Please note:
The solution is based on the US version for Xbox 360 of the game, so there may be differences in the Spanish version and / or the other platforms.
Prologo - All-American High School Girl
Watch Juliet move through some zombies during the opening scenes, then when you take control of them, run forward to the school gates. Press Y, then move the left analog stick down. Then press X when prompted to kick the gates. Unfortunately, this will also trigger an explosion in which a group of innocent teenagers on a bus will be blown up. At the next start, face the zombies. Use this moment to familiarize yourself with the game's combat system. Use X, Y and A to attack, B to jump and dodge attacks. Kill all the zombies, then move to the parking lot. Walk near the school bus and a car will explode, killing people who are nearby. As you move towards the lower part of the car park, an SOS symbol will appear behind a car! Run over there to find a kid who is about to be eaten by zombies. A zombie counter will appear on the screen. Kill six zombies, as requested by the game, so the child will be rescued by helicopter. A bus will enter the racing zone, but Juliet will dodge it with her clever "flippydos". Get on the bus, then run down the hall and grab the big floating lollipop. Then approach the back door of the bus. Press Y to find the chainsaw in the door, and then hold the left analog stick until the meter is empty. You won't need to press X this time as Juliet will automatically kick the door hinges which will allow her to jump to the back. Another bus enters the area and crashes into a wall. "Dude, your license must be revoked!" Check the garbage cans and pop machines along the walls, they can be destroyed to get gold coins that you can use to purchase items later. Break them and then move to the crashed bus. As soon as you get close to the bus, zombies will emerge crawling from under the red shutters. Press A to use the chainsaw which should take care of the zombies quite easily. You will have to kill five zombies in order to proceed. Approach the front of the bus and press B when an arrow appears above it, which will happen after the five are killed. On the other side of the bus, you don't know, but there is another classmate who needs to be rescued! This is hidden in a van, with zombie claws on either side of it. The game now displays the "dodge" skill at this point, which is done by pressing B. An easy way to deal damage to zombies is to press B, then press Y as soon as Juliet hits the ground. Keep doing this until the student is safe! After saving it, get on the next bus, as indicated by the big orange arrow. A zombie is controlling this bus, however, and instead of leaving, it crashes! Juliet is fine though, as as you all know, cheerleaders are immune to bus crashes. Outside the bus, there is a student who has climbed onto a flagpole to get away from the zombies crawling at his feet. Slice these zombies until the student gets off the flagpole. But you won't be off the hook. This guy will slowly walk towards the door nearby, you have to defend him from the hordes of zombies. Kill as many zombies as you can until they are all dead and then approach the gate. Press Y, press down on the left stick, and then press X. A police officer will make the boys run into the school. The guy you helped will continue dragging his feet. The Star Soul Anima counter will now be full which is a good thing, because you will have to protect the survivor and at the same time you will have to deal with 25 zombies. Press the right trigger to activate the Star Soul, which means that you can kill many zombies with a single shot, so as to favor the use of the chainsaw instead of the pom poms. A survivor in a white van will quickly arrive in the area. Press B to quickly dodge the van, and watch as it explodes into a bus that was blocking its path, clearing the way for you and the survivor you are protecting. You will now be attacked by many more zombies, one of them grabbing Juliet from behind. Whenever this happens, press B to quickly shake it off. Keep killing all the zombies, and when they are finally all dead, the survivor will be saved! But that's not all. A zombie enters the helicopter, and as soon as it begins to fly, it falls and explodes. Juliet gets a phone call from her mother, takes the time to answer and then it will now be possible to visit a Chop Shop which is represented by a bloody chick and balloons in the corner of the area. Take advantage of this shop and buy all the upgrades you want, whether it's health bonuses or new fighting skills, or if you need to refill your supply of lollipops. By the way, to use the lollipops, press right on the d-pad. You will then need to press A to confirm the use of the lollipop. They fill your health. Open the double doors when you are done at the shop by pressing the X button. Walk down the street, press B to jump to the crate. Grab all the gold medals, you will also be able to collect a collectible near the gold end. When you're done, jump over the crates on the opposite side by approaching the edge and pressing B. More zombies will appear. Slice them and when they're dead, go to where they came from. You will have to press B to jump to a higher level, there will be large pipes in your path. Press Y and then press down on the left analog stick until the counter is empty to destroy the tubes. Then continue on the street. Twenty-six zombies will be against you at this point. Use the skills you have learned to get rid of them quickly. When they are all dead, run to the barricade and press B to slide under it. On the other side, is the crashed helicopter, as well as a few zombies, including the survivor George you were supposed to protect. George is a little stronger than normal zombies. The strongest zombies are characterized by having a health bar above their heads. Focus on the smaller zombies initially and then fight George. Use lots of dodges and jumps to get him out in the most effective way. If you need health, there's a lollipop on the sidewalk. After defeating George, you will find another pair of dangerous zombies in suits that glow blue. One of them is carrying a big red container and his name is Jerry. Jerry is obviously the strongest, but his two companions also have health bars which make them quite irritating. When they're both dead, focus on Jerry. Jerry is pretty easy to kill, because if you hit B, then attack, and repeat, he has absolutely no chance of hitting you since the container he has is so heavy. Approach the gates and press X to kick them open.

