Please note:
The solution is based on the American version of the game, so there may be differences for the Spanish version.
The mission objectives are presented in such a way as to point out which ones change according to the chosen difficulty. In short, all difficulty levels have the same objectives, in hard and expert you will find only the additional ones and those with some modifications (like the same objective but with higher requirements). The same goals for all three difficulties have not been rewritten.
Mission 1: Running Interference
- Take Basso and Jennivere out of the mansion together
- Give the signal to Basso
- Don't kill anyone
- Collect at least 300 loot
- Collect at least 300 loot, including 200 in gems
- Stun at least 8 people
Run to the right of the building staying close to the wall on the left and you will find stairs leading down to the lower part of the mansion. On a small table in the room you will find a key and 34 gold, take them and go out the opposite door. In this room there are 2 doors in front of you and a key in the cloak between them, take it and open them both, then exit the one on the left.
As you walk you will hear 2 guards. Skip the two doors on the left and the one on the right and go around the corner. You will see a flashlight. Don't walk further than that point, but use the water arrows to shut it down. When it is turned off, you will be safe.
Go ahead and turn inside the first door on the right. You will find 3 chests with 5 gold each inside. Enter the door on the right and you will be behind the guards from before. Use blackjack and knock them out unconscious. Exit this small room and enter the door directly in front of you to find some supplies.
After collecting them, look under the shelves and you should see a small switch. If you use it, a secret panel will open with two flash bombs inside, a flare, a healing potion and a sack with 50 gems. Now enter the southwest door and go through the next door.
You will hear a guard on the right, stun him. There is a door immediately to your right, ignore it and go forward into the warehouse. Go ahead and look for the door on the right, be very careful here, as there is a guard up ahead that you must avoid. Once inside you will be in the kitchens. On a board on the left you will find several objects for a total of 106 and on your right you will find a door. Once inside you will find a wine rack with a 20 bottle in it and a speed potion at the bottom right. Exit the door and go to the right, you will find a gold plate that will give you 50 gold. Continue up to an elevator, go up and use the lever outside of it, it will take you to the second level.
An open space. On the other side there are 2 plaques, a cup and a patrolling guard. The objects are 125 gold, in addition to this take the key of the guard. Now go back downstairs.
Walk down the hall and go past the fireplace to the right. You will see stairs to the right and a door ahead, both jump and enter the door in the center of the west side of the room. You will be in a warehouse with a door, open it and you will hear a guard. Wait for her to walk away and stun her.
You will see a door on the right, after entering ignore the first two doors and enter the second on the right. Here are 3 chests each containing 5 gold. Further ahead you will find a bed with a note, read it and go back to where you stunned the guard. Continuing you will come to a T. DO NOT go left, there is a guard you don't have to fight with, turn right, the first door on the right is the Jennivere door.
Now you have a choice, you can go back where you came from and give the signal to Basso, or continue and increase your profits, going back you will miss most of the treasures of this place.
If you want to continue, continue along the corridor, skipping a door on the right. Further on you will come to a door on your left. Once inside, if you move enough crates, you will see a statue with a bag with 100 gold inside. Exit and continue along the corridor.
You will come to a dead end with a door on the left, enter and you will be in a room with another door in front of you and a door on the right. Enter the one on the right.
You will come to a staircase to climb. Ahead of you the corridor will turn left with a door on the right. Stand against the left wall. A guard is about to pass by, when he is past stun him.
Open the door on the right but watch out for the guard inside. Wait for the guard to start climbing the stairs and run under them. When she comes down, walk behind her and stun her. Ignore the two doors on the right and go up the stairs.
Enter the first door and you will find the key to the buffet. Enter the bedroom and under the table with the vase on it you will find a switch. After turning it you should see an opening with a crown inside that is worth 75 gold and 100 gems. Go back down the stairs and into the door to the corridor. Now go ahead and jump over the first two doors on the left.
When you are up the stairs continue, turn into the third door on the left and you will enter the music room. On one table you will find 10 gold and in another a 25 gold flute. Now go out and turn left into the corridor, you will enter the Great Hall.
Here is a door to the right, stairs to the left and another door in front of you, enter that. Be very careful when entering as there will be 2 guards. Look at them: one will walk in front of you a bit and turn around, the aim is to enter the second door on the left. When you get there, hide. Soon a guard will pass through this door, be ready to use blackjack and hide the body in your room. It is essential to be quick so that you can do everything before the second guard sees you.
You should watch the second guard walk into the clearing, where you can see him turn around. When he does, run into the room at the end of the corridor and wait for him to make another round, then go after him and stun him. Now you can explore a little.
Enter the room you were hiding in while waiting for the second guard. In front of you is a staircase and on the left, after the arches, there are two doors. Go left and enter the leftmost door. You will find a vase, on a table, which is worth 50. Now go to the other room and at the top right take another vase of 50 (hidden near the ceiling).
Go up the stairs and turn right and enter the door then take the first right, you will find a ring of 15 gold and 25 gems on the table. Now go back down the stairs and into the door of the Great Hall you have not entered yet. Use the key to open it. There are 3 guards beyond this door, one on each side and one on patrol in the center. Wait for the patrol to go right, turn to look at the other 2 and continue. Now go out the door and to the right, staying as close as you can to the door. Stun the guard and take him inside, wait another round and do it with the one on the left. The patrolling guard should now be at the door on the far side, if he's not there, wait for him to get there. Run after it and hit it 4 or 5 times with blackjack, but be careful not to kill it. You will scare him and he will run away screaming "THIEF!". The guard should run down the ladder you started from, if you wait in the bushes at the beginning he should go back to patrol becoming a blackjack prey. Now go to the center of the grassy area and you will find some cheese, a cup and a plate. Run downstairs and whistle. Stay with him for safety and you will go together to free Jennivere, go back to the beginning of the level and the mission is done.
Mission 2: Shipping and Receiving
- Get Basso and Jennivere out of the building together
- Give the signal low
- Don't kill anyone
- Collect at least 300 loot
- Collect at least 600 loot, including 200 in gems
- Stun at least 8 people
Jump down and go east. You will find a chest containing 2 flash bombs and a flare. Continue east stunning the station and patrol guards. Now you can move on and you will encounter a conversation between a Hammer and a citizen, listen to it and continue until you are in the north east corner. From here, go up to the crates and you will find a statue of 15 and a water arrow.
Exit the crates and go back to the crates you started from, you'll find a wall of crates with a crawl space in between. Go through it and open the chest immediately to your left to get 3 flares and a statue of 15. Go south until you come to a niche on the right. In front of you you should see a chest with a ladder above it, reach it and go up.
Proceed on the walkway. Enter the 2nd door on your right and continue up to a T. If you wait here you will be able to stun several guards. Go left and jump to the next right, enter the door in front of you and from here continue and take the first left. If you go to the next left and enter the left door you will be in the central office. From here you can open all loading docks. Take the key under the keypad and press 0624. This will open a loading bay. Now go out the door, turn right and then left.
Take the pot of 50 and read the letter. Exit, open the door on the left and you will be back on the catwalk. Go down the ladder in front of you and go west, crawl again in the passage between the crates and enter the first door on the left, the loading bay 0624. You will find healing potions, slow fall and invisibility on the shelves, then exit and go left. .
Use the key from earlier to open the door and press 7732, then exit and go right. You will come to the corner of the building, turn left and enter the warehouse on the right, you will find a chest with a flash bomb. Exit and turn right.
Go back to the console and press 6937, then exit and right again. Turn left at the corner and enter the next warehouse on the left. Here you will find a counter, walk behind it and you will find 3 statues of 15 and 2 moss arrows. Bend over and go under the counter for another 15 statue and a box with 50 gold.
Exit and head to the elevator, then turn left and go through the lighted corridor. You will soon see a large painting of a woman, keep your distance and shoot an arrow just above the crystal ball of the painting. You should have activated a secret and behind the painting you will find a 15 gold statue.
Go back to the elevator, but it will be broken, so use a wide-headed arrow and shoot the second floor button. The elevator will go down to the first floor. Go up the elevator and enter the office where you will find a box containing 50 gold, a plaque for another 50 gold and a vase of 25. Exit and go left, then left again. Flip the switch near the metal door and you should see the gatehouse, take a running jump and reach it. Climb the nearby chest and drop inside and crawl to the chest containing a grapple arrow. Grab it, exit and jump down from the crate onto the shed and onto the ground. Turn around, enter the gatehouse and press 0457 on the numpad, then exit and turn left, crawl under the crates again, turn right and enter the door on the right. Here you will find 2 scouting orbs, a water arrow, 50 gold and 50 gems. Clean up, exit and go right. Go back to the far corner, then crawl under the crates and proceed to the next gatehouse on the left. Press 5188 in the numpad. Exit, turn right and enter the sound booth on the left. Jump to the top of the controls and climb to the top of the cabin. Here you will find a tape, which can be cracked, and give us a tape recorder which is worth a lot.
Go back down and get the horn in the cabin, then exit and go right into the cabin on your left. This time open with 6013. Exit and turn right entering the open bay on the left. Kill the spiders in the room and climb out of the cages. Use the wide-pointed arrows to kill the largest spider. Now enter the cage and, in the back to the right, you will find 50 gold. Exit the cage and take the elevator to the south side of the room.
Above you will see a metal door. Open it and take the deer foot and the key on the right. Exit and go back to the elevator. Once you get off the elevator go to the north one and use the key in the safe for a 50 gold recipe. Go back to the elevator and exit the loading bay. Turn right and go back to the guardhouse, open bay 0590, then exit and go right.
Continue up to a wall of crates, bend down and go through it. Turn left and enter the door on the left. You will find a water arrow. Jump on the crates in the back and you will find a locked chest with 25 gold in it. Now, go to the elevator in this room. Going up you will see a large room with 5 swords and some wide-pointed arrows. Grab it all and head back down to exit the bay. From here, turn left and open the double doors on the left and enter it. Continue to the next door, open it and listen to the conversation. When they are done stun the civilian and continue right into the alcove. In there you will find another numpad that you can use to open other loading bays. Press 0928 and exit.
Turn right and enter the bay in front of you. You will find 25 in gems on a shelf and another 25 on top of the shelves. Go up the stairs and enter the room where you will find 50 gold glasses. Exit and enter the niche in front of you. Here press 0266 and exit by turning left.
Go ahead and turn left, then enter the loading bay next to you. Here you will find 10 gold on the tables and in a back room to the right you will find a 50 gold candle holder. Now go out, turn right and right again. Go ahead, turn left and enter the door on your right. Continue into the clearing and go through the double doors.
Once you exit, turn right, go under the hole in the crates and enter the niche on your left. Press 7933 and exit by turning left. Be very quiet when you get to the corner. Ignore the two talking guys and enter the cargo bay on the right.
Pull the lever to close the doors so that you are not seen. There is a large chest in this room: if you are playing on any difficulty other than "normal" you will need to put a label on it. From here, go up the stairs to the office. Break the wallpaper and get the 100 gem diamond. Now exit the office and take the elevator up.
On reaching the 2nd floor go to the shelves and you will find several plaques for an amount of 85 gold. Looking at the shelves, turn left, proceed and turn right after a few steps, you will find 6 boxes, stacked in columns of 2. Climb on them, turn right and go up to the crate. From here go up to the next chest on the right, then turn left and go forward to fall into the hole in front of you. You are now in 2 chests, one with 25 gold and one with 50. Exit the way you entered until you are past the crates, Now go to the south side of the room and crack the door.
Enter, turn left and go up the stairs. When you see the electronic eye turn left and use the button to turn it off. Now go towards him and enter the first room on the right. Here you will find 4 tokens of 80 gold on the table. Exit and enter the door in front of you. The bookcase in here hides a door. Find the book to push and do it, then enter the small room to get the 50 gold candlestick. Go back under the electronic eye and turn right, then right again and go down the stairs.
Once you get to the 2nd floor, continue and you will enter a large room. Watch out for the patrolling guard, stun him and grab his key. Now look at the west wall and you will see 3 doors. Open the one on the right and you will see 4 buttons, press them all to open the 4 cargo doors in building B.
Now leave the room and go to bay 4, more or less in front of you, and you will find two green light bulbs of 40 each, a green pointer of 26 gold, a vase and a urn of 45. Now exit bay 4 , turn left and take the elevator down to the 1st floor.
Now go to the west wall, turn left and go south until you are close to the door. Open the door and wait. Soon two guards will come in, stun them both and grab Davidson's key from one of them. Now go inside and stun the star on the left and the other on patrol. When ready, hold a flash bomb and run to the ship, drop the bomb to disorient the guard on the ship and stun him.
Now that the area guards are knocked out, open the large chest on the ship. There will be some spiders inside, kill them and get the apples, watermelons and a 20 spice bag. Now reach the top of the ship, turn the telescope and the rudder. Then get off and enter the ship. Here you will notice two wallpapers, cut them both and collect everything behind them. Leave the room and get off the ship.
Go back to the door in front of you and walk to the far wall, turn right and then left near the stairs. This is a dead end. Behind some chests you will find a box with 60 gold inside. Now go up to the 2nd floor and reach bay 3, but don't go inside. Instead, turn left and enter the third door on the right. Use Davidson's key to enter. Once inside use the same key on the chest in front of you, take the spices inside then exit the room and enter the loading bay 3.
