Can you really see who unfollowed you on Instagram? Yes, there is a way! You'll need to use an app to find out.
Every Instagram influencer wants more likes and more followers. But it's just as important to keep your current followers. Which may have left you wondering, "Who hasn't followed me on Instagram?" So how can you see who unfollowed you on the platform?
Instagram doesn't offer any official way to check your unfollows. So while you can see the follower count on your profile go down, you won't know who stopped following you on Instagram.
However, there are some third-party apps to see who doesn't follow you on Instagram. These serve as Instagram trackers for followers and unfollowers, giving you a quick glimpse into who thinks your posts are no longer worth seeing.
The problem with third-party Instagram apps
While these apps are the easiest way to know who hasn't followed you on Instagram, they come with a number of problems. The Instagram API severely limits what unofficial developers can do.
For example, with all these apps, you will only see data from the moment you download the app for the first time. From the moment you set it up, it tracks all changes to your accounts. But if you lost followers before installing the app, you won't see any. So, before you can see who unfollowed you on Instagram, you'll need to buy some patience.
These apps are also not authorized by Instagram, which means your account security may be at risk. You leave yourself exposed to data breaches, the app is sold to someone with bad intentions and other similar risks.
Also, these apps may stop working at any time as Instagram has a history of changes to its API or rules without any prior notice. In the past, many good third-party apps have broken down due to Instagram's changing rules, including Unfollowgram, which used to be one of the best apps for not following Instagram.
As long as you know about these potential flaws and risks, you can keep using these apps to find out who hasn't followed you on Instagram.
We tried a variety of apps to find out who didn't follow us, and FollowMeter is our favorite. The installation process is simple, the interface is simple, and the Unfollower feature is completely free, with no loopholes. Better yet, FollowMeter is available on Android and iOS. Again, it will only work from the config point onwards, so you can't find out about old unfollowers.
To see who unfollowed you on Instagram, log in using your account to access the dashboard. The dashboard shows who doesn't follow you, new followers, accounts you follow who don't follow you, and accounts that follow you but don't follow them. Tap the Unfollowers tab to get a full list of people who haven't followed you on Instagram.
The Unfollower list shows individual accounts, along with whether or not you follow them. Tapping an account will open it on Instagram, where you can unfollow them.
FollowMeter has premium features to find ghost followers (aka inactive users and lurkers), top admirers, and more. These require a subscription, but the free version does not limit the Unfollower feature in any way.
Download: FollowMeter per |
More apps to find out who unfollows you on Instagram
In addition to Followmeter, we have tested some other free apps for not following Instagram. Here is a short list of the ones that have worked well. While you can try any of them, we recommend sticking with FollowMeter as it is more likely to keep up with any changes to Instagram's API and rules.
- Followers and Unfollowers for (free)
- Followers Tracker Pro per (gratuito)
- Track followers for Instagram for (free)
How to unfollow your Unfollowers
The "following back" is important for some social media users. So now that you know which people haven't followed you on Instagram, you may want to return the favor. Whenever you get a notification, you can unfollow that account as well.
But what about those who have already done so, before you installed the app? You can also use FollowMeter to find out who is not following you and stop following them.
To do it:
- Log in to FollowMeter with your Instagram account.
- On the home page, tap Unfollower .
- Go through the selection and tap on any account you want to unfollow.
The changes are immediately reflected in your Instagram account.
How to stop losing Instagram followers
"Following back" is just one of the reasons why someone may have unfollowed you on Instagram. If this doesn't seem to be the cause and you're wondering why you're losing Instagram followers, here are some other possible reasons.
You have purchased followers
Have you purchased the services of someone who promised to get you thousands or millions of followers for a few dollars? Instagram disapproves of such manipulation, which usually involves a bunch of fake bots and accounts.
Instagram regularly deletes such accounts and so this could be a reason why your follower count has decreased. Don't rely on these services, they are a waste of money and affect credibility.
You have been banished into the shadows
Trying to play with the Instagram ecosystem can lead to a "shadow ban" of your account. This means that while the app works normally for you, Instagram deliberately hides your posts or puts them at the lowest priority. A shadow ban could make your account and hard work useless.
Instagram will ban accounts that attempt to manipulate the system by buying followers or using third-party cheats. You will find apps and services that automatically like and comment on your posts or increase engagement in fake ways. Avoid them at all costs.
You can check if you have been shadow banned by asking your friend to unfollow you and then search for one of the hashtags you added under your post. If your post is found in the hashtag, your account is safe.
You are posting too often or too infrequently
If you post too often, followers will get tired of your photos spamming in their timeline. This is especially true of sponsored posts and brand engagements. On the other hand, if you post too infrequently, followers will think it's not worth signing up for.
It's a difficult balance to maintain, but there's no golden rule or recommended number to stick to. It is something you will need to understand with your followers.
The new mantra among social media experts is that consistency beats frequency: eg. find a post schedule that you can consistently maintain.
You're making basic mistakes on Instagram
These three are the main reasons for losing followers, but there are many other factors that can cause people to stop following you. For instance:
- Posting topics irrelevant to your brand.
- Publication on controversial topics that divide people's opinions.
- Don't interact with commenters on posts.
- Post without the right hashtags or with poor captions.
- Post poor photos and don't edit them well.