Stage 1 - What Happened at San Romero High?
After the funny cutscene, kill all the zombies, you can also smash the desks and other furniture in the classroom to admire the impressive destructibility of the game. When you are done, go to the corridor, where you can destroy the lockers, the garbage cans and the benches to get gold medals; collect as much as you can, then go to the next room, indicated by the big orange arrow, when an explosion blocks your path. This room is full of zombies, of course, with a zombie teacher watching the action unfold, kill them all and he will escape through the window. Exit the room through the door near the desk and you will see some graffiti promoting a zombie bomb squad or something similar, turn and go down the hall to find a group of classmates who will be terrified of the undead. Many of them may not be saved, but there is a boy running out of the room that you may be able to save; if you can save him, fine, but there's a good chance he'll die before you reach him due to the amount of zombies in the room and how far away he is. If he dies, he will transform into a super zombie with a health bar above his head - it will be your punishment for not saving the survivors. Kill all the zombies in the corridor, then loot the area and destroy it. Now you can choose which of the two rooms to enter, the farthest one down the hall contains a survivor and a couple of zombies to kill to save him, in the other, the closest one (assuming you made your way down the hall to try to save the boy), there is the teacher from before, Fitzgibbon, who will break through the window as soon as you enter. First kill all the zombies around Fitzgibbon, then focus on him wielding a desk as a weapon, then dodge and attack when he raises the desk in the air and his body turns blue and gets sliced by the chainsaw. After you damage it sufficiently, the desk will break leaving it helpless and even more susceptible to attack, although it will be faster and more aggressive. Use the lollipops to heal if you need them and finish it. A zombie with bombs attached to its waist will stumble into the corridor blowing itself up and leaving a sizable hole that you can use to progress. Exit there and press B at the hole to jump into it, when you land you will see the two cops from before fighting the zombies. They won't be so lucky this time, as they pounce on the pair of zombies run to their rescue, but when you get close a bush will crash on the side of the school. Go around it, run to the debris at the end of the corridor and use the chainsaw to make your way through the rubble; on the other side is a headless zombie lit up in blue, approach it and press A to put Nick's head on it, then press the buttons as they appear on the screen. If done correctly, Nick will throw an explosive into the rubble blocking the door, causing them to explode and you are free to continue into the next corridor. Juliet will notice a note from Nick right in front of the Chop Shop, take it, destroy all the lockers to get more medals to use in the Chop Shop. There will be many other product categories to purchase from now, so check out all the offers. Go back to the corridor and head to the zombies in the distance, there will be a survivor at the end of the corridor, so hurry up if you want to save him. The game will try to get you to use Nick's ticket to show you how it works, but if you do it you will slow down too much to save the survivor. When you have one, click the left analog and press A when the roulette wheel spins at the top of the screen, if Nick's head comes out you can do a special attack. In this case Juliet will swing Nick's head like a baseball bat, which is a good way to thin out the crowd and get easy kills. When the first group of zombies is defeated, others will come out from under the shutter, including a Crawler, kill them all and loot the corridor. Another zombie will raise the shutter, but will be shot in the head by a policeman, unfortunately it is a zombie policeman with a gun named Ryu, which means that a health bar will appear making him a particularly dangerous enemy. Treat him like any other super zombie, except he can sometimes block your chainsaw, so it all results in a power struggle that you can win by pressing the Y button. When Ryu is dead, go to the green shutter at the end of the room and press Y against it, then point the left analog to the left and pull it slightly down and to the right, then tilt it to the left, basically just follow the instructions. on the screen and press X when done. A survivor will come out, run to the end of the corridor and a TNT-stuffed zombie will block him and explode, only to be replaced by two more explosive zombies. Run towards them and hit them once, then run away as they will follow you activating their bombs, then move away until they explode. Check the small room behind the green shutter for some money and a lollipop. The exploded zombies will have inadvertently created a new path for Juliet, go there, but suddenly a bus will depart and accelerate down the corridor! Go to the brick pillar as indicated and press Y on it, then take it down with the left analog to create an obstacle that forces the bus to hit it and then stop. Approach the rubble and press B to get on it and go to the other side of the bus. A survivor will be attacked as he tries to escape from the window by the zombie claws at his ankles, run there, but be careful because zombie bombs will burst from the lockers. You can attack one of them who will then blow up all the others, no matter what method you use to get rid of them, just save the survivor and collect the various rewards. A series of explosions will cause the destruction of the walls of the upper level, go back to the bus and press B to get on it and thus be able to access the upper level. A couple of jerks will open the shutter, but they won't wait for you to escape. Go through the nearby door to find three survivors stuffed with TNT and out of the room a bomb zombie and a fire zombie attack each other and another big explosion will result which will cause a pole to fall from the ceiling and land perfectly erect in the center. of the room. Approach the pole, press Y and hold it to take out the incendiary zombie that tries to enter. This pole attack is very useful, but it works for a limited time. When you're done, if there are any zombies left, get rid of them quickly before they can reach the survivors. After saving them, collect your rewards, exit the room and head to the green shutter. Make your way through the