Go to the door on the left and pick it. You will now notice 3 windows. Break the one in the center with blackjack and use the slowfall potion to throw yourself down. Once on the ground, go up to the top of the boxes and you will find a chest. Use Davidson's key again to open it and loot it. Jump off the boxes and reach the door. Pick it up and turn left, go around the building and enter the first door on the left.
From here go back to the elevator to the 2nd floor and enter bay 4. Go to the far side, turn right and walk on the walkway. You will encounter 3 other windows. Break the closest one and throw yourself down. In front of you there should be another crate with another bag of spices. Take it and go out the door nearby, turn right, right again around the building and enter the door on the right, then go to the elevator to the second floor. Now enter bay 4, turn right as soon as you are out the back door and when you are back in front of 3 windows, break the furthest one and drop down. You will find 2 crates this time. The one in front of you has another spice bag, the other a grapple arrow.
Go down and open the door. When it opens turn right and turn right around the corner. Continue straight and enter the door on your right.
At this point, instead of going to the elevator, go through the door at the back of the room. Now turn right and approach carefully. When the road turns left, follow it and stun the civilian. Now turn right and walk along building A. At the far corner crawl under the boxes and turn left to go back to where you started the mission.
Mission 3: Framed
- Do not KO or kill more than 5 guards
- Get a trial to frame the lieutenant
- Leave the proof in the safe room on the third floor
- Steal the safety deposit boxes and leave them in the lieutenant's room
- Escape from Shalsgate
- Don't let the guards sound the alarm
- Do not KO or kill more than 2 guards
- Don't let the guards sound the alarm
- Don't KO or kill anyone
Run forward. Don't turn right yet: in front of you, on the side of the next building, you should see a metal chest containing 2 water arrows. Take it and enter the building on your right. Go to the back and you will find a bottle of 50 goods and 25 gold.
Leave the bar and go back to the beginning: you will see a door. Pick it up and on your right you will find a breath potion and a wheel that you can spin. After doing this, the hatch will open and you will see a swimming pool. You shouldn't need the potion, but you never know. Jump inside and swim forward. There will be air supplies along the way and a dry hatch. Open it and continue. You will come to the end and hear the noise of a spider. Jump out of the water and you'll see 2 torches and 3 exits: two tunnels and a pit to grapple with. Go into the left tunnel. In the first pond there are 2 water arrows, in the second another arrow and in the third a statue of 15. Go back and take the passage on the right. After a while you will have the choice of going straight or turning right. Turn right. You will find 3 buttons in the first area, turn them all. Walk into the first area and grab 3 torches, now go out and go back to the pool area. Pull a grappling hook into the wooden area at the top of the shaft, climb up and retrieve the arrow. There are three exits from this place, but ours is the north east door.
You will now find yourself in the main office. Get the two water arrows, leave the office and go south. Enter the barracks. In the first room you will find a flash bomb in a chest, the second room has a moss arrow and finally, in the dressing rooms you will find a recall arrow, a healing potion, an invisibility potion and a flash bomb.
Exit the dressing rooms and enter the door on the right: there is a flash bomb hidden behind the crates. Leave the room and turn the flashlight. This will open a secret entrance to the main office, where you will find a water arrow and a statue of 15. Exit and go north. After a while you will come to a T. Turn left and you will find a door on the right and one in front of you, enter the latter and then the second door on your right. You are now in the shooting range.
To open the secret door of this room you can either shoot an arrow at the center of the farthest target, or approach and press the button. Enter the door and you will come to the arsenal.
Collect everything you can and the secret door will close, but no problem. Press the button next to the real door and it will open. Watch out for the patrols and go right. There will be a locker to the right that you will probably want to hide in for a few moments, but enter the door to the west.
Take two pieces of bread from the canteen and move on. You will pass a corridor on the left and enter the door on the left. This is the conference room. In the first room there are 35 glasses, take them and go out the south door. There are some guards talking outside, so go to the end past the long bench. Eventually they will come in but they shouldn't notice you. The first will enter the corridor on the right and the other will enter the north door. Now you can go to the desk, take the 6 water arrows and turn the two switches to deactivate the alarms on the doors. Now press the button under the desk to open a secret door containing 100 gold.
Exit and go east. Soon you will be able to enter the training room. Make your way to the end and you will find an area in the back with a broad pointed arrow and a rotating torch that opens a secret door. Now look in the training room and look for an area you can walk on. Pull a grappling hook, climb up and jump over this area. (always pick up the grappling hook).
Now enter the secret passage that has opened and continue. There will be a button next to the clock mechanisms that will open a secret door. Through the door you will see a fireplace, extinguish it with a water arrow and continue. You will find yourself in the sheriff's office. Get the 50 gold from the desk, the invisibility potion and exit. Turn left and you will find a set of doors. In the second left there are 2 moss and 2 water arrows, along with a key, exit and enter the one directly in front of you where you will find Lt. Hagen Handkerchief. Take it, go out the door on the right. In the next door you will find 49 gold on the desk.
Finally exit the room and go left then the first right. Eventually you will come to a T where you will need to turn right. Here you will find 2 gold candles of 100 gold. Exit and go back to the first level to the recording room.
Use the Secure Records key in the door on the right. Inside you will see 2 scrolls and a book containing the code for the security door. Write it down and go to the evidence warehouse. As soon as you arrive, be careful, the first room has a rotating head. You can use the invisibility potion to pass it and steal from the pockets of the patrolling guards on the left.
After getting the key from a guard, enter the door to the left of the head and you should see the security lock. All that remains is to use the combination that you have marked before.
At this point you will have to be very careful. If you have turned off the alarm you shouldn't worry about anything, otherwise it will be quite complex from here on out. Cross the room and use the key to open the furthest door. You can fill up in the safe! There are 309 gold, 50 gems and 30 in merchandise. Get everything, drop Lt. Hagen hankerchief on the ground and take the box. Go back to Lt. Hagen's room with the box and leave it here. Mission accomplished! Now go back to where you came from, I suggest you go back to the first floor and go down into the well. Once there, swim for a while and the mission will be over.
Mission 4: Ambush!
Normal e Hard
- Escape the ambush and return to your house in the northwest
- Infiltrate your home and take the door key from the secret compartment of your wardrobe
- Proceed to Shalebridge to the northeast
- Don't kill anyone
At the beginning of the mission move from where you are, go west and you will see a porch under which you can hide. Look east from hiding and you will see a guard walking. When he turns around run after him and use blackjack.
Go east and the road will turn left. There are two guards visible here, one at the top of the pub porch the other a little further away. Use a water arrow to turn off the flashlight. Wait for the guard to turn around, go up to the porch and play blackjack. Now open the pub door and take his body inside before the other guard sees it. Inside the pub you will see a note on the ground and another guard who looks already stunned previously.
As soon as you are ready, peek out the door towards the guard. If you look at him for a while you will notice his round, when he is turned the other way run after him and stun him.
You will now see the door that the guard was guarding. Open it and go to the third floor. In the room at the top you will find a key, 25 gold and a lever. Grab everything and pull the lever to open a door that will lead you into the heart of the city in a fairly simple way although it is best to avoid that direction. Go down to the second floor and open the first door to enter a corridor with stairs. Go down them and you will arrive in a small room with 2 torches. BEWARE of opening the next door, as there are two guards patrolling behind it. If they haven't passed yet, wait for them and stun them.
Head west and ignore the clearing to the right. Also skip the one to the north and keep going west. After several curves, a couple of guards and another clearing to the north (to be skipped) you will see a metal ladder and you will be in the lower left part of the map. Go down the metal ladder and continue. At a T turn right. Ahead you will find another T. Go left (or west). Cross the first bridge if you like, but watch out for the guards. I suggest you run past the guards and jump into the water at the far end of the bridge. It is important to do it there because there are grates on your side that prevent you from going under them.
As soon as you reach the water, go ahead. At a T take a left, heading west. Soon you will see another passage on the left, take it. Then, as soon as you see an opening on the right, enter it. However you will have to go up, use the ladder on the left. Go up and enter the door of this area. Go up the stairs to the second floor (remember you started under the ground floor) and you will enter a room with a table. You will find 3 fire arrows, 4 water arrows, a grappling hook and a large head. Now go to the ground floor.
Exit the door on the ground floor and open the door. You will see a guard, stun him and go north.
You will come to a T. Go right and the next left (north). At the next T take a left and then a right (north). You will see a door on the left, ignore it and continue. The road will have a way to the right, but DO NOT go there. You are now close to your apartment and there are guards patrolling it. Go ahead and you will be behind your house. While it is possible to use a grappling hook to climb into your apartment, I do not recommend doing so. Instead, keep going, and when you get to the T turn left. The street will vote to the right and you will see a set of double doors. Enter, go up the steps and enter the first door you see. Now you will be on a staircase, go up and you will find yourself in an open room.
at this point the easiest way to enter your apartment is to make a running jump from the open part of this room to the closed window. It is quite difficult to do and you will probably need several tries to do it, so load and find now open the window and you will be in your room. From here, enter your wardrobe and flip a clothes hanger. This will open a secret compartment containing a broad-headed arrow, a lure arrow, a moss, a fire and a water arrow as well as two healing potions, a key, and 943 gold. .
leave the wardrobe and enter the door on the right. There is another door on your right, beware of the patrolling guard: stunned, the penalty turns. Now go down the stairs and, on the ground floor, open the doors and stun the two guards outside.
Turn left and go east. After a few laps you will come to a clearing to the left, turn left, or south, and you will come to another bridge. Cross it and the path will turn left again. Head east and the road will branch off to the right. Turn right and you will find a bridge on your left. Turn left across the bridge and you will be east again.
You will pass two guards, ignore them. go left as soon as you get the chance and you will pass under a large arch. Keep left and continue. You will see a ladder in one of the buildings in front of the ladder, go up it and you will be on a wooden platform. Cross the platform and go down the stairs now you can turn right or left, go left.
Continuing, the road will open to the right, so turn right. Later you will see another clearing on the right. Skip it and continue until you see an arch on the right, turn here. If you want there is a door on your left that leads to a room with some food, otherwise go ahead, jump the clearing on the right, and you will turn left. At the end of this stretch there is a door, use the key and go through it. After a few seconds the mission will be over.
Mission 5: Eavesdropping
- Overhear the midnight sheriff's conversation
- steal at least 800 in loot
- make a copy of the key and take the key back to where you found it
- steal at least 1000 in loot
- do not kill any innocent bystanders
- don't kill anyone
Head to the far right corner of the chapel. You will find some shade thanks to the lamp. Hide in the shadow of the corner, if you get there fast enough a robot will pass you by. Let him go away and turn off his boiler with two water arrows, otherwise let him pass and stay hidden for a while.
wait for a patrolling guard to walk past you and stun him with blackjack, then hide the body in the shadows.
Now head to the left side of the chapel and continue as the road turns right. Walk near the boardwalk, but NOT on the boardwalk. You will now see a door in front of you, another door and an arch to the left. Ignore the door ahead and the arch. It is important that you are very quiet in this area. Break through the door on your left and you will see a minion, stun him and look down to the left of the door in front of you, you should see a button. Turn it around and you'll open a secret panel in the floor that leads to a room with three corpses and a swarm of bugs. Shoot a water arrow over the bugs to disperse them, then move the bodies out of the way. It's hard to see, but there's a 100 gold ring on the ground. Now go back up and leave the room, continue into the next door and run straight to the door at the far end of the open area.
once in the arched corridor you should see a door in front of you, open it and you will find a tomb with two chests. One contains an ancient hammer, the other 75 gold. Take the gold and leave. This time keep going left, you should see the cemetery.
Stay against the wall on the right, when you turn right you should see some stairs and a door. Go up the stairs, and when you reach the door you should be able to hear people talking. Listen carefully, they will tell you where to find the key. Since the position of the key changes with each game, you will have to listen to them to know where it is.
When you are done go down the stairs and go right. You will see a door, ignore it and move on. The walkway will turn right, then left. At this point you should see a lineup. Go up and you will see a guard on patrol. Wait until she turns around and stunned, then grab the body and throw it at the base of the ladder. Go down to hide it better in the corner and go back up. You should now see a small warehouse with a chest next to it. The chest contains 25 gold and another chest with a Healing Potion. 1 bottle of 50 loot. 1 figurine of 15 and a Key. Collect everything together with the 15 loot cup near where you went up (near a chest and the armchair). enter the building and you should see a 15 loot statue. Take it and go right. Ignore the stairs open the door at the end of the corridor, if there is a guard stun him, otherwise go up the ladder of this room.
In the next room you will find a key and a 15 loot cup. This may be a key, but it depends on the conversation you overheard before.
Now go down the ladder and go down the next one as well so that you are on the ground floor. You should see a chest containing 100 gold, take it and open the door. Outside the door there will be a guard on your right. It is quite difficult to dodge and you will have to stun it. Easier way to do it, if you don't want to kill him, and run up to him, hit him 23 times with blackjack, then go back inside and climb the ladder. Once on the second floor and enter the door on the right, then go down the stairs to this room.
Finally, exit this room and turn left. You should be where the guard was before, but she shouldn't be there. Now you just have to hide against one of the locked doors where the guard was and wait for her with blackjack. After a while it will return to its place and you just have to stun it. If he notices you, repeat the process until he notices you.
