raise Trozei: 10
Trozei Increment: 50
Attacchi: Rock Drop, Blackout
Grock will boost your Pokemon when he recovers from stun.
General Watercolor
Minimum score to raise Trozei: 10
Trozei Increment: 50
Attacks: Rock Push, Blackout
Same as Avery.
General Voolum
Minimum score to raise Trozei: 10
Trozei Increment: 50
Attacchi: Rock Drop, Blackout
Difficult to beat as it is very fast and Dittos are rare. All his Pokemon are round, when he uses Blackout it's trouble.
Barone Phobos
Minimum score to raise Trozei: 10
Trozei Increment: 50
Attacchi: Rock Replace, Blackout
Rock Replace is irritating and moves very fast. You will have to practice to defeat him. Once you beat the game it will switch to hard mode automatically and unlock Forever mode.
Solution summary
Adventure mode: normal
Adventure mode: difficult

- ds
Exit date: not available