shutter and run down the hall to see one of the jerks who abandoned you being torn apart. In another room there is a survivor being pursued by various zombies, save him if you want, but be careful, there are zombies bombs after him that if they get too close and explode they will kill him. Saving him or killing him doesn't matter. Before moving into the next room and then leaving, a giant explosion will destroy the ground, showing you the multiple zombies on the lower level. Approach the edge and press B to start another minigame, similar to Nick's from before, just press the buttons as soon as they flash on the screen, before filling their meters, do it and you will get a bonus that will make you kill all the zombies in the area without too much effort. After this segment, the zombies further back will drop gold medals, so run over there to collect them. Continue along the corridors, there are no zombie enemies, but you can destroy the various objects to get more coins, at the end you will find a wooden door that you have to saw diagonally to enter. This is like a trophy room and leads directly to the gym, destroy the various objects, then when you are near the doors of the gym you can read the basketball challenge written in blood on the door. Don't go through the doors yet, around the trophy container at the end of the room is a lollipop to collect, then you can go to the gym. Zombie basketball is a very simple game, all you have to do is concentrate on decapitating the zombies so that their heads automatically fly into the basket at the end of the court; press the Y key to continuously decapitate the zombies, if you are far enough back you can score three points. Eventually a guard will appear in the middle of the field, which you must kill or else he will block your shots; zombie cheerleaders will also appear, they are harder to kill. You have 3 minutes to overcome the 100 points scored by the zombies, when you are done, the doors will magically open, so go through them. A TNT-stuffed zombie in a wheelbarrow will enter the room, so exit quickly, run down the hall and make your way through the zombies until you see a door with an orange arrow. New zombies with guitars will be there to attack you, but they pose no major threat. Behind the showcase there is a slightly ajar red shutter, if you go there you can collect the hidden gold medals, when you are ready go through the door. Inside this room, there are a lot of bomb zombies and incendiary zombies and there is also an incendiary teacher, who is no more powerful than the other zombies. Use the bomb zombies to thin out the group, after which the game will direct you to a headless blue zombie in the corner, put Nick's head on him and complete the mini-game to destroy the rubble blocking the next door. Two police zombies will enter the room shooting wildly, grab the lollipop behind the desk, then kill them both, one of them was called Stephanie. Go through the next door and run down the corridor, when you are halfway through, a swarm of bomb zombies and fire zombies will try to surround you, avoid them and they will end up killing each other. A zombie with a health bar will hold a bomb and try to attack you, it is exactly like the one discussed in the prologue, but the difference is that it does not have an identification tag, but has a health bar and spits gas just like the other. . Avoid his gas and hit him until killing him, then go to the slightly open red shutter and press B to hit the baseball, you will then see a cutscene where Morikawa, Juliet's sensei, is introduced. After the cutscene, you will be tasked with protecting a huge pile of explosive TNT, incendiary zombies will come from the front, left and right, behead them with chainsaw attacks. Use the power of the star soul whenever you can, move on and a group of them will immediately surround you, luckily the game will drop a giant golden star in the center which will fill your star soul bar, so you can easily break free. There is also a lollipop in the corner in plain sight, in case you take too much damage. When you kill the zombies, another group of TNT-stuffed zombies will burst into the area, flee to the open door to avoid blowing up, then watch the cutscene, after which you'll find yourself in a junkyard. Make your way through the zombies, a car will almost fall on Juliet, but you will have to complete the QTE to be able to cut her, yes, it is possible to cut cars in half. You will have another chance to do it to another car blocking the road, keep killing the zombies and make your way to the stage. You will need to complete a long QTE that will see a bunch of cars fly over Juliet, so you need to be quick on the controls to avoid getting killed.

Boss - Zed
As in the other Suda51 games, the chainsaw is heavy on the impressive boss fights. The first boss is a punk rock musician, who yells words that then appear in the air as bullet attacks, plus he can run around quickly and use the microphone stand as a weapon. The first part of the fight looks like any other fight in the game except that Zed has various attacks, dodge them as best you can and if you have any tickets from Nick use the attack where you stick your head somewhere to get him a lot of damage. Once his health bar is depleted, press Y and then pull down the left analog, continuing to press Y until Juliet cuts him in half. Zed will compose himself and spawn a bunch of speakers all over the place, then climb up the speakers and shoot laser discs, continuing to spawn more speakers. You must destroy all the speakers and stop them from generating new ones; make your way to the one in which Zed is, mowing down everyone in your path and destroy him, he will pass to another, then keep going until you destroy them all. This will leave Zed open for an attack, this time you will slice him horizontally. After this, Zed will generate a giant stereo and climb on top of it. He will yell at you words that you can avoid by pressing B when prompted, then resume slicing the giant stereo until you have completely destroyed it. Now you will have to fight Zed in a similar way to the first section of the fight, the main difference is that now Zed will shout words more regularly, throw laser discs and create a vortex around his body. Dodge the discs and keep hitting him, remembering to heal if Juliet's health drops too low. When you have damaged it sufficiently, you will be asked once again to finish it. Use the chainsaw on him once more, press the Y button and tilt the left analog down, this time you will finally be able to kill him.