Now go right from where the guard was away, and you should see some stairs and a door. Enter the door and go up the stairs to the second floor, then go to the third. You will find a key and a 15 loot cup. Go down the ladder and enter the door to the right of the second floor. In this corridor you will see stairs going down and a door to the left. In the door you will find two bottles of 100 loot. You should also see a ladder that you can climb on. On the third floor you will find a chest containing 100 gold 100 gems. Now go down the ladder, enter the left door, left again and go down the stairs.
The fourth bench on the right should have a 75 gold 50 gem crown, grab it and stick to the right wall. There's a guard here and you'll have to stun him. Go to the altar where you will find a key, a chalice, an urn of 65 and two candlesticks of 100. move away from the altar and enter the closet on the right, here you should find a key.
Leave the closet and go left, you will pass another room but ignore it. Enter the door in front of you. In this door you will be able to cross a corridor in front of you then enter the door on the left. Don't go right, go through the corridor. At the end of the corridor you will find stairs to the left and right, an archway and two doors in front of you to the right and left. First go up the stairs to the left. You should see a small room with some stairs going down and shelves with three cups for a total of 45 loot. Now go down the stairs and you will see a key on a small table. Grab it and go past the beds to find a small passage. As you go through it it will open to the right for a moment and you will find a small box containing 100 gold.
Continuing on you will arrive in another room with two chests, a key and a 50 loot pot. Grab both of them and ignore the chest, as it contains nothing of value.
Now go up the stairs in this room and out the door in the next one. As soon as you exit you will find yourself ascending the stairs that were previously on your right. Now turn to your right and enter the archway directly in front of you.
BE VERY CAREFUL HERE. You are now entering an area with two undead. You cannot stun them, you will have to kill them. Don't worry, they're already dead, but they're not hard to fight.
Go down the stairs and you will be in the first room. There is an opening on your left and one in front of you. Going straight will take you to a large room. Ahead is a robot facing the other way, shoot it a water arrow at the back. To your right are two water arrows and next to the robot is a key. At this point you should have the key to the security deposit. It's time to make the key. In this room, in a small separate area at the back, you will find a device that allows you to duplicate small metal objects. To duplicate the key simply place it in the wax, then use the knife nearby, cut the wax and you have completed a goal. Leave the room and move on. Turn right and go forward to the next two rooms. In the next room you will find a box with a healing potion.
enter the door on the right and you will be in a large room with four tombs in the center and a partition that makes it look like four rooms. Stay against the wall on the right and you will find a chest containing 100 gold and 100 gems. Keep going and you'll come to a 15 loot statue. Grab it and return to the Healing Potion Chest.
Enter the door on the left and turn right into the next room. Here you can go left or right. Turn left and you will be in a small room with a chest containing 25 gold. Exit the room and continue into the room directly in front of you.
Turn right into this room and continue on. Continue forward into the next room and turn right into the next one. You will find a chest containing 75 gold, then, if you go further to the next two rooms, you will be in a room with a ladder that you can climb. The room you are in now has 49 gold scattered on the floor. Take them, open the door in this room and in the one directly opposite it. In this small room you will find a chest containing 75 gold, now you can go out.
At this point you have almost completely cleared the area. The only thing left to do is bring the key back to where we found it, then go to the main door and the mission will be over. You should have stunned all the guards in the area, if you encounter robots just shoot him two water arrows in the boiler.
Mission 6: First City Bank & Trust
Normal e Hard
- enter the bank
- Enter the document room and find out the number of safety deposit boxes in which the mechanic put the plans
- steal plans from the bank
- when the rest of the objectives are complete, exit the bank
- do not kill any human
important note: due to the size of the bank and the massive number of mechanical guards, this solution will not cover the whole bank, rather I will try to focus on completing all the objectives.
At the beginning of the mission you will find yourself in a well-lit area, so go immediately to the right. Continuing in this direction you will find three guards. You can stun them or wait in the shadows for them to go, then stun them from behind.
you will come to a dead end. Looking to the left you should see a window that you can break into. Do it and enter the bank. As soon as you enter you will find yourself in a small room where you can go forward, left or right. For now, let's go right. From here you will enter a small room with an opening on the other side: go through the opening and you will enter the tunnels. Skip the first opening on your right and enter the first opening on the left. You will find a 50 gold candlestick. Go back and turn left. Ignore the next opening on the right and you will enter a large cave. Skip the opening on the right and go forward. The road will go around some crates and you will see an opening leading to the maintenance area. Proceed but be very careful from this point on.
If you make too much noise in this area you might alert the mechs ahead, so you'll have to be very quiet. You will pass through an area with metal on the ground, and the path will turn right. Enter the first opening on your right and proceed into the next tunnel. You will find yourself in a small room where you can choose whether to go forward left or right. enter the opening that goes forward and to the right, then turn right. Continuing you will find a metal ramp on which you will have to go down, then turn left and continue.
You will come to a room with large beams on the roof running down to the floor. When you enter this area, hide in the shadow of the last one on the right. If you look to the left you should see a mechanical guard on patrol in a small room. Wait for it to turn then exit the shadow and stay to the right until you reach the corner of the next wall.
look around the corner and you should see an electronic eye. Wait until he starts spinning then run under him so he can't see you and flip the switch. This will open the bars in the door he is patrolling, enter.
You are now in a room with a large locking mechanism for the safe. You will have to open the hatch on the far side and press the buttons to release the pressure. When they are the lights will turn green in the safe will open.
From this point go back to the window from which you entered the bank and enter the opening on the left side. You should now be in a room with a ladder leading to the first floor of the bank. From here, simply go up the ladder and you will be in one of the offices. Exit the office and proceed to the right. If you keep going right around the office you should see a 50 loot pot. Grab it, go back and exit through the first door on the right.
turn left and enter the first door on the right. In this room you will find 24 gold on the desk and 24 gold in the safe. Exit and turn left, skip the first door on the right and enter the first door on the left.
You will find a total of 120 gold on the shelves in this room. You will have to black the box in front of the shelves to get them all. Now exit the room and go right. Continue inside the first door on your left and go forward entering the double doors on the right. cross the floor with the tiles and enter the opening on the left. In this room you should see a counter with 79 gold. Enter the lit room with the tree. Go through it, turn right and enter the door on your left. You should be in a room with a set of stairs. Climb to the top and turn right, skipping the door in front of you and following the carpet. Enter the first door you come across and skip the left turn while continuing to move forward. Turn right when the road does and enter the next two doors. Go around the opening in this area and you will see a metal child door connected to the electronic eyes. If you follow him you will find yourself in the security office. Here you will find the switch to turn off the electronic eyes in the entrance, as well as a key. Turn them off, take the key and go out.
go back following the cover of the wires, and continue around the opening entering the next after. You are now back in the room with the floor. Take the 75 gold pot and turn right, behind the statue to your right is a switch. Press it and keep going. You will soon feel an electronic eye. Peek around the corner then turn right and run under the electronic eye, now turn right again. At the end of the corridor you will come to a door, open it and you will be in another office. In this office there is a chest containing 75 gold and an open secret door leading into a room with a corpse. When you are ready, leave the office and return to the electronic eye. From here, enter the large double door on the right. From which you can see 37 gold on a desk. Go through the first door on your left, then the next door in front of you and you should see a 50 gold vase. Now turn left and take it first door to your right, then go back to the first floor.
Now that you are back further turn left and enter the first door on your right. Turn right ignore the opening on your left, enter the opening in front of you.
You should be in a room with 10 gold on a desk and four cassettes. In one of the boxes is a healing potion, the others contain 75, 25 and 115 gold. Grab everything and go out the door in front of you. Turn right and grab the 50 loot jar on your right, then go back to the room with the four chests. Enter the door on the right back to where you came from. Walk on the carpet and go back to the room with the stairs. From here, jump the stairs and go forward. When you can choose between two doors, go left or right, go left and enter the first door on your right. Here you will find a box containing 75 gold. Enter the next door, go through the carpet and go around the table, then use a moss arrow to enter the next door. Now shoot another moss arrow on the ground between you and the stairs, then cross the moss, go up the stairs and turn left. go through the floor and you will see a door. Open it and you will feel an electronic eye looking into this room. If you have one, use a flaming arrow to destroy the eye, otherwise wait for it to look the other way and run into the next door on your left. You should be in the document room. From here turn left and go up the stairs, then read the note on the desk and you will find out which lockboxes the mechanic is using. Mark from and go down the stairs, then exit the document room.
Go back through the door on the right and go down the stairs. Then simply follow the moss to the room with the chest that contained 75 gold.
turn right ignore the two doors on your right, enter the left door. In this room you should see a large mech guard that you can deactivate with two water arrows. Do this and collect all the loot: 30 gold on the shelves, 37 gold on one desk and 35 gold on the other shelves. Now enter the South Door and you will again be in the room with the four chests. Walk into the entrance and collect 45 gold under the central counter. Now enter the West Door and you will be in a small room with a safety deposit box. In this room there is a 75 gold vase and a water arrow in the chest. Enter the North Door and proceed carefully around the corner on your left, avoiding the electronic eye and making the next left. You should see a switch that will turn off the electronic eye.
Go back to the desk in this room, take the 12 gold and open the chest that contains the moss arrow.
Go back, past the electronic eye, enter the double doors and you will be in a small room with a door in front of you, as well as to the right and left. Do not enter the door on the left, but when you have opened it, enter the right one. From here proceed, jump the stairs to your right, and enter the opening in front of you. Use the moss arrows on the floor and proceed with caution. If you want you can turn right and use a gas arrow on the guards. As you proceed you will see an electronic eye. If you turn left there is a door that you can open with the switch of this eye inside. Turn it off then go back and open the safe. As soon as it opens, enter and close the door behind you, being careful not to be seen by the two electronic eyes that monitor the room. At this point either use extreme caution not to be seen, or destroy their eyes with flaming arrows. Since the safe door is closed you shouldn't worry much about noise. When you are ready go left and you should see a small elevator. Use it to go up the second floor of the safe, then go up the ladder on the other side of the third floor. On the third floor you will have to look for a lockbox used by the mechanic, then open it with the key. Now just grab the talking machine and go back out the door to the safe. If you have not destroyed the electronic eyes there is a possibility that alarms will go off. If this happens you will have to proceed running, otherwise continue to use caution. Proceed on the moss covered floors, continue through next opening, jump the stairs to the left and open the door to reach the small room with the various doors. From here all you have to do is walk (or run) through the door you have. broken into and the mission will end.
Mission 7: Blackmail
- Break into the sheriff's bedroom
- Compare the sheriff with the data
- Get 700 in loot
- Get out of the sheriff's property
- Get 900 in loot
- Do not kill any servants or guests
- Get 1100 in loot
- Don't kill anyone
as soon as you start you should be near a window. Jump into the open window and grab the vase under the 25 gold table. Enter the door and turn left, then go up the stairs. There is a 50 gold candlestick, but nothing else. Go down the stairs turn left. Inside the next door is a deer leg, but if you go on you will enter a room with a sleeping guy. Knock him out, open the box with 100 gold on the table and exit through the window of this room.
Climb up the wall directly in front of you, then run behind the next building. From here you should see a door that you can open. Do it and enter. Go forward and enter the door on the left. Stun the person sleeping on the sofa then grab the 15 loot statue and the 10 gold on the desk. Leave the room and enter the one directly in front of you. If you turn right you should see a locker with a ladder. Climb up and you'll find three flares and a 15 loot statue. Grab everything and exit the south window by jumping on the wall. Now go down to the north side and walk to your right, you should see a switch to turn off the lights. Now face south and flip the other switch to open the big door.
continue walk behind the house that is in front of you. Open the door, walk forward, turn right and go up the stairs. Go to the top of the stairs, instead of going into the room to the right or left, turn to the right and continue, then enter the room to the left. There is a drunk who sleeps; stun her and take the 50 gold candlestick. You can now leave the building the same way you entered. Turn left just outside the door, you should see brochures. Crawl past the plants and you will find a secret area. Since there are no guards quiet you can also run, so continue and you will come to a large rock with an internal passage.
bend them over and crawl into the tunnel, then, when you reach the other side, turn right and you should see a sloping part that you can climb on. Go to the other side and you can go down to a small cemetery. This right place full of items, so raid then go back to the sloped area and drop down to the other side.
turn right and continue until you see a stream. When you see it, jump into it, swim a little and go up to the left bank. Once back on the mainland run forward and you will come close to a bridge. Wait for the guard to pass by to stun her and get the key.
turn around the other side of the bridge and go up the steps of the Truart estate. Open the door on the right for a key you took from the guards, then stand quietly near the door and wait for the patrolling guard to pass.
After the guard has passed, run forward to where the guard came from and open the first door on the left. Enter the room and wait near the door for another guard to pass. When it passes, stun it, take the tools next to it and bring the body into the room. Now open the chest and you will have some wide pointed arrows, 50 gold and a healing potion.
Once this is done, wait again near the door for another guard to pass. Stun her too and take him into the room. When both shots are in this room go out and turn left. Continue and take the first right. Enter the Door directly in front of you and you will find a 100 gold vase on the table. Grab it and flip the unlit torch bracket to open a secret door that leads to an area containing 100 gems. Get them all leave the room, walk up to the T in the corridor and turn right (don't worry about the other doors as you will need a key which we will get later).
jump the door on your right and as soon as you get to the left turn use a moss arrow on the floor to approach the guard and stun him. Now grab the two bottles in the room (they are worth 50 loot each) and the 50 loot jar. Also take the plaque above the fireplace and use the water arrow to put out the fire. Once off, take the flaming arrow, enter the chimney and flip the switch. The floor below you will open causing you to fall into a dungeon.
