Whether you have just grabbed a new smartphone, or have been in the company of your device for a long time, it is always the right time to enrich your collection of uses.
Here is our now usual appointment with 5 best apps of the week which, in our opinion, you will immediately run to install on your smartphones!

In reminding you that this article continues what we could now define a real series on our pages, I therefore also invite you to go and retrieve the top 5 app of the past appointment, so as not to miss some gems that we have carefully reported for you over the past few weeks.
Planet Series B
Who said that the passion for football must be limited to top-level competitions? This week we try to whet your attention with this application, with a fairly explanatory title, which aims to become the new reference point for all the news and rumors about the cadet football championship.
So, whether your favorite team plays in the second national football championship, or if you want to closely follow the development of some future young star of our local football, you absolutely must not miss this new app.
The app is completely free, includes advertisements but does not feature any in-app purchases.
- Download Pianeta Serie B from the Google Play Store

We know well the period in which we live, now made up of limitations to travel and trips outside our territory that seem only a distant memory. However, if we want, thanks to technology, we can try to escape a little from the current restrictions, while remaining comfortably seated on our sofa at home.
The second proposal this week is in fact an application that will allow us to monitor the naval traffic of the various ports around the world. With MarineTraffic you will have at your disposal a suite of services that will range from checking the positions of the various maritime vehicles, up to the analysis of the weather and sea conditions of the various routes.
Waiting to be able to return to travel in the first person, a nice pastime that could also be useful for those who work in the maritime sector.
The app is completely free, does not include advertisements but has in-app purchases.
- Download MarineTraffic from the Google Play Store

SaveTok Guide
If you too have let yourself be carried away by the shock wave represented by the new Social TikTok and you have come out with broken bones after the first few hours of use, this application could be for you.
In fact, we know well how the most popular social platform of the moment, especially as regards the younger age groups, may need several hours of learning, especially for those users accustomed to traditional social networks such as Facebook and Instagram.
Through SaveTok Guide, however, you can put some order in your exploration sessions on TikTok being able, among the various activities allowed by the app, to save the various videos that have most enjoyed you, then being able to share them in what will represent a clearer and well-divided graphics.
The app is completely free, includes advertisements but does not feature any in-app purchases.
- Download SaveTok Guide from the Google Play Store

Jamendo Download Mp3 Music
Returning to the subject of travel restrictions mentioned in the story of the second app of this article, many of you may have faced these months of lockdown trying to open up new paths made of personal projects. If perhaps among these include the creation of videos or digital content in general, this fourth application could be for you.
Thanks to Jamendo you will in fact have access to a library of songs in mp3 format that will allow you to find the right soundtrack to insert into your movies and your clips.
The graphics are perhaps not the most captivating or modern present in the Play Store, but the developers are constantly working to make improvements, both aesthetic and functional, based on user feedback.
The app is completely free, includes advertisements but does not feature any in-app purchases.
- Download Jamendo Download MP3 Music from the Google Play Store

Sago Mini School
We close this week's appointment with a title that could be appreciated by many of you, especially the older ones who may have to deal with their children's DAD. In fact, if you want to help your children in learning English in a creative and fun way, stimulating the mind of your children, this app can be for you.
Made in a deliberately playful and cartoon design, Sago Mini School is an application resulting from a collaboration of developers and teams of experts in learning techniques for children, in order to represent the best possible educational proposal, in an era in which tablets and smartphones can become more than just social network aggregators.
If you want to spend a few stimulating hours rediscovering the English language in the company of your family, you shouldn't miss it.
The app is completely free, does not include advertisements but has in-app purchases.
- Download Sago Mini School from the Google Play Store

A low cost Android tablet capable of becoming both a multimedia hub and a tool for your children's distance learning? Do not miss this proposal, available right now at a discount on Amazon.it!