Stage 2 - The Storm at San Romero High
Lightning strikes an overturned tree, blocking the path. Now it's time to use the Chainsaw Dash skill. Press RB and Juliet will point her chainsaw into the ground and run forward. There is a rainbow colored ramp near the debris around the corner, you can use the ability to run up the ramp. Collect the yellow containers to prevent the chainsaw from overheating and keep using the ramps until you go further. Go to the blue barrel to stun the zombies. There will be a new type of zombie, in football gear, who will start running towards you when their bodies turn blue. Kill these guys as well as the fiery zombies in the area. When everyone is gone, there will be an explosion and a new rainbow ramp will appear. Use it to get through the next road sections and go into the next blue barrel you see, kill all the zombies and then another explosion will trigger. This will create a new rainbow ramp. Use a couple of rainbow ramps and once again, you'll stop to fight the zombies. Looks like the school quarterback Alexander has been turned into a zombie too. Kill him along with the other zombie players. They will be replaced by zombies dressed as baseball players. Kill them too and then a fire truck will collide with the school bus nearby. Enter the back of the school bus and use Chainsaw Dash to get to the end of it, then take the upper ramp, then use Chainsaw Dash again on the ladder on top of the fire truck. When landing, check the area to the right for a hidden lollipop and then approach the front doors and press X to enter. Inside, there is a Chop Shop that you can use to replenish stocks and purchase new material. Smuggle with this and then continue inside the building. You will come across three firefighters zombies who are breathing fire on a survivor. Act quickly and save him. Then start using the chainsaw on the enemies and doors as you continue through the halls. Beware of lollipops not exactly hidden well behind the debris. Follow the giant orange arrows, they aim through the corridors. Keep the direction until you are trapped in a corridor. Shutters will open in front of you and behind you. Zombies in baseball gear will enter the area. Use a chainsaw sweeping attack and you'll kill more than one with a single hit. Keep doing this until a new body for Nick crawls under the door and then gets up. Approach this body and Nick's head will stare up. Then play the minigame so Nick can use the fire breath to destroy the red shutter blocking the path. Proceed like this, then a group of firefighters zombies will destroy part of a wall. Go to the room they are in, kill them all and then the gift Juliet's sister throws at her will start floating. Approach the window and press B to jump out of it. When it lands, there will be a Chop Shop waiting for you, use it. Then use Chainsaw Dash to continue along the rooftops. Follow the gold medal trail and be sure to hit the yellow containers to prevent the chainsaw from overheating. Go from roof to roof, hitting all the ramps of the rainbow, until you finally land on a basketball court that is right on top of another roof. Once again, you're going to have to deal with zombie basketball players. You will have less time, and the score to beat is 99. About halfway through the game, there will be a very powerful guard who will be nearly impossible to kill with all the other zombies around, so just focus on the remaining beheads. If you fill your gauge, you will be able to decapitate the guard as well and make the game even easier. Climb the stairs and then resume with Chainsaw Dash on your way across the rooftops, collect the yellow containers, the gold medals, and kill the zombies. You will arrive in a center with zombies dressed in baseball and running. Kill everybody. Towards the end of the fight, a flying zombie grandmother named Danielle, with cyclone powers, will arrive through the ceiling. Kill her too and then go out through the door. If you choose the door on the outside, you will find a collectible lollipop. Along the alley you will find another lollipop. Head up the stairs and then you'll see zombie cheerleaders terrorize the survivors' groups. Start by killing the cheerleaders. They will make an annoying move with which they will avoid every attack, except the low blow of the chainsaw. Kill them and try to save all the survivors. Before exiting the area, a grateful survivor will approach you, collect your reward. Now perform the jump. Press B to start, then press the buttons that appear on the screen as required. You will land on a fire escape, then go up the stairs and interact with the Chop Shop, where you will spend your hard-earned cash. Use the Chainsaw Dash on the rainbow ramp to jump across the gap. Defeat the soccer zombies. When they are all dead, a headless firefighter zombie will appear. Put Nick's head on it and then complete the minigame to destroy the barrels blocking the next rainbow ramp. Then use the ramp for a huge rainbow jump! After this big jump, you will have to do a lot of Chainsaw Dash. Follow the gold medals and yellow containers to be successful in this area. If the lightning strikes you, it will do a pretty good amount of damage. You will be stuck on a platform and have to fight multiple fire brigade zombies, including one named Paul. Kill all the zombies, but use the B key a lot so you can hop around and hopefully avoid the lightning bolts. Kill the zombie, then a bolt of lightning will destroy an obstacle on the ramp, allowing you to continue with another Chainsaw Dash. You will arrive at a baseball stadium after recovering the gift, which changes the chainsaw into a Blaster Chainsaw! Now it's time for zombie baseball! Use LT to aim with the Blaster Chainsaw and RT to fire shots. Shoot the zombies that come out of the launcher's mound for a while, until a headless zombie crawls out of the ground from the batter's box. Put Nick's head on the zombie and now Nick will have to occupy the bases! The zombies will crawl out of the ground around all three bases. You have to shoot them before they can attack Nick. Be wary of the pitcher as he can do a devastating amount of damage to Nick, taking away a full quarter of his health. The second time Nick takes the basics, it will be even tougher than before, with a lot more enemies. The third time will be extremely difficult, as many fast-paced zombie cheerleaders will join the game. The trick is not to use the automatic aim function. Just use the right analog stick to point the cursor from left to right. After completing the zombie baseball, run to the next door. Go down the hall and you will find a Chop Shop.