You should see a zombie below, but don't worry about him as he is practically motionless. Get the bag of gold next to him and the flaming arrow. Now flip the switch on the north wall and return to the area you fell into by entering the chimney.
Now use a broad arrow to kill two spiders that have entered the room. Once dead a house arrow will emerge from the floor, grab it and spin the wheel on the south wall, then climb the ladder next to it. Turn left and keep going until you enter a large room. Once here there will be a staircase on the left that will take you to the kitchens.
When you reach the kitchen, listen to the conversation of the two servants and stun them, possibly using a moss arrow. Take the key that the male servant was wearing, along with a piece of cheese, a pot of 50 loot and two plates of 12 loot each.
Leave the kitchen by the South Door, jump the door to your right and enter the door in front of you. Turn right, ignore the double doors on the right and the door on the left to enter the double doors in front of you. Enter the pool room and stun drunk on the floor, then grab the bottle next to him, the three plates on the floor and the one under the table for a total of 90 loot. Once you have everything, go back through the double doors and turn left.
skip the first and second opening on the right and soon, on the left, you will come to the door of the tool room. If you want to go back and explore doors that were previously closed you can do so now by skipping the tool room. Inside this door you will see a sleeping guest. Knock him out, enter the next door and turn right. When you reach the dead end you should notice the hanging wallpaper on your left. Use the sword to cut it and enter the hidden area.
Continuing on you will have to skip the first door on the right and take the first opening on the left. You will find yourself in the temple of the Hammers. if you look to the upper left of the large hammer you should see a hammer-shaped opening. Shoot a large arrow into this hole and the big hammer will move out of the way and you can climb the ladder. Unfortunately, you'll be making a lot of noise, so get the hammer keeper out of the way as quickly as possible.
Now turn left and use the sword to break the board covering the crawl passage. Enter it and you will find a 50 gold item. Get it and go back to the area you entered. In the center of this labyrinth-like room is a tomb with a golden skull on it. Grab it and go back up the ladder to then go up again into the cathedral. Now go out through the opening you entered and jump through the first door on the left, go through where the wallpaper used to be, enter the first door on the left and then into the next one. From here turn left, take the first right and you will be back at the tool room door. Use it three if you got it from the first guard to open this door.
enter continue until you see some stairs. At that point, bend over in the shadows and listen to the guards' speech. One of the guards will go to the kitchens. Stun this guard and grab his tools, then go up the stairs and turn right.
You will soon see a gas lamp. Use a water arrow to extinguish it and turn to the first left. You will go through a long corridor that ends with a door, which can be opened with the property key.Once in this room, turn the bookcase and move the fake book so that the shelf opens and reveals a tunnel with a chest at the end containing a potion of treatment. As soon as you are ready, exit the room and turn left at the end of the corridor. You will have to crawl past the opening in the wall on the left here, and once you pass it peek inside the first door on the left. When the guard is facing forward, approach and stun him. Once settled, take his key and go back outside and then turn left.
In front of you is a statue of 15 loot, take it, turn left and continue. Jump the first door on the left along with the two on the right, continue inside the door in front of you. Once here you will find yourself in a small bedroom. The door on your left contains a closed chest. If you pick it in you will get a flash mine. Grab it, go back and enter the double doors in front of you on the left. Continue, cross the balcony and open the next set of double doors. In this bedroom, flip the switch in the wall to the right to turn off the lights, then open the door that was to the left of the double doors. You should be facing the game room. Wait for the mechanical servant to pass by and use a water arrow to extinguish it. Once put to rest enter this door and turn left.
Use blackjack to stun the bartender, then walk around the bar table and stun the drunk guard. Fortunately, this guard will have a hard time seeing you, so you shouldn't have any problems. Grab the 50 loot bottle from the bar, then grab all the money from the various tables. As soon as you are ready, enter the door next to the bar and turn right. But ignore the doors your left was your right, just enter the one in front of you.
Turn right and follow the corridor to the left, then enter the second door on the right. This will put you in front of a switch that turns off the safety devices. Once off, exit the room and walk left. Skip the first door on the left, enter the first door on the right and you will be in the arsenal. Here you can get 1 flaming arrow, 2 moss arrows, 3 water arrows and 4 large pointed arrows. Now look up and you should see a target. Shoot the target and a secret with a gas arrow will open.
Get the golden hammer in this room, exit, turn left and take the first right. Continue and take the first right through the double doors, you will find yourself in the room with the pool. Here, take the two 50 loot pots along with the 100 gold pot. Before leaving, jump into the water and grab the tool at the bottom of the pool.
Now exit the room and go left. Go through the door ahead of you, turn right and use the silver tool in the box to open the next door. Go through the newly opened door, continue and you will come to some stairs. Save your game and quickly hide in the shadows, you will hear that Truart has been murdered.
Three guards will run towards you, so stay hidden in the shadows. One of the guards will have a tool with him, probably the third, and you'll need to get it. Wait for them to pass then run after them and stun all three of them.
Now that you have all the tools go up the stairs and turn left then enter the double doors here. You will now be in a waiting room with a 50 loot pot above the fireplace, plus a 10 loot plaque. Take both of them and go to the east door (on your right). Go through the passage and enter the next door, then turn left and open the door in front of you. You are now in a closet with a closed trunk. Open it and steal all its contents, then go out and open the middle door on your right: you will see a ladder. Climb the ladder and you will find yourself in an attic with a chest containing a slow fall potion. Grab it and open the door that will take you to a long walkway across the top of the property. Once you reach the other side, open the door and you will be in another attic with another chest. In this chest you will find an invisibility potion, take it and go down the ladder and then open the door in front of you. You are now in Sheriff Truart's room. His body is on the ground, on the floor which is covered with tiles. You will probably need to use some moss arrows to walk past the body and get Mosley's key. Now go back and go up the ladder. Back in the attic open the door, go back through the property, enter the next door then go down the stairs. From here exit the closet and turn right, entering the next two doors, then go through the double door on the left. Continue down the stairs to the right, then go forward and turn right and then left along the corridor. Soon you should see a mechanical door in front of you: use one of the tools left for this door and you will find yourself next to a staircase that goes down to the first floor.
Go down the stairs and continue until you reach a T. here turn right, then take the first left and you will be near where you stunned the guard earlier. Continue into this room and exit through the door on the left. Turn right and enter the first door on the right, then run down the stairs, continue through the grass and jump into the water and swim to your right. After going under the wall the mission will end.
Mission 8: Trace the Courier
- Follow the message to its destination without being seen
- Find out the content of the message
- Don't kill anyone
- Steal in at least six pockets
note: the maps for this mission are the same as for mission 3.
Follow the courier as soon as he starts moving. Always stay a few steps behind her as she looks especially back to make sure no one is there. Steal the pockets and stun the first guard you pass. Then move his body and continue following the courier. After a while you will pass a grate leading into the sewers on your right. Be careful as there is a guard walking towards you at this point. Run into the opening on your left as fast as you can and let the guard pass.
soon you will see a door on your right. Open it, enter and break into the first door you see on the left. Continue down the corridor and open the second door in front of you, now wait for the courier again and as soon as you see it follow it from here.
after a few more turns it will enter the market. Once here he will drop his letter, then he will make his way to the bridge. If you are very careful it will be easy to enter the door behind where he will drop the letter. When that happens, run and read it, then leave it on the ground and hide. You will have to wait for a while, but then a member of the pagans will reach the letter and pick it up. When he gets the letter, examine this area very carefully, save the game just in case he sees you and you have to start over.
When the pagan arrives, simply follow him but at a slightly greater distance than when he followed that the courier. Although he sells to turn around less often, you will find that he walks in better lighted areas than the courier and passes in front of more people you need to worry about.
soon the pagan will re-enter the market on the other side and stop for a while. At that point, hide in the shadows near the stand you entered. When it starts to move just follow it. The next guard the heathen will pass by is rather difficult to avoid. If you need it I recommend using the invisibility potion. Keep following the pagan, but be careful. After a while the pagan will be ambushed by some Mechanists. When this happens, take the first right and go around the building keeping to the left. You will notice that the road will branch off to the right up to a dead end. Enter this alley and turn the torch holder down here. This will open a secret door at the end of the alley. After entering you will find yourself in a tomb. Open the doors to the tomb and turn right - there will be a grate you need to open, so do so and continue going under the next arch on the left. Through the arch you will see the doors of a tomb. Open them and run inside: you will find yourself in front of a portal. Now enter the portal and the mission will end.
Mission 9: Trail of Blood
- Follow the trail of blood and find out where the ultimate destruction of the Pagans is
- Find a map or information about where you are
- Bonus Objective - Collect 500 loot in addition to the amount you started from
- Bonus Objective - Collect 750 loot in addition to the amount you started from
- Don't kill any humans
- Bonus Objective - Collect 1000 loot in addition to the amount you started from
note: mission nine is a little different than the other missions where you started at the point where the previous mission ended, plus you won't be able to buy anything new. In the beginning you will also be without a map, but this is a problem that is solved quickly.
Section 1
At the start of mission nine, run across the clearing and, in the right area, you will see a trail of blood between a tree and the rock face. Following blood through the pass you will see a small house on the right. In front of the house there are two corpses, 1 pagan and a Mechanist. Next to the mechanist's body you will find the map you need.
Upon entering the house you will find a carrot and a doll. Take the doll and leave the shed, turning to the right.
Go down to the water near the bridge and swim to the end of the stream, then exit to the right side. Now you will see the blood trail cross the bridge but don't follow it. Instead, head in the opposite direction and you will see another shed on the left.
upon entering you will find an invisibility potion and three large pointed arrows planted on top of the table. Take it all and exit heading left.
You will soon encounter another shed. Be warned though, because there's a Mechanist on patrol in the back, and another inside. If you use a water arrow on the flashlight outside the hut it should be easy to stun the Mechanist inside.
Once inside go up the stairs and get the 2 apples in the chest. Now go down and enter the small room with the stairs. Here you will find a ruby and a parchment. Finally, go up the stairs, get the speed potion, and leave the shed by going left.
You will now cross a small garden with a bridge on the other side. Beware of the Mechanist patrolling back and forth on the bridge. after fixing it, cross the bridge and head left where you will find another ruby.
Now jump into the water and in the mouth of the state you will find three water arrows. Grab the and head back to the hut you just ignored. You will find a parchment there; take it and carry on. You will have to jump into the stream again, but then jump out at the first spot where you can exit on the left.
Entering the next hut and you will meet you will find some gold. 1 carrot. 1 watermelon and two large pointed arrows. Take the and exit to the left. You should now see the blood trail. Follow it to the left and you'll see a dead Mechanist. If you move his body you can catch the flare under him.
Further on you will find a meeting area for the pagans. Inside you will find a slow fall potion. Grab it and place the rubies inside the eyes of the face in the center of the room, then jump into the mouth and you will be transported to the second section of this level.
Section 2
Once through the portal, continue following the blood trail. After a few turns you will find yourself in a giant room with some plants in the shape of eyes. In this room you will also see four pools. In each pool there is a water arrow. Grab them and go on. But next area is a rather large chamber with lava flowing through it. Follow the blood trail like a boon for now, staying on your right. Soon a cup will start rising. At that point on your left, in the middle of some debris, you will find an arrow vine.
following the trail will be quiet most of the time, until you encounter some kind of patrolling gorilla. Kill the gorillas and keep going. The nice thing is that, even if you are playing in Expert you will be able to kill these gorillas: a well placed large arrow should be enough. After killing him continue to the left. Further on, the path will enter another tunnel, and you can turn either right or left. Turning left will bring you to an area with another gorilla on patrol. Use another large spike to fix it, then turn left and, at the bottom, you will encounter three 75-inch gems.
Now go back to where you killed the gorillas and continue on, staying on the right, and soon you will have two gorillas on your left. Use the water arrows to extinguish the torches, then kill one with the large arrow.
At this point you can run away, because the second beast will not chase you, or you can simply kill it with the sword. Anyway, when they are dead, if you go right on a ledge, you will find another gem of 25, otherwise you can enter the opening that the gorillas were guarding.
crossing this passage you will come to a magical bridge. Instead of crossing it, jump into the water and you'll find two more vine arrows. Grab them, use one to exit and continue through the tree. As you cross the tree you will find a letter from Lt. Mosely. it is very important that you be careful in this area. There will be two gorillas on your left. If you are careful you should be able to plant an arrow in one of them, then run back and hide in the water. Wait a couple of minutes, then climb up and use another large arrow to kill the other one.
When both beasts are settled you will find a tree with an opening that has stairs inside. Climb up and continue, but be careful as there is another beast on patrol. In the second room you arrive in, you can choose whether to go left or right. If you go left you will find an open area in one of these trees containing a letter and 5 apples. if you have done this road, take everything and go back.
going into the opening on the right instead, it will make you hear two gorillas conversing. If you are careful you can kill one from afar, retreat, wait a few minutes then go back there and fix the other. Use the wide-pointed arrows on both of them, otherwise they might call for reinforcements. One by one should be enough.
