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Soul Calibur V - Cheats

PlayStation 3 UnlockableThe Master Reach level 25 Algol Fear Defeat him in Arcade mode or "Legendary Souls" mode Alpha Patroklos Complete Story ModeArcade Path: "Extra" Reach level 17 Devil Jin Style Reach level 5Edge Master Complete Story ModeElysium […]


Pokémon GO Guides - How to find and defeat Giovanni

You have defeated several GO Rocket recruits, and found the hideout of the three Leaders Sierra, Cliff and Arlo. With some effort, their plans were thwarted, and the Shadow Pokémon in their pay saved and purified. Congratulations! But the GO Rocket team […]


Hero Core - Cheats

PC UnlockableBoss Rush, Hero Forever, Music ed Annihilation Complete the game on Normal or Hard difficulty HP Scanner Complete Annihilation ModeMap Complete the game on Normal, Hard or Annihilation to unlock the map for that game mode […]


Neon Abyss: how to defeat Ares and Athena

The latest bosses of Neon Abyss are quite elusive and you may not be able to find them, here's how to reach and defeat Ares and AthenaNeon Abyss sets the player to defeat 5 different story bosses to complete the game. For the last two, however, it is not enough […]


WhatsApp vs. WhatsApp Business: What's the Difference?

WhatsApp has gained a lot of popularity over the years since it was launched in 2009. With billions of active users globally, it is one of the most popular apps in the world.The regular version of WhatsApp is a useful tool for communicating with friends and family. […]


Who viewed messages in Whatsapp groups: how to know

Who views messages in Whatsapp groups : how to know. If you are interested in knowing who has viewed a message in a group or not, here's the way to find out.Thanks to this guide you will be able to know who of the whatsapp group to which you sent the message has […]


Monster Hunter Rise, introductory guide to weapons: spear

In this episode of the Monster Hunter Rise weapons guide we will talk to you from the spear, the perfect choice for those looking for maximum defenseWith the release of Monster Hunter: World, the popularity of historic branded hunting games Capcom it has increased […]