Boss - Vikke
Vikke is great, but not too tough. In fact, I found this boss easier than the first one. Just hit him repeatedly while dodging his attacks as per tradition in zombie games. If you can get behind him, you can nail him with a series of slashes with the chainsaw and you won't have to worry about getting hit by him. When his health bar is first depleted, hit him with the chainsaw and press Y to cut him horizontally. However, its upper half will float around you and the legs will try to attack you. Hit his legs with a few chainsaw slashes, then focus on the rest of his body with the blaster. If you need more ammo, destroy the barrels around. Repeat the process as before, until his health is completely depleted. If it takes too long, your legs will come back, so you'll just have to get rid of them again. Vikke's giant head will consume his body and legs, now you will have to fight his giant head in the third and final stage of the second boss! Use the blaster and fire on him while he is in the air. When he lands on the ship, he will circle around and try to hit you. Avoid it, but it will also be possible to give it some good shots. When he stops, it will be your ideal time to take him out. His only other attack besides sliding is firing a large blue laser beam from his mouth, but this is easily bypassed and makes him just an easy target for the Blaster Chainsaw. After his health bar is depleted for the third time, run him over and hit him in the helmet with the chainsaw. This time you will have to make a diagonal cut to defeat Vikke the Viking once and for all.
Stage 3: Psychedlic Haze at O'Bannon Farm
When the cut-scene is over, go ahead and you'll come across a farmer zombie. Kill both him and the other zombies that appear, then move on to the area with the debris blocking the way. Use the chainsaw blade to destroy the debris, then use the blaster to destroy the large rock you find as the next obstacle. Run forward and you will see Rosalind driving the bus that just doesn't seem to stop. His bus is covered in zombies, so use the blaster to shoot everyone away from his bus. With that done, jump down and continue killing zombies. When they are all dead, put Nick's head on the blue body and play the minigame to get past the next big rock. In this area, there will be farmer zombies filled with TNT. Kill all these zombies, then an obese zombie named Mark will appear, flanked by the zombie chickens. Kill Mark with the blaster from afar which is the simplest method, then get rid of the chickens. An obese zombie body will then be available for Nick to use. Put Nick's head on it and then complete the following minigame to destroy the house that is blocking the way. Walk over to that edge and shoot the zombies in the field with the blaster. If they still manage to climb over the edge, unleash the chainsaw on them. When they are all dead, approach the railing and press B to jump down. Now you will do a similar path, but this time the zombies will climb up a fence. Stay away and just shoot, or wait for them to jump over and kill them all with the chainsaw if you wish. A tractor will crash into the fence when they are all dead. Shoot the tractor with the blaster. This will cause an explosion that will destroy the fence. Move and break the wood that blocks you from collecting gold medals. Stop at the Chop Shop and then approach the jump symbol. Go up and press B to throw Juliet over the other side, where the bus is now. Here you kill the zombies, then you have to kill the flying ones too. Some will throw zombie chickens at you! Kill them with the blaster, then continue through the farm. Here you meet the likes of zombie cows, but stay quietly in the area and do nothing. The bus will start climbing a hill and the zombies will start pushing boulders to crush it! Use the blaster to shoot at the boulders before they can hit the bus. Keep doing this until the bus is safe and sound, then run to where it stopped. Investigate the back of the bus and press B to jump to the roof. Suddenly, the bus will start moving again and the boulders will start falling on you. Use the blaster to destroy the boulders before they can hit the bus, then as soon as the bus starts moving again, shoot the flying zombies spinning overhead trying to attack you. Juliet is thrown out of the bus, right next to many zombie cows. Kill them and then hit the giant mushroom with the chainsaw. You will have a trip and enter the drug world where a chicken named Chat hatches a giant egg. Kill the chicken, then approach the bus door. Juliet will wake up on a combine harvester. Trample all the zombies in the cornfield. There are a hundred of them in the area, so keep plowing around until they are all dead. It is recommended to go up and down in line, as a real farmer would do, so as not to leave anyone behind. Completing this will cause Juliet to wake up once more, returning to a different section of the farm. A tractor with a zombie on it will try to crush you. Defeat the zombies with the blaster and then shoot the tractor to avoid being run over. Then continue through the farm, killing zombies of all kinds, until you get to a wire mesh. Look through the fence, destroy the left wall, grab the lollipop and then come out. Behind a wooden fence there will be zombies, kill them. Now you need to find the body where you can put it on Nick's head. Ignore this for now and go through the small alley between the shacks. You will find a diving board again in this area. Use it to kill all the zombies in the area and to reach higher ground, where you can find a collectible as well as gold medals. Follow the path down to the gold and then put Nick's head on the body of a blue zombie. Nick will launch Juliet once again. You will now have to defend the bus with the blaster and kill the zombie Bomber that are below before they can get to do damage. Do this for a while, then the bus will try to pull away, but it will get stuck. The zombies will then use tractors and try to throw another boulder on the bus. Use the blaster to destroy the tractors, but the bus will pull away and Juliet will fall again. No problem. Follow the only available path and kill the zombie horses. You will have to deal with the giant mushroom again, then you will be taken back to the other world. There will be three giant chickens to kill. Kill all three of them, then the bus will turn into a three-headed hybrid bus / chicken! The three chicken heads will try to peck you, shoot them with the blaster. No, you won't be able to kill them this way, but you will do enough damage so that you can kill them with the chainsaw