When you reach the room they were in, you will find 3 apples and three wide-pointed arrows. Now you can go left or right. If you go left you will find two gorillas and, in a ring of mushrooms on the ground, 2 pieces of fruit that will give you a fair amount of health. After getting them, go back and take the road to the right.
You will again arrive in a room where you can choose left or right. Go left and go down the stairs. On the ground you will find a gorilla standing guard near a fire. If you clear the net you will find a fiery arrow and, to the right of where you came from, 2 items of 100 in gems and 50 gold. Take everything and continue on the road that went to the right.
continuing you will arrive in a room with 3 apples, a piece of fruit and a letter. Reading the letter will reveal a lot of things. Now go on and you will arrive, again, in another room with the choice "right or left", and a letter on the floor. If you go right, you will reach the ground. You will find 100 gold and 200 gems below.
now go back to the top and continue to the left. By following the blood you will reach the end of this level, and the hardest part. This is also the only part of the game with three beasts.
Either way, break the ice in front of you with the sword you can continue northwest. After a short distance you should see the bloody pagan and the mission will end. It is important that you run through this section due to the three beasts' ability to grind you to a pulp.
Mission 10: Life of the Party
- Travel over the rooftops and stay away from the roads
- Infiltrate Angelwatch
- Spy on Karras to find out why he is leaving the group
- Break into Karras' office and find information on the Cestus project
- Find and read Karras' latest writing in the New Scripture of the Master Builder
- Steal 800 of loot
- When the objectives are complete, exit the Mechanist tower and safely return to the bell tower
- Steal 1200 of loot
- Don't kill anyone unarmed
- Steal 1550 of loot
- Don't kill anyone
At the start of mission 10, go ahead and drop down. There is an open window on your right and a window you can open on the left. In the left window there are 40 gold tokens. Take them, go out and check the window on the right, which from a sleeping citizen you can steal in his pockets, 1 chest with five gold, and some cheese. Climb the wall and head right. Later you will come to a metal contraption with pipes that you can go through to reach the next roof. There you will notice that, looking at the map, Van Vernon Castle is on your left. if you go down the ladder here, use a vine arrow, shooting it at the wooden rafter above the open window. Then go up the rope and enter the window, set up the guard, and open the chest containing 65 gold.
Continuing, drop off the ledge in the window (which supports your weight) and turn left, then enter the right window. There will be another guard here. Stun her and continue to the next room containing a 100 gold vase. Stand by the chair and sofa and use a vine arrow to climb up the rafters. Cross the beam and you will see a tunnel that you can cross to enter the astronomers room.
in here you will find a chest with two pieces of cheese and three apples. Take everything then turn the telescope and take the tool to burn and the fire arrow of the secret compartment.
Now move the crates out of your feet then go down the hole and down the ladder. From here enter the window of this room and run into the door on your left. In this room there is a chest with 60 gold, as well as two flash bombs and a broad-pointed arrow on a shelf. Leave the room and go up the first set of stairs on the left, stun the guards then go down the stairs and go up to the other set. Run forward, jump over the chimney and shoot a downward water arrow, then go down the ladder. You are now in the kitchens. Stun the cook and take two pieces of bread.
enter the door at the end of the kitchen, then enter the next one. Here are two trunks. Ignore the former but open the latter for a healing potion. Now go back to the kitchen, up the fireplace and back to the astronomers room.
Jump off the rafters and enter the door on the right, then go up the stairs and open the door at the top. In this room you will find a board with a plant and a healing potion on it. Now head back halfway down the stairs and sneak the vi into the open window on the left. You should now be on a platform. Go down the ladder to the right then go up the wall that will be behind you, now go up the next wall. Walk past the tower you see, and wait for the fight between the two guards to end. Now go up and stun any remaining guards then enter the open window you see from here. In this room there will be a sack with 100 gold, grab it and run to the guard you just stunned then go back down the ladder, down the two platforms and up the ladder that leads to the window you entered earlier. From here go to the other side, and jump to the platform where the other two guards were, steal their arrows and go down the ladder.
Now go up the stairs and take the 25 gold cup. Go back down the stairs and turn right. Jump to the wall in front of you, run forward and jump to the next wall.
Turn right and jump to the right wall, then to the wall in front of you. Be careful here, there will be two guards on patrol. Either way, go to the other side of the tower in front of you and keep going. You will hear two thieves below. Jump down and take them out, then jump out the window to the right and set up the guard too. In the room there is a chest with 25 gold.
Enter the next door, and the next two flights of stairs. When you are on the ground floor you will see some crates in front of a hole in the wall, move them, enter and climb the ladder on the other side.
jump through the window into the room you are in and then into the window on the other side. Grab the cheese in this room then stand on the panel on the ground and use the button to reach the floor above you. Take the two 50 gold candlesticks but DO NOT read the book. If you do, two zombies will attack you. Go to the fire and press the button.
go back to the panel and go down the previous floor, look at the bookcase on the right and push the secret book. After doing this, move away from the panel, press the button, then stand on the newly revealed panel and press the button to go down.
You are now in the necromancer's bedroom. There is also a healing potion, a speed potion, and a chest containing 100 gold. Get it all, jump down into the torture chamber and get the invisibility potion. With the potion, climb up the Iron Maiden, then use the elevator to return to the top floor and jump from the window onto the walkway.
go left and run into the tower on your left. Go up the stairs you will find two flaming arrows. Grab them, go back down and go up the stairs in front of you. Open the door at the top, stun the guard and, in the room with the pram, grab the 100 gold pot, then jump through the window. For now, ignore the open window on the right and instead walk through the pole where the flags hang between the buildings in front of you. Be very careful to cross it, but once on the other side climb up the wall, then climb the next one, jump down on the green house and open the door to the house.
Inside are spiders, two moss arrows and a gas arrow. Take them, exit the house and look to your right, you should see an open window. Shoot an arrow in the wooden area below the window, then climb the rope and jump out the window. Stun her patrolling guards and SAVE YOUR GAME. As soon as you are ready, place the burn tool in front of the arsenal door as close as you can. Then go back and position yourself so that if you bend down you can see the tool, otherwise you won't make it.
Bend over and shoot a flaming arrow at the tool, then hide behind. The burn deal will explode and it should have opened the arsenal door. If not, load the game and try it. Inside you will find two flaming arrows, 2 mines, 2 lure arrows, 1 large arrow, 2 flash bombs, 3 water arrows and a healing potion. Grab everything and exit the window, then get the arrow vine again.
Go back to the top of the green house, up the next two walls and go through the pole where the flags are hanging, then enter the window on the left.
Get the flaming arrow from the fire in this room. Then exit the next window and turn left towards the hanging flags, you will now be able to enter another window. Stun the guard, then open the door and stun the civilian. Grab the gold on his desk then head back to the previous room, climb through the window and continue up the ledges by jumping the first window on the right and entering the second.
You will be on a tiled floor so be careful, stun the patrolling guard and steal D. the key, then open the first door on the right. Also take the key here and unlock the panel on the wall.
Flip the switch inside, then go back and enter one of the two doors you haven't been through yet. Steal the 100 goals and 300 gems from the now open safes, and enter the double doors. There will be a guard here that you need to fix. Kill him and climb up the ledge to the left, then go up to the next walkway. We are now close to Angel Watch.
Go down the ladder and enter the left window. Once in this room read the note on the table and enter the door on the right. Turn the torch holder in front of you, then turn left and, at the end of the corridor, take the two recall arrows, the gas mine and the invisibility potion. Then go back to where you came from.
Jump out of the window again and continue to the left. Climb to the open window in front of you, and stun the two women in this room. Grab the 100 Gold Pot and exit to the next window.
go around the tower in front of you, and climb on the metal contraption in front of you, then on the far wall. Stun her guards above and go up the ladder to the left. Going up above you will have the first full view of and Angel Watch which, I must say, is quite impressive.
From this point, go down the ladder, run forward, and climb the next wall. If you look at your feet you should see an air duct. Open it, enter it, then request it behind you. Slowly advance, jump to the first right turn and take the second right. Exit and open the door on your right. Now watch out for the guard and once it's settled, go left. Go ahead and you'll see a guard inside the chapel, as well as a Mech guard patrolling the corridor outside. Wait for the Mech to walk away, then run stun the guard in the chapel and grab the key from him.
Hide the body in the shadows, and use a water arrow to extinguish the two torches, then wait for the Mech guard to approach and then turn and leave. As soon as it does, place the two water arrows to disable it.
Get two gold candlesticks in the room, then use the talking machine nearby. Now enter the chapel door using the key taken from the guard. In the next room there is a panel that you can crack with two gold 50g gold cups.
Go back from the elevator and, instead of turning left, go straight. You will pass a chimney to the right, then a door in front of you. The chest in this room has a mine and 20 gold. There are now two doors, one on the right and one in front of you. In the door on the right you will find a note that tells you where the voice machines are, with a statue of 15 loot in a chest. If you enter the Door in front of you you will be in a warehouse with a door leading to a room with two gold cups and two bottles of wine. Bottles are worth 100 loot. After you are done go back to the elevator (which is close to the door you came from).
At this point you should be alright. Take the elevator to the first floor and, once there, climb the beams from the column. Once at the top wait for a Mech guard to pass below you, then go down and follow the a short distance away. He will go through a round room, when he does, hide in the small space on the right side of the far door.
Soon the guardian will pass in front of you again, at which point place the two water arrows in the boiler and it will be fixed. If you want at this point you can choose to continue, kill a guard and take two statues of 15 loot each.
Otherwise, go back to the main room and you will find another talking machine. After you hear the message, go back the elevator and go to the third floor. As the elevator goes to the third floor be very careful. Go ahead and stun the guest in the room in front of you. Then go back turn left and take the first right.
Ignore the door on the right, and turn left. In the first room on the right there will be a guest and a chest containing 100 gold. Grab the gold, leave the room and turn left, back to where you came from. Take the first right and, instead of turning left immediately, go ahead. You should be in a room with a metal door that makes a lot of noise. Use a moss arrow to silently reach the talking machine, activate it, listen to Karras, and leave the room by returning to the elevator to the fourth floor.
when you reach the fourth floor you will have to be careful as there are two guards on patrol. Stun them both and then, from the elevator, move forward ignoring the left turn. After a few turns you should come to a door in front of you, and a corridor on the right. Go through the corridor and you should see two doors. In the first there will be a chest with 5 gold in it.
Now head to the elevator and this time go left. Ignore the clearing on the right and in the first door on the left you will find a 25 gold healing potion in two separate chests.
Leave the room and go left. You should be a room where you can go forward left or right. Enter the left door and you will see a noblewoman with her servant. It is very important that you proceed with caution. Approach from the side of the bookcase where the servant is. When you get close enough stunned, then go back and circle around the other side to stun the woman. When both are KO, listen to the talking machine.
Exit the library. In the door in front of you there are two people who will have a short conversation, then they will allow you to steal into the pockets of the man who will remain in the room. Now go out and go back to the elevator. It's time to explore the fifth floor.
On the fifth floor go ahead ignore the two doors you see on the right. Go through the entire corridor and mark the door directly in front of you. Do not enter gold but remember that here because, in this room, there is the new writing of the master builder. Don't read it for now as there is a little gold robot that will cause a lot of headaches in this level, and that you cannot kill. Although I have heard people say they use a mine on him, I have yet to be able to do so, as he tends to just walk away from me and alarm all people on this plane of my presence.
In short, turn right and enter the first door on the left. Stun the guest in the room and take the key from him. Exit go left.
In the next room on the left there will be a person standing looking at the fire. Steal his pocket and stun him. now leave the room and go left. Remember this area, because if you continue you will enter the door leading to the central office. Unfortunately, you will need a key to this room from the sixth floor.
The street will vote right, and you can either turn left or continue straight. Don't go straight for now, turn left and enter the first door on the right. In this room, go ahead and jump over the first door on the right. Further ahead you will find two gold 50g gold cups and a piece of cheese.
Grab them and continue to the back of the room, then exit through the door on the right.
Be very careful here: stun the servant and enter the first door on the left. In this room you will find another talking machine, a 25 gold cup, a deer foot and a 50 loot bottle. Take it all and listen to the machine.
Leave the room and turn left. We are in the kitchens. Stun serves take two pieces of cheese, 4 pieces of bread and 3 apples. After you have everything and enter the door to the right of the one you entered from. And in the locker there is a chest containing a 50 gold plaque. Take the exits from the next door, you will find yourself in the elevator that takes us to the sixth floor.
There are three people in this room to stun: two guests, a small Mech guard, and a Mechanist guard. Be careful around the Mechanist guard, as he will shoot cables at you which can tear you apart very quickly.
You will have to get the key from the Mechanist guard, and this is made more difficult by the fact that we will walk on the tiles. If you have a gas arrow left, maybe it's time to use it to stun him along with the other two guests.
After you've got everyone sorted out, go to the talking machine and listen, then head back down to the fifth floor.
On the fifth floor, reach the door with the new master builder writing and enter. There are two keys to your right you can pick up and 1 chest at the back of the room which contains a healing potion. Take the and break open the small metal door that you will find on the wall. Here sky is written, read it and leave the room ignoring the little golden guy.