when they get stuck in the ground. Their health regenerates if the blaster is not used. Kill all three chicken heads to escape this messed up dream and wake up on a combine harvester again. On the combine, it's time to pass over 300 zombies. However, there are red explosive barrels with scarecrows that can be dangerous! The best way to do this part is to walk around in a large circle, to avoid the barrels. Zombies will appear continuously throughout this section, so you don't have to worry about hunting down every single zombie you see, mow down 300 of them and then the sequence will end. Juliet will wake up again, break the objects to collect gold medals and a lollipop. Then use the Chainsaw Dash on the rainbow ramp. When you land, go ahead and keep killing the zombies. Eventually you will reach a ledge and will be prompted to press B to jump down onto the rocks that are in a stream. Do it when you can and then kill the 18 zombies in this sector. They include normal zombies as well as flying ones. Use the red barrels to your advantage. When they are all dead, use the chainsaw against the tree to continue. In the next area, you'll find basically only zombies to kill and barricades. This situation repeats itself over and over until you cross the area and reach a section where there are a lot of red and blue barrels all over the area. Destroy the barrels with the blaster to kill more zombies with one shot. After killing the first wave of zombies, a new wave will soon arrive as a replacement, then another one, this time made up of 32 zombies. This will be tough, but when they are all dead, you will be able to use the chainsaw against the nearby fence. There is a note from Nick near the tree that follows the road. A fat zombie will now pop up, kill him and get the lollipop in this area.

Boss - Mariska
Mariska floats in a bubble. Shoot it constantly while avoiding its bubbles. When enough damage has been done, run up to her quickly and cut her with the chainsaw before time runs out so the dynamite goes out. In the second phase, you have to deal with four different Mariska. They will shoot bubbles at you and create fake combines that you can take down. Just keep shooting at them and their health will drop. There is blaster ammo all over the place, so don't worry about running out of water. The third time, there will be EIGHT Mariska to fight. Simply fire in the melee and dodge their attacks by constantly pressing the B button. When they fall, run them down with the chainsaw to end the fight.
Stage 4 - Arcade Action at the Fulci Fun Center
Kill all the zombies in the arcade area. If you look behind the cupboards, you will find a collectible lollipop. Then an elevator will descend with a survivor being chased by a zombie, plus more zombies there ready to welcome him at the door. Kill all the zombies to rescue the survivor and then enter the elevator. Juliet will be stuck in an arcade game that parodies Pac-Man. Your goal is to move around the table, collect eight keys, while avoiding the giant dudes who will want to eat you. If you have the Star Soul full, you can use it to turn the tables and kill them. There are stars scattered around the area that will completely fill your gauge, but only use it when absolutely necessary. However, with the eight keys, it is possible to ignore the word "LOCKED" in the northern part at the end of the maze, then head to the exit and go through the door. In the next room, use the Chop Shop. Then clear the area of zombies. Put Nick's head on the zombie cheerleader and then complete the minigame. This will launch Juliet to the next level where you can collect more gold medals and, more importantly, save the two people behind who are being attacked by zombies. Kill the zombies and save the people, then jump down and approach the moving arcade with the big orange arrow above it. Interact with it to get into the game. This game is very self-explanatory. Use the elevators to go up. You can only go through the pink doors by pressing A. There are two cops in this area. Wait for them to fire their giant bullets, or go further, and then engage them in a fight and kill them quickly. There will be a section where the lights go out and you have to play a minigame where you have to jump on the head of the zombies or kill them, and you have to use the Nick head on a body. Basically, it starts from the bottom. Begin your journey to the top. There are no doors leading to different places, so this part should be easy. Do you see a pink door? Enter it. Simple. Do you see an elevator? Get on it. At the end of this minigame, one of those big Pac-Man style ones will try to eat you. Press Y when asked to escape, then take the elevator on the left side of the screen. When you get to the top, you will be face to face with a striptease pole. Use the pole to kill all the zombies in the area. But they will attack more zombies and be super powered! What are these super powered zombies? Zombie holding a boom box. This boom box activates all nearby zombies. Kill the dude with the stereo and then kill the rest of the zombies. Then go through the door. Now there will be a level like Pong, except there are dancing zombies here. Avoid the ball bouncing back and forth and kill the dancing zombies. Sections of the wall blocking the exit will be destroyed as you kill all the zombies. Two zombies with the stereo will appear, kill them, then kill the rest of the dancing zombies, so the rest of the wall will be destroyed as well. Go through the door. You will be on the roof now. Kill all the dancing zombies. So an elevator will go down with a zombie named Wesley who has a stereo system. Kill him and then keep killing all the dancing zombies on the roof. When they are all dead, a helicopter will attempt to kill you. Quickly take out the blaster and fire repeatedly until it explodes. Then use the Chop Shop. The arcade cabinet on the roof will be activated. Go interact with it so you can move on to the next game. You will need to reach the top of the tower. One hit and you die and you'll have to start all over again. You can skip some of the obstacles by pressing the Y key. The game at one point throws a pixelated car at him, but don't worry, it can be destroyed with two hits in quick succession. At the end of this game, when you see GOAL, simply stop. The tiles move, so follow the pattern, then go forward to the target and shoot. Finally, head to the end of the section. You will now be on top of the roof, use the Chop Shop and make sure you have at least five lollipops. Then use the springboard and aim for the dome in the center of the roof.
Boss - Josey
Thankfully Josey only has two stages instead of three like all the other bosses. In the first phase, Josey flies around in a UFO and throws pixel bombs at it. Shoot him several times with the Blaster. When he lands, run over him with the chainsaw. Large multicolored ladders with blaster ammo will appear in case you run out of them. Keep damaging him until his health bar is depleted, then press Y and slice him like all the other bosses. This will lead directly to the second stage of the boss battle. This part of the battle is very different. The UFO is now huge and flying at an alarming speed. Josey is shielded and will have glowing minions flying around him and firing rockets at Juliet. To deactivate the shields, you will have to destroy the blue generators that are scattered over the UFO. Ignore everything else, put all your efforts into destroying the generators. Before you start using the chainsaw on them, however, use all of your blaster ammo. The reason for this is that every time you hit one of the generators with the chainsaw, you run the risk of harming yourself, because Josey will send electricity to the generators. When all the generators have been destroyed, go to Josey and finish him off with a diagonal cut.

Stage 5 - Evil at the Unfinished Cathedral
Press B at the very beginning of the level to get off the chest. Then fight against all the zombies in the street. A truck will crash into the car blocking the road. Shoot the barrel in the back of the truck with the blaster to blow everything up. Then continue along the road, killing the zombies you meet. When you reach a gate that leads into an alley, Juliet's older sister will cover you with a sniper. Kill the undead in this alley. When the first wave is over, three more will arrive. They shoot gas, one of them holds a canister, just like during your first meeting with these guys. Kill all three of them to proceed into a garage. In one corner of the garage, there will be a truck with an explosive container in the inner bed. Ignore it for now. Instead, walk around the bus, grab the lollipop and then wait for the zombies to start cleaning up the area. You will have to survive for about a minute in the garage, so just keep killing zombies. You can kill a group of them in one shot, bringing them close to the container in the truck and then detonating it when they get close to it. You will find a collectible lollipop in the rubble. When time runs out, Juliet's sister will blow up an exit from the garage. Once this is done, you can exit the garage at any time by continuing to the white truck, or you can stay there and continue slaughtering zombies. In the end, however, you will still have to go to the white truck and go out onto the street. Once on the street, pull out your blaster and unleash all hell! Kill the flying zombies. Then you will see a helicopter, shoot it until it is destroyed. Continue towards the fence and cross it. A classmate will be in trouble in the garage, so kill all the zombies around him and he will walk in the middle of the street. Back on the street, there will be TNT-shrouded zombies, one of them with a crazed health bar. Take them away from the survivor and then kill them all. The survivor will get on a truck and there will be a lot of gold medals. Follow a path with a gold medal that will appear back to the garage area where you saved it and you will also find a note from Nick next to a door. Grab it and then press X to open the door. In the next area, move behind the fenced area and kill all the crawlers. Grab the lollipop in the corner and go through the fence. Cross it and follow Juliet's older sister. Kill all the zombies in the area and wait for the timer to appear. When the timer runs out, you still won't be off the hook. Juliet's sister will be in position with the sniper rifle, you still need to clear the area of all zombies. When you see the orange arrow pointing at the obstacle, you will have to walk through it to continue. The next area will consist of killing as many zombies as possible, with Juliet's sister helping out. That's all there is to it, and when they are all dead, it will be possible to walk to the bus door to continue to a loading screen and the next part of this level. Use the Chop Shop and then continue to the two pipes that are blocking the way. Use the chainsaw to cut them both while Juliet's older sister gives her the bad news that she is out of ammo. Continue to the next area, where Rosalind is madly at the controls of a wrecking ball. Avoid the wrecking ball while you kill all the zombies. When all the zombies are dead, Rosalind will open a hole in the wall, allowing you to access the next area. Jump down and kill all the zombies, then a rainbow ramp will appear. Use Chainsaw Dash on the ramp. When you land, you will see Rosalind's car being attacked by multiple zombies. Take them all out with the blaster and then shoot all the flying zombies. When you have all taken care of, Rosalind will open another hole in the wall with her wrecking ball that allows you to continue. Get the gold medals and use the Chop Shop. Get on the elevator when you are ready to proceed. This elevator has a weight limit, so make sure there aren't too many zombies. Utilize the power of your Star Soul wherever possible so you can reduce the hordes quickly. The elevator cables will start snapping towards the end of this segment, so be sure to kill enemies quickly. The cables will all be broken on one side, but Juliet will be able to hook up and climb to the top again successfully with Nick. At the top, take out the flying zombies. Then go to the lower level and clear the area of all zombies, including fat construction workers zombies. Continue to the next room where you will find a cart to drive down and you can kill a bunch of zombies instantly. Continue to the next room where you can see many zombies with boxes that activate all the other zombies. From your position, kill as many as possible with the blaster, then jump down and finish the job. Cut the green shutter to continue. Make your way through the cop zombies and bomber zombies and then down into the next room. Bomber zombies will continually appear from the large hole in the ground. It is necessary to cut each of the four posts that support the crates above the hole. Each time you take down a pole, more zombie bombers will show up. Once you knock down one pole, let it explode, then move on to the next pole and keep doing this until the hole is closed and the area is clean. Then cut through the nearby fence and enter the next room. There's a survivor in here, but also a ton of explosive barrels, zombie bombers, fire-breathing zombie firefighters, and regular zombies. It's tough here, but try to lure the bomber zombies away from everyone else. Only then worry about getting the other zombies out. The survivor will try to get out of the door which is blocked by the fire, so you are now free to shoot the explosive barrels and kill the zombies. After all the zombies are dead, shoot the blue barrel near the fire to put it out. Then proceed into the next room to find a bunch of zombies crawling on the ground. Quickly kill them before they get up and create a path for the survivor. Follow him and he will give you his gold medals. Run to the cathedral doors and press the X button to kick them. In the next room, you will find a lot of zombies. Kill them all and then watch the cut-scene.