Now enter the door leading to the central office that you skipped first. Use the sixth floor guard key and enter. There's a talking machine in here. It seems that they have everything planned for you, in any case we can always complete the objectives. Walk behind the desk and press the button. This will turn off the building's alarms, but you should have placed enough guards on this level to be safe.
Grab the parchment behind where the paintings used to be and exit. Go right and enter the kitchens on your right. In the kitchens, go down the stairs to your left and go all the way down this small passage.
Once in the tunnel, at a T, go left and you will find yourself where you entered Angel Watch. Open the hatch and climb out, then go ahead, set up the guards and climb the ladder at the bottom.
Go down the next ladder and jump to the right wall. Stay to the left of the tower, which is your street, and enter the window. Cross the room and exit the window on the other side, then climb the ladder in front of you. Jump over the ledge to your right, then turn left and jump down onto the platform, now your right onto the bank balcony. Run and jump through the window in front of you, then out the window into the next room.
Climb up the two ledges in front of you, then enter the right door. We are halfway there. Run down the stairs in this room, enter the left door and go down the next ramp then enter the door in front of you.
If you haven't already, put out the fire in this room and go up the chimney. Once on the roofs turn right, go down the two stairways and climb into the window just in front of you.
Go up the stairs in this room, enter the and go back into the opening in the wall on the right, then do it in the next opening in the left wall. Jump off the rafters and enter the left opening, then jump out the window.
Finally, go up the stairs, climb the wall behind you, run jump over the wall in front of you, go through the metal pipe then go up the bell tower and you have completed the mission.
Mission 11: Precious Cargo
- kidnap Cavador and find an escape from Markham Island
- finds Lotus
- find and read another passage of the new master builder's writing
- find and get an ancient navigation globe
- Find Captain Markham's lost pirate treasure
- don't kill any Mechanist
At the start of the mission you will find yourself next to a boat with a drilling machine in front of you. Be careful because a guard will be passing by very soon.
continue and, on the left, there will be a bag. Grab the two water arrows and fire from there, then move on.
You will come to a T a little further on. There is an elevator on the left, do not go up it. Turn right, bend over and climb as high as you can on the stones. At the top you will see three hanging ropes. Ignore the one divided from the others and jump on the one in the distance of the two hanging together.
Climb up, and once at the top take the gas arrow planted in the rock. After grabbing it, jump to the other rope and climb up to the top, then jump to the ledge beyond. You should see a small passage in front of you. Jump over the ledge with the passage and enter it. Soon you will come to a button, turn it to turn off the electronic eye below.
Now go back into the tunnel and get on the rope and you should see in front of you. From here, jump down to the third "floor" and stun the two guards you find. Press the button on the elevator and use it to go to level two. Once here, turn both buttons making them point up then go back to level three.
Once back, turn left. In this direction you will come to two metal ramps. Be very quiet and climb slowly. At the top, watch out for the patrolling Mech guard, and once you pass it run to the right and up the ramp.
Once there, then set up the guard and grab the two more breath-potion flash bombs. From here you should be in a good spot to fix the Mech guard, do it.
when you are ready, enter the rightmost door of the lighthouse. From here you should see a porch with a door on it. Enter this door and turn right. Remember that the stairways are here.
As you enter the door on the right you will find a Mechanist guard who you will have to deal with. Once stunned, enter the next door and you will find 20 gold plus two more tokens on another table which will earn you 40 gold. Now go out the next door in this room and go left. Skip it first. Door left and enter the first right. Go down the stairs and through the opening, then go right. Skip the opening on the left and you will find a rather long staircase. Walk to the top, then climb the ladder and stun the guards. Take the guard key that was here, then go down both the ladder and the long staircase, all the way down, and back up the steps you passed as you came from the lighthouse.
Go up the stairs, ignore the left input and turn right. Ignore the two doors on the right and, when you get to an opening in the ceiling, shoot an arrow on the roof.
stun the guards up there, then enter the next room. On the floor you will find a switch, turn it, go back from the stairs you have climbed and enter the door in front of you. In this room you will find a space to slip into. In there are four water arrows, a healing potion, a navigation globe and some 36 gold tokens.
Now leave the lighthouse by the door you entered and go to the southernmost area on the other side of the wall from the door you just exited through. Here you will find the cold room shed. Here you can open two doors, then you will find Lotus. Lotus will ask you to kill him after giving you a wooden stake. After doing what he asks of us, exit the refrigerator sky and go left, then when there is no longer a wall, turn right and walk until you meet the wall in front of you. Turn left here you should see an opening in the lighthouse. Walk here and go right, jump right first opening and enter the one on your left.
when you are ready to leave the lighthouse use the wooden stake on the wheel in this room, then turn it. Once the whole floor is done it will start to fall, bringing us forcefully to the lowest level. When the elevator stops you will be in a small room with another room in front of you containing a mechanist on guard. Approach silently and stun her, then go ahead and flip the button in this room and the viewing area will open.
Go back and go right into the newly opened Door. After going through the tunnel you will find yourself in a room with a ramp in front of you. Be very careful here, there is a Mech guard on patrol in this room.
wait for the Mech guard to pass, then correct in the room and to the left, and hide behind the crates. It is important that you do this quickly enough.
When you are behind the crates wait for the Mech guard to pass by you and start going up the ramp where he should be in front of you, shooting two water arrows into his boiler.
With the Mech guard off, grab the three water arrows and the scout eye in one of the crates behind here, then enter the passage on the left instead of going up the ramp.
Go up the ramp that will be on your right and you will see two switches. Everyone opens one of the two neighboring portals. Turn both of them and go back to the ramp, then enter the first portal.
Once you have crossed it go left. Go through the passage and you will see a ladder, don't go down it, rather proceed to the next room which has a button to turn off the electronic eye. After turning it off, go back to where you came from and this time go straight, or through the street that was supposed to be on your right.
you are now in the closet room. Depriving lockers there are a breathing potion, 2 flash bombs, 2 flares, a scroll and 136 gold. Now go back and take the first right. Don't go up the stairs yet, proceed to the next room and grab the breathing potion, then go back and up the stairs.
After climbing several stairs you will find yourself on top of a building. If you look around you should see a path that connects you to another building. Follow him and jump down to the next building and you will find 30 gold. Grab them and jump into the roof opening. If you look south you should see a hole in the quarry wall. Swim all the way through the tunnel then enter the next tunnel and you will come to stifling air.
After exiting the water, continue up the stairs. There will be a skeleton with a sword thrust through it holding the rudder of an old ship. Behind the skeleton there are two doors.
Open them and jump into the water, swimming you will see a large chest. In there you will find 400 gems. Once you get it, go back and once you get to the double doors you will see a ghost.
Don't try to fight us, just get back in the water. Once there you will be safe, so just go back to the room where you found the 30 gold.
Go up the stairs and look at the cave it should be on the left. If you cross the road that leads you to the cave you will notice that the cave is full of water.
Go through it quickly. Swim in the water and enter the first room on the right, use this moment to inspire until you are full. Then go out the door and go right, you will be in a large room.
if you look carefully in this room you will find the new writing of the master builder. Read it back, make another stop in the room if you need it, and exit the cave. Go back to the roof of the previous building, then go through the roof of the first building and go back out the first portal.
turn left and go straight until you enter the second portal. The first thing you need to do is stun the guard on your right. Once done, look in the left area and you will find three flash bombs plus four flares. Grab them and keep going until you see a note and a glass window that hides a healing potion and a breathing potion. Use blackjack to break the glass and get both.
Now go through the corridor on the right. Go up the stairs in front of you and go up the next ramp after this. Get the fire arrows and water arrows, then enter the door on this floor. Grab all four keys, go out the door and go down the first flight of stairs.
Enter the door on the right and continue. The electronic eye should be pushed, but if you haven't, be pretty careful. Cross the walkway and ignore the empty right. At the end of this corridor you will see a guard. It will take a little inventiveness to stun him, but you'll need to grab the key he's carrying and use it on the door he's protecting.
When you get inside, open the four chests and you will find a total of 75 loot, 125 gold and a rusty gas cylinder. Take it all, go back and take the first left.
crossing this corridor you can take a first look at the Cestus Amicus. as soon as you see it jump into the water and swim under it. On the south side of the ship there is a submarine access.
once on board continue through the first floor. Do not open any loading bay for now, continue until you pass bays 4 and 5, then 1, 2 and 3 and the room with the ladder, you will arrive in a room with two guards. Use a moss arrow on the ground and stun them both. Then go back and open Cargo Bay 1 to get the Gas Mine and the two normal mines. Now open Cargo Bay 2 and get the Speed, Breathing and Healing Potion. Loading bay 3 will load our gas cylinder automatically, so you don't have to do anything.
Cargo Bay 4 contains two spy eyes. Join them at your collection and go back down the ladder to the second floor. In the first room you enter you will find a 100 gold vase. Take it and enter the next room and you will see two switches. One will give us two flares, the other two clubs, take the flares and move on.
but next room to a locker, and the next two rooms two offices. The office on the left has a relationship, the one on the right is useless. The last room you arrive in contains 3 apples, a piece of bread, a piece of cheese, 2 golden 50 loot cups and two 100 loot bottles. Collect everything then go back to Loading Bay 5.
When you reach the bay, open it, then jump up and the mission will be over.
Mission 12: Kidnap
Normal e Hard
- Find and kidnap Brother Cavador and take him with you on your escape
- do not let Brother Cavador die
- find and read a portion of Karras' new writing
- don't kill anyone
- read Cavador's diary
- find the drill bit
A long but important note: Cavador can be anywhere on this level. However, I always found it in the same place, so I wrote the solution taking into account the place where it kept finding it. If you do not find it where I found it, continue with the solution and you will find it in one of the places that I will mention.
If you can't find it, you SHOULD head to site 5, where I've always found it.
finally, it is important to remember that Cavador wears a gas mask and two bodyguards. Because of this, we won't be able to put him to sleep on gas, and it's hard to get close. Very often you will manage to stun the guard at the back and Cavador, but you will have to escape and wait for the second guard to continue on his way, then take Cavador and leave.
At the start of mission 12, go ahead and take it to the right first. If you stay against the right wall you should be able to stay in the shadows enough to get close to the doors. Near the door you will be able to hear the conversation, take the three moss arrows from there on the ground, then, when the third guard leaves, stun the other two.
Enter the building and stun the patrolling guards, then enter the rooms on the right hand side. The first contains a chest with some large pointed arrows. Take them and read the book, then go into the next one.
You should find a locked chest containing 50 gold. Grab the gold, exit the room and open the chest with the flares. Finally go up the stairs to your right out of this door, then turn right. You should be facing the three doors above.
there is nothing in the first Door, and the second must be opened with a key that we will take from a guard. There is an invisibility potion, a healing potion, a grapple arrow, a mine and a flare, along with two chests. The first contains a flash bomb and the second a gas arrow.
In the third room there is a water arrow in a small pool. Take the back turns the way you came, and reach the boiler which should be straight and then to the right. If you open the boiler door you should see a fiery arrow, take it turn right then go down the stairs.
The stairs will take you to another room where you can go ahead or right. Go right and you will find a speed potion in this room. After getting it, enter the next room and you should be in a large central room. There is a chest with a recall arrow on the right, grab it and continue west.
The next room has a note on the floor that will improve the map, which is very important. There is also a healing potion, grab both and enter the next room.
Ignore the scroll on the floor in this room and flip both switches on the left side. This will open two doors which you need later. Now exit the room and continue, you will exit the two double doors on the right.
Go up the stairs on the right and turn left. There is another boiler with a fiery arrow and, of the three doors on this side, the furthest one contains a water arrow. Grab it and go down the stairs.
The first door on the right has two 40 loot items, a scouting orb and a couple of chests. One of the chests contains water arrows, while the other a mine. Take it all, go out the door and then right.
The second room has a chest with flares, while the third also contains a chest with flares. Take all of the exits from the building heading right.
You will soon see an opening on the left, enter it and turn right and then head to the door which is now open. You will come up on a wooden ramp, go up, bend down, proceed and you will see two Mechanists talking.
Don't worry, they won't come towards you, rather wait for them to finish talking then move on and you will be in the area where they were. From which you can go forward, left or right. First go ahead and enter the first small building on your right. Here you can get an Invisibility Potion and a 50 Loot Bottle. After you have everything, leave the building, go back and this time take a right into the main cave.
turn to your right (the one that would have been on your left) and proceed ignoring the first right you will encounter. You should be on site 4. There will be practically nothing on site four, except for a few guards. Then jump the left ramp and turn left beyond it. Take the first right when you can and enter the first small building here to get the green 75 loot tube. Now go out and, at the bottom of the next building on the left there will be a switch. Use it then go inside and grab some large pointed arrows, 2 flash mines and another scouting orb.
now go out and turn left, then follow the road in all its curves. Soon you will be able to turn left and, crossing this road, you can again choose whether to turn right or left. Don't take any direction, go ahead. You should now pass site 3 on your left. Soon you will come to a T. go left and you will be in site 5.
turn left and enter the site. Beware of the electronic eye, but once you pass it go ahead by entering the double doors. Continue with caution passing the next electronic eye. Soon you will turn left in a small to hide. You will have seen you will have to hide here for a while, but if not, go to the door in front of you or to your left if you need to hide. Once inside, ignore the first door on the left and enter the door on the right. On the table in this room you will find two 40 loot items. Grab them and continue to the next room to get two arrows.
Instead of continuing through this room, go back to the one with the loot, then go back to the corridor. Go right, then enter the first room on your left. Stun the guard, then open two chests and you will find some flash bombs and some gold. Take it all then exit the room and turn right.
Take the first left and keep going until you see stairs on your left. Save your game as it will get a little complex. once you go up the stairs, jump the first on the left and enter the second. Now take the first right and stun both sleeping guards, then open the chest containing 100 gold.
Exit the Middle Door and continue when you arrive at the intersection. To the right will be a room containing a chest with a speed potion.
take the potion, then exit the room and turn left, then left again. Skip the first right and keep going until you can turn right again. This may be where Cavador is hiding. With any luck he should be turned away, so approach carefully and stun the guard at the back and Cavador.
After these two are stunned, run and hide from his third guard. Wait for it to stop looking for you then stun it. You can also use a gas arrow.
when both guards are in place, go back to Cavador's room and get two 100 gold candlesticks, as well as Cavador's diary. Having the diary will complete an extra goal.
Finally, take Cavador on your shoulder and leave site 5.
now turn left and keep going until you see stairs to the left. Once here, leave Cavador on the ground and go up the stairs, then take the drill bit in diamond. This will earn you some gems and complete another extra objective.
Run down the stairs and take Cavador, then continue on. Stay left here, don't turn right as it will take you to site 6 and there is nothing valid in there to worry about, so forget it.
Stay left, take the first and second left turns, then continue. Soon you will come in sight of site 1. this site is really easy, so lean Cavador in the shade outside site one and go up the ramp. In the central room of the three that are in front of you there are 3 and moss arrows. Take them, exit and go right.
following this direction you will come to barrels with a green 75 loot tube. Ignore the guards on the right and keep going until you come to a large metal tank with two flares and five water arrows. Take it all back to get Cavador to continue.
Take the first left to go to site 9.
you will soon see a ramp on the left hand side. Ignore it and move on but turn off the torches in front of you so you won't be seen. Because there will be a hole in the wall from the cave to the left. Enter it and you will arrive at site 9. Luckily there is nothing to worry about on this site, so rest assured.
Enter the site and pay attention to the electronic eye on the right. Turn left and keep it left, you should see some stairs going up. Climb to the top and go through the corridor in front of you. Take the first right and continue past the two rooms until you come to a T. the right room contains a chest with a gas arrow. Take it and go back, this time going straight. After several turns you will come to some steps. Go up, ignore the left door and enter the door directly in front of you, the mission will finally end.
Mission 13: Casing the Joint
- find the secret staircase and the way to access it. Open the door to be sure
- finds some correspondences between Gervaisius and the Mechanists
- go out on the streets
- have no contact with the premises
- find at least four secrets
- find at least 7 secrets
- make the map of at least half the building
The full number of secrets in this level is absurd, but without them completing the level would only be possible with an infinite number of invisibility potion. The number of trials and errors I had to go through to do this is pretty absurd too ... anyway, at the start of the mission, go northwest and you should see some boxes tucked near some kind of miniature canopy. Climb there and jump onto the canopy, you should notice a small switch. Turn it around and enter.
Small note: close any secret doors behind you as you go.
Once inside the building, walk through the curtain and go east, then enter the first door in front of you. Ignore the two right doors in this room, then enter the left door.
now, after the double doors, turn right, and take a right through the next door. Now go out into the office, go ahead and flip the switch on the left side of the wall in front of you. This will open another secret door.
Turn around and enter the first curtain on your right, then go through the newly opened secret door. From here proceed and enter the next secret door in this tunnel, then exit the tent.
Exit the door and enter the next room, take the two tokens on the 40 gold desk and from there, run into the small room locker and you will see several switches.
this is electronic eye control center. There are several scattered throughout the building, and we will really encounter quite a few. Whenever you see one, turn the on / off button to the off position.
So turn off some electronic eyes. In the mini switch in the center turn off the panel lights. This can come in handy if you hear a guard coming. Finally, the switch at the bottom turns off the turrets. After turning off your electronic eyes, exit this room through the north door. From here, turn right and then left into the corridor, then open the door in front of you. Slowly enter the room and listen to the conversation that takes place there. Once they finish talking, the Mechanist woman will leave. Then slowly make your way into the room by circling all the way north. Exit the door that you will find and go straight through the arch in front of you. From here you should see some wallpaper. If you use the sword to cut it you should see a switch that will open a secret door to your left.
When you are in the secret passage go ahead and ignore the left exits until you are at the end. From here exit the secret passage and turn left. Go through the first arch on the left and you should be in a room with another group of electronic eye controls. Turn them all off, exit the closet and go left. Go through the arch in front of you and go right. Ignore the secret passage and enter the first door on the left. From here you should see a staircase.
Climb to the top of the stairs out the door above. From which go ahead and the road will turn to your right. A little further on there will be an arch. If you get closer you should see a switch in the lower left corner. Turn it around and go back the way you came, then enter the secret passage.
Go ahead take the first right. Flip the switch to the left and enter the passage on the right. Turn off the electronic eyes of the controls and go back the way you came through the secret passage. Now go out the other exit of the secret passage that has opened and open the chest on the right to get the recall arrow, then enter the trophy room and go through the curtains on the right. When you are in this small area, look up and flip the switch, then enter the new secret passage to get to the dining room.
Now go through behind the curtains on the left and flip the switch on the ceiling, then enter the secret passage and turn right. Following this road, keep going until you find yourself in front of the next secret door. Make sure no guards are passing, then open the door and RUN to your left entering the left arch immediately.
Be careful, you will have to do all this very quickly in order not to be seen by the electronic eye.
Now cross the carpeted floor to a T. To your right will be the electronic eye switch. Turn it around then go back the way you came to the arch next to the now off electronic eye. This time, go straight and enter the front door. Once inside, look for the patrolling guard. If you think you can make it all the way to the south balcony, do it. Obviously, ignore the first right turn when you do this. Otherwise, turn off the flashlight and hide in the shadows to stun the guard.
Once there, open the toolbox and take the cuckoo. This is the missing part of the clock that will allow you to open the hidden staircase. It is important that you do not open the door for now, if you do, an electronic eye will see you and several people will start running to look for you.
From here, head back to the other side, but take the first left at the bottom of the block walkway and open the sets of double doors at the bottom. Now go ahead and take it first on the left, then enter the first door you will arrive at.
from here you will find yourself in a small room. Wait until you hear no guards, then open the door in front of you and run through the hall so that the electronic eye doesn't sound the alarm. Once on the other side, open the door in front of you and enter QUICKLY.
Now turn off the electronic eye from the panel in this room and grab the token from the other side of the room which will earn you 20 gold. Now exit the small room and enter the right door. Here you will come to a room with 60 gold on a table and three curtains to your right. Behind the first is a chest containing a healing potion, and in the second is a secret entrance.
Once you enter the secret corridor, turn left and go all the way. You are now near the bookstore ... or rather the haunted bookstore. Fortunately, you only have to worry about a ghost, so walking through it is more than advisable.
When ready, open the secret door and run forward. Soon, on the right, you will see a fireplace. Nearby is a table with a purple book and two gold 40 gold tokens. Read the book then search the shelves for sections T, N, Y and P.
after reading the purple book go back to where you came from, through the secret door you came from. On the left you should see section T. Now look for a hanging book and read it. Once you have read it, turn back to the fireplace, pass it and, on your left, there will be section N.
here is another book. Now walk over the fireplace and near one of the windows (near section Y) you will find the other book. Finally, go back near the fire, turn left, and on your right you should see section P.
Approach, and to your left will be a book that you can push to open a secret room. Once this is done, after reading the previous books, the ghost will disappear and you will see the two corpses of the fallen lovers you have read about. If you are not fast enough the ghost could go down and cause problems. If this happens, take your time, avoid the ghost and finish doing everything. Once the ghost is gone, go up to the second floor of the library and upstairs, at the back, are two gold 40 loot tokens and two scrolls. One of the scrolls contains a correspondence between the Mechanists and Gervaisius. Grab it and you have completed the extra objective.
Now go back up the stairs and enter the door to the north of the library, from here you will see the clock. Approach and use the cuckoo on it, then turn the hands to the 12 o'clock position and the clock will open the secret passage. Enter the passage, then exit and turn the hands to another time. You will now have completed all objectives except to get out of here without being seen. From where you are now go back to the secret passage of the library, go through it, take the first right, enter the door on the left, then take the door on your right and cross the corridor. From here and simply enter the next door, then go ahead and take the first right, go through the double doors, the carpet and take the first left. Go through the door, then go forward and enter the secret passage to the left of the archway.
once in the secret passage go forward, the road will turn left, then go all the way, exit the secret passage and go forward until you cross the door on your left. Go down the stairs, turn right and enter the secret passage in front of you. Walk all the way down the passage and out the exit, then turn right and keep going until you are in the central hall. Now if the complex part. Take the recall arrow you received earlier and shoot it on the south side of the room. The guards will rush to see, in the meantime reach the doors, break in and leave. Mission accomplished.
Mission 14: Masks
- steal a mask of the Forerunner
- steal loot worth 1400
- back to the streets as soon as the finished
- steal the wooden precursor mask
- steal loot worth 2100
- don't kill anyone
- steal all of the Forerunner masks
- steal a loot in the amount of 2 800
- don't kill anyone
important note: follow the solution of the previous level to reach the secret staircase and go up it. Although the locations of the enemies are different, the solution is always valid. It is possible to complete the loot objective already in the first and second floors, so if you want to do so, you will have to take time to explore them again. Otherwise, just go to the third floor.
When you reach the third floor, go ahead and take the first left. You will be in a room with some gold on a desk. Take it then leave the room and turn left. In front of you there will be a secret door with a switch. Flip the switch but don't enter the secret passage yet.
Instead, turn left and you will see an opening that will take you to another corridor. Hide against the left side of the door and wait for the Mac guard to walk towards us on the other side of the door, then walk away. as he goes, go out and turn him off with two water arrows.
Now go back to the secret passage. From here, proceed to the other side, then hide in the shadows and wait for the guard to pass in front of you. When he does, use a flash bomb to disorient him, then hit him and use blackjack.
you can also use a moss arrow to get close and blackjack on the guards silently, but the flash bomb works perfectly. Now enter the room and you will notice that there are three levers locked, with lights above them. If you want you can unlock the levers and find the combination to turn off the lights. You can only turn off one light at a time. When a light goes out it will also go out in the room with the same color according to the color code of this place.
If you want you can turn off the lights of a specific set of rooms, raid the rooms and then come back here. Obviously, however, there is an easier way. Ignore these levers if you want to complete the mission more easily.
Before we continue we'll first raid the office was related bedroom. Go to the stairs and open the door on the right. Here you will find a fiery arrow in the chimney, now flip the switch on the right side of the chimney. Now go up the stairs and you will arrive at Gervaisius' desk. Read the book and grab the glasses, you can get some gold, then flip the switch in the center of the desk.
Now go down the stairs and to the right of the double doors you should see an open secret door. Enter it and you will be in Gervaisius' bedroom. To the left is another secret door now open. Enter and you will find 200 gems. Go back outside and go up the stairs to your left. Above is a crown on the bed of 100 gold and 75 gems. Open the trunk and foot of the bed, and inside you will find 100 gold. Grab both items and leave the bedroom by the double doors, then turn right down the stairs.
Go forward to the wall, then turn left and go up the stairs to enter the double doors and corridor on the other side of the room. Here you will see an electronic eye. If you feel the need, shoot some moss arrows on the ground, so as not to alert the guards, then go forward inside the first door on the left and hide in the shadows to avoid any curious guards.
from here turn off all the electronic eyes of the piano, and take 60 gold from the desk. Now go back up the stairs, turn right and go back to the first room. Once here, turn to the north door and look up. You should see one of the beams sticking out. Pull him a grapple, climb up and go forward. Barking will soon turn left, so follow it and walk until there is an opening on your right. When there, turn right and you will be in the first of the six rooms with the masks.
Now, since we haven't turned off all the alarms yet, we'll have to be careful but it's easy enough. If you look at how the beams are placed you will notice that there are three crosses, each facing a mask. If you pull the grappling hook in that direction, so that you can descend where two posts meet, but close enough without the rope falling into the section where they cross, you will be able to ascend and grab the mask, then come back up. It sounds difficult, but it will get easy once you get the hang of it. It is very important that you do not touch the floor. If you do this, gas will be fired as soon as you touch the mask and it will kill you.
Each mask in this room is worth 50 loot. Collect them all then turn west and go back to the next room. Here you will find three more masks. Two of them are worth 50, while the central one is one of the precursor's masks. By achieving this you will complete an objective. Now go west to the third room with the masks. Here you will find three more standard masks, each with 50 loot.
finally, leave the third room from the opening in the south wall. Once you cross it you will be on a large corridor with a Mech guard on patrol. From one of the beams, shoot a water arrow at the guard, then another to extinguish it. When it stops, go down and open the west door.
In this room there is a guard and a Mech guard. You will need to approach to stun the guard and carry him away. Once this is done, go up the stairs and you should be in an advantageous spot to use the two water arrows to disable the Mech guard. When both guards are KO, go down and get the Cultivator in this room. Now leave the room and use a grappling hook to return to one of the beams and walk east, then turn right and find the entrance again. By now you should have completed all your missions. You can exit the building or choose to raid three other rooms full of masks with the method you have already seen previously. Mission accomplished.