Boss - Lewis
Lewis begins the fight on a flaming motorcycle. He wants to escape the area so he can't attack, then come back and do stunts to try and hit you. When he's doing these rounds it's actually the perfect opportunity to hit him with the chainsaw. There are zombies appearing here too, but don't worry about them, just focus on Lewis. When his health bar is down, run over and slice him as usual. His bike will be destroyed, but then he will transform into a giant and mammoth mech. You fight the mech basically by doing only hits and dodges. Lewis may be the coolest boss, but there's no real strategy aside from dodging a few times and hitting him as soon as you can. Use the chainsaw on him when prompted. Then some of his health will return, continue with the chainsaw. The mech will be destroyed, but then it will transform into a mighty cannon of destruction. It's really impressive, it shoots rockets and all sorts of stuff, but the strategy remains the same. Hit Lewis with the chainsaw when his health is depleted. His health bar will regenerate completely again, but just hit him again with the chainsaw. Once again, his health bar will regenerate, but hit him with the chainsaw to end the fight.
Stage 6 - WTF?!
Killabilly will throw aute at you. Hit the cars in the air by pressing the Y key to create a car bridge to cross the gap. When you have done this with three cars, use the Chainsaw Dash to make the jump. Then slaughter all the zombies on the other side and continue to the next gap. Repeat this, only now you have to hit four cars instead of three. Keep hitting the blue canisters which will keep the chainsaw away from overheating and also be sure to hit the rainbow ramp and follow the gold medal paths. Continue with the Chainsaw Dash, but as soon as Killabilly is close to you, a building will start to collapse. Turn left when possible to avoid being crushed by the building. Kill all the zombies in this sector. If you shoot the explosive red barrel, it will yield a collectible lollipop. When all the enemies are dead, blaster blaster the rubble blocking the path. Use the Chop Shop and then move on. After a short loading screen, you will be back on a street in front of Killabilly. It will start firing a giant eyed blue laser that does a lot of damage. To avoid getting hit by the laser, use the rubble as cover as you move closer to him. When the blue containers appear, start using Chainsaw Dash to gain speed and get closer and closer, avoiding the red explosive barrels along the way. You will be stopped by an overturned semi. Kill 10 zombies, and then Killabilly will destroy the overhead. Then continue with the Chainsaw Dash. If you take the right side of the area, you will come across a Chop Shop in case you need supplies of lollipops or something else. If not, keep moving towards Killabilly.
Boss - Killabilly
Killabilly will grab Juliet and crush her with one of his hands. It will be possible to move when her hand is close to her face by tilting the left analog stick to the left or right, this will give Juliet the ability to use the chainsaw on Killabilly's hand. If you don't have blaster bullets, push your hand as far to the left as possible so that the flying enemies will appear. Kill them to get ammo. Avoid the red enemies that Killabilly shoots from his mouth. What you need to do with the Blaster is shoot Killabilly's sunglasses. Shoot each lens and it will knock them off his face. This will leave his eyes wide open for multiple attacks. If he tries to catch you with his other hand, be sure to press B during the QTE. At this point he will cover his eyes, just shoot him on the back of his hand so that he can move. After his health bar goes down, QTE and then Killabilly will launch himself onto a roof. Go to the edge of the roof and focus your energies on attacking Killabilly's hands. It's possible to cut his nails, as they can hit you even if he doesn't have his hands on the roof. While you are attacking his hands, there will be small trucks driving around and trying to hit you, as well as zombies that he will throw from the roof. Try to avoid these enemies, but sometimes the game will have you all killed before Killabilly can attack you again. When her health bar is exhausted once again, she will try to crush Juliet. This results in a QTE which sees Juliet cutting all of her fingers on one of her hands. Run the rest of the QTE to view a cut-scene. Glide through Killabilly's bowels. As you move into the lower corridor, you will have to perform some challenging QTEs. So be sure to press the flashing buttons on the screen before the bar completely fills the letter. The rest of the game is nothing more than a series of impressive endgame cut-scenes. Good vision!
Click here to see the entire video solution of the game!

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Exit date: June 15 2012