Mission 15: Sabotage at Soulforge
- learn how to use the Guiding Beacon to take the servants to the Mechanist cathedral
- follow the Guiding Beacon projects to make a new one
- connect the Guiding Beacon you made with the slot
- change the imports of at least 5 of the 8 signal towers to use signal B, the Guiding Beacon, instead of signal A, the instruction of Karras
- make sure Karras doesn't find out what you're doing, or he won't operate the servants
- when the rest of the missions are done, get out before Karras seals the cathedral and blows up the servants.
- change the imports of at least 6 of the 8 signal towers to use signal B, the Guiding Beacon, instead of signal A, the instruction of Karras
- change the imports of at least 7 of the 8 signal towers to use signal B, the Guiding Beacon, instead of signal A, the instruction of Karras
At the start of mission 15 you will be in a large room surrounded by plants. Wait in this chamber until two Mech guards enter, then use the water arrows to extinguish both. If you wait at the far right side of the room it will be very easy. now follow the rope to the right until you enter a large room where you can turn left or right, and there will be a cabin in the center. When you reach this room, head right towards the E.
take to the left of the large circular room, then left again and you will enter a long room with an opening in front of you. Continue along the right wall and move forward but do not enter the opening. Instead, look up and you will see a grate on the ceiling. Shoot a grappling hook and climb up, then jump to the ledge. Walk along the edge and through the next opening, you can see a Mech guard and an electronic eye from above. If you look in front of you, you should see another opening. Continue on the edge to the opening, then enter it.
from here go back to the ground via the two mini platforms, then enter the left door. This is Warehouse 1. Crack the door, go inside and you'll find a bunch of Mechanist items on the shelves, plus 3 mines and a scouting orb. take everything off the shelves in the room, even the mechanist items are needed.
Now leave the room and enter the next warehouse on the left. Here you will find more mechanist items, 3 flares and a flash mine. Grab everything, go out and turn left, then enter any of the doors in front of you. From here, turn right and enter the front door, you will be in one of the rooms on the floors. When you reach this room, go ahead and on the table you will find a key, a scroll, and the blueprint for the Guiding Beacon. Read the parchment and you will receive new directions.
Now use the key to open the doors in front of you and you will find blueprints for a flare, scouting orb, regulating round and a mine. With the mechanist items you have right now, you can build any of these items.
from here, look at the ceiling you will see a grate. Shoot a grapple at the grate, climb almost to the top then save your game before trying to do this. As soon as you are ready, jump to the top of the warehouse doors. Walk on this do to the last window, then flip the switch on it, you will probably have to climb into the window area.
Now go down and you will notice that the floor of the shaft is open. Go down, grab the flare and read the new master builder script. When you are done flip the switch near the sign that says "Northern Apse" then exit through the corridor. Flip the switch in the small room at the end, go up the ladder, and grab the Frogbeast Eggs to your left.
Leave the office area, then back to the floor room and enter the double doors to your right. Turn left and enter one of the doors. Go forward and go back up to the far left and you will be back on the ledge. walk through the other opening and step off the first rope you pulled.
Once on the ground go back to where you came from, pass the large circular room and take the first left. Follow the rope and you will soon return to bay C. Check the map if you need it.
From here go up with the elevator to the highest level of bay C and you will be in front of a machine. Climb the ladder into this car and leave a signal bolt in it, then head back down and grab the piece from stage 1. Go back down the elevator and enter the opening in bay A, where you started. Here you will find the rolling machine. leave the piece of flat one in the rolling machine and put a metal plate in the slot. Then walk around the car and press the button.
Grab the stage 2 piece from this machine then leave bay A from the left door and follow the rope. Soon you will be at the back of the room where you could choose to go left or right. Turn left and you will enter another circular area. Turn right and take the first right. Now continue straight and you will come to a long open area with a passage at the end. Cross the passage then follow the road that will vote on the right. When you turn around you will notice an opening on your right and two windows. If you climb up the windows you can shoot two water arrows behind a Mech guard, but save before you try. There is also another Mech guard in this place that you will have to deal with, so be careful looking directly in front of you, then jump down and pull his attention, then run into the dark room you just left (the corner one ). If you hide here the Mech guard will pass in front allowing me to shoot him the usual two water arrows in the boiler.
Go back to where you defeated the two Mech guards and move on. Now go to bay D. Here you will find a large swimming pool with four water arrows, the linking machine and the sealing machine. Climb up the ladder near the linking machine then throw a bantam node and a gauge into it.
Now go down and look up, on the ceiling near the platform you will see a grate. Shoot a grapple at him, climb up, then jump to the platform and follow this tunnel. At the bottom there will be a key, take it and use it to open the door in front of you.
After the door and you will enter a round passage. Turn right and enter the next opening, you will find yourself at another platform in bay D. In this platform are the controls for both cars below. Pull the linking machine lever, then use the platform to return to the ground floor, reach the linking machine and take the regulating round.
Now go to the sealing machine and place the regulating round in one of the slides, and the stage 2 piece in the other. Now go back to the platform and use a large arrow to hit the button. This will take you back to the platform. Now activate the sealing machine and go back to get the piece in stage 3.
Go back to the main platform and go through the tunnel. When you arrive at the circular area, turn right. Jump right first and enter the first left. This will take you back to a small circular chamber with a fountain. it will partially cure you, which could be of great help this time. As soon as you are ready, exit and return to bay D, then go forward and exit the door to the west.
Now go north and go through the double doors in front of you, then go through the second opening on the right. here turn right and continue then go through the second opening on the right. Climb onto the walkway with the carpet and follow the ledge to the end. Don't worry about the Mech guard, if you don't make a noise he won't notice you.
On the other side, jump down and enter the east door. You should be in a rather large area. Continue east and you will soon be back near the plan room. Do not enter it, rather enter one of the doors that are there going straight ahead, go through the large opening ahead, and enter the first on the right, bay E.
In here you should see two electronic eyes in front of you. If you sound the alarm, the metal panel on your right will open. Let's not let that happen, and shoot a fiery arrow to destroy the electronic eye on the right, then enter staying on the right side and reach the fusing machine on the other side of the room.
leave the stage 3 piece in the fusing machine bin and pull the lever, the Guiding Beacon will finally be in the other bin. Take the Guiding Beacon and exit the E.
once out, turn left and continue. Skip the two doors on the left and continue through one of the ones in front of you. Go ahead ignoring the floor room to your right, and move on. You will soon enter a large chamber - the Northern Apse, which we passed through earlier. At this point, turn right and take the next right next to the elevator.
reached the elevator go up to the top and you will arrive in a room where you can place the Guiding Beacon. put the Guiding Beacon in signal slot B, then open the door behind it. From here, go up the ladder and flip the switch from A to B on the tower. Now go down the ladder and go through the room where you changed the signal slot.
go back to the elevator and go down, but hold 'forward' to exit to the central floor. You should now be in a small open room on the left. If you look closely, there will be a ledge to your right. Take a running jump to reach it, then take the three water arrows you will find. Once you get there, go back through the Northern Apse, but this time jump the elevator to your right.
soon you can go left or right. Wait until a Mech guard patrolling the right path starts to walk away, then go behind it and put it out with two water arrows. Now break open the door and go inside.
After this Gate you will have to keep moving forward. Enter the next room and you will see a kind of L drawn on the ground. Entering this hole you will come to a large room. If you go down the ramp and stay on the right you will see an elevator that will take you to the basement. Take the elevator and go forward. Take the first left and continue up to a dead end. There should be a button, turn it and you will turn off the lights in the next area. You can also get the flare from the trunk, but I would advise you to avoid it. now go back until you get back up the ramp, and this time ignore the slot on the right and move on. You will soon see an electronic eye in front of you. If you go slowly enough you should do it, as he won't be able to see you in the dark.
You should now be in an area where there will be several metal grates on the ground. Avoid them and go to the ramp. Once there, use some moss arrows to approach the guard quietly. Stun the guard and continue up the ramp. There you will be quiet enough no one will see you because of the dark. On the other side of the room you should see a turret. Reach the and go behind it. Behind her there should be a ladder. Use the and go up the next one as well. When you reach this area you will see an elevator. Climb to the top and flip the switch in this signal tower to signal B.
Once this is done, take the elevator down, then proceed down the next ladder. Instead of going down the second ladder, turn and jump down to your left. You should see some water. Jump into the water and look for the south wall, you should be in an underwater opening. Be quick and swim through the tunnel. It is quite long and has several turns, but you should be able to pass using only half of the air supply. Once you reach the other side you will dive into another pool. Get the three water arrows, and three more in the next door. Finally, go up the ladder, and repeat with the next one. It is important that you ignore the door you will find here. Once on, you should see a platform with a switch. Turn it over then jump into the hole in the floor. Head east, and take the first left after the T, now you can go back to the elevator I brought you below.
Go up the elevator and go back up the ramp you came down from. Once you reach the room you were in earlier, enter the opening in the east wall.
You should emerge into a large room with a Mech guard to your right. Turn right and stick to the west wall. You should be able to get behind the Mech guard and disable it with two water arrows. Once off, go up the elevator.
Once up, you should see a door. Enter and use the elevator to go to the top. Flip the switch from A to B, then head back down, exit the door and go down the next elevator.
it is important that you proceed with caution in the next area. You risk having six Mech guards on their backs in the next signal tower, so proceed with caution.
once you get off the elevator, turn away from the wall behind you, and wait for the electronic eye to turn. When it does, run to the first door on the right and hide in the shadows. From here, shoot a moss arrow at the metal floor so it doesn't make a noise, and wait for a Mech guard to pass from left to right. When it does, go after it and shoot the usual two water arrows.
You are now in a room with two rows of Mechanist machinery. From here, proceed to your left and hide in the shadows at the end of the wall of machinery in front of you. Now wait for the Mech guard to pass and shoot him two water arrows in the boiler. Now look in the opening on your left and look for the patrolling Mech guard passing through. When he tells her to get away, shoot him two more water arrows in the boiler.
even though there are three other mech guards here, you should be able to ignore them. Also if you only have four water arrows you should be able to ignore the first Mech guard, but you will have to be extremely careful if you do. There is a switch in the center of each row. Turn them both around then exit the portal, now open, to the north.
you should be on an elevator. Climb to the top where you should find another lift. Also use this to reach the roof, and once you get there, flip the tower switch to signal B. Now get off the two elevators go forward to the furthest room, and exit through the door on the right.
Now look for the electronic eye and make sure it doesn't see you, then move on to the next opening at the back of the room. Do not enter it. Now you need to turn right and enter the opening on your left. There is a Mech guard on patrol, but it should be very easy to put it out with two water arrows. Knock it out then turn right, get the two frogbeast eggs on the right, then enter the opening in front of you. Go ahead and keep to the right side. Soon you will come to a door that can be opened using the button next to it now. Be warned: you are entering the turret test area!
Once you enter the turret production room, walk against the pylon in front of you, then turn left. You should see a turret with a small button under it. Use a large arrow to hit it and destroy it, then run into the opening on the left. From this room, go up the ladder and walk across a walkway.
On the other side you should find a room with an explosive device and four flaming arrows. Grab the arrows and the machine, then cross the next walkway. In the next room, go down the ladder, then go through the metal tunnel below.
You should be in a small area that you can reach via the turret room. Destroy the turrets in front of you with a flaming arrow, then jump out and head left, flip the switch, then head back into the gap as fast as you can. If you have an invisibility potion, use it, but a speed potion can be just as helpful.
go back through the metal tunnel again and go up the ladder. Once you get to the top, cross the next walkway and get to the bottom. From here, if you look down, you should see three turrets. Knock the explosive device down to the central one and use a flaming arrow to detonate it. Once it explodes, use two flaming arrows to destroy the one on the right, then throw the two frogbeast eggs, one after the other, on top of the one on the left. When the two eggs explode they will cause the other turret to shoot the one above you dropped the eggs. Two should be enough to destroy it.
now look forward to the end of this walkway. There should be a grate in front of you. pull a grappling hook, then jump to the ledge next to it and go down the rope. Once you reach the ground, enter the room next to you and take the elevator to the top.
On the roof, turn the switch to signal B, and take the elevator back down. Once you reach the ground, climb the rope onto it and jump over the walkway. Now go back through all the walkways you have done and you will find yourself where you entered, in the turret production room. Get out of here and go back to the chapel. Now go back through it and exit, continuing into the fireplace room and finally through the opening on your left. Now you will find yourself in a room with water, turn right and enter the opening on your right. Now go through the rooms in front of you, exit the door near where you disabled the Mech guard, and head back out of the Northern Apse.
From the Northern Apse turn left and go through the tunnel, go to the floor room on the left, then continue through any of the doors in front of you. Go forward, go up the steps to the left, walk around the ledge and enter the next opening.
you should now be where you used the grappling hook to climb earlier, so shoot another one, this time transcend, then head out into the circular area. Turn right and take the next right, then you can turn left. Turn left again and go straight, then cross bay C going to bay A. at the bottom of the bay go through the double doors and the mission will end. Even if there are other signal towers there is no reason to go to any of them. If you want to explore you can do it, but for now you have finished the game.

- pc
Exit date